Here are actual game posts for three characters from the game.
Note how each one has a different perspective on the scene:

Character 1: Jaerl the Half-orc Character 2: El'Wynn the Elven Cleric: Character 3: Tyrus the Elven Ranger of the Gnarley Forest
Move 7 (20031115):

It is 8:14:00 pm on the night of Godsday, the 4th of Reaping (High Summer).

The elf chick appears at your side and says in a voice that somehow makes you think of cats, “There’s no problem with Unus, here, Mr. Big and Tall. And of course Ned is completely honest; just look at him.” She flashes you a huge smile and flutters her eyelashes a bit. She then turns to Unus and says, “Oh dear, Unus, that looks serious. You had better get him some help immediately.” And then she turns to Ned and asked him, “Are you feeling alright? Any tingling or numbness yet?"

Ned looks down at the blood seeping from his hand and seems to grow paler. In a slightly quavery voice he says, “Well, now that you mention it, I am feeling just a bit numb.”

The female elf turns back to you and says, “You see my large friend, there's no problem, your money is on the table. By the way, you are a wonderful pins player. I hope we can play sometime, I've never tried it, but it looks most enjoyable. What excitement! a game where you can stab yourself! It’s so... masculine! You must be very brave! You must show me the game some time.”

You cast a bleary eye to the gold back at your table. “Well, waddiya know 'bout dat," you slur under your breath. "Sorry 'bout dat Guv'nors, mush be da hicups!" you yell while waving at the guards. You give the female elf a bleary look before you turn back to the bar and motion to the halfling, " Come on Sly, der's fun hap'nin' here- lesh get a good sheet."

As you look toward Sly the halfling, you see the male elf rush over to the man in blue velvet, saying, “Chryslor, my good friend! How have you been, its been quite a while since I saw you last.” The male elf leans in toward the man in blue velvet, and that man suddenly looks over at you. Apparently the look of you makes him lose his composure for a moment. “Uh, yes, well…” he seems somewhat at a loss for words. “Well, you still need a bath!” he says to the man in chainmail, then turns to the innkeeper and demands, another white wine, if you please!”

The man in chainmail snorts in Chryslor’s direction and receives the dark ale that the innkeeper has just poured for him. He leans back against the bar and looks directly at Table 3. “Barkeep!” he says loudly. “What exactly is the penalty for stealing in this bar?” The two men at Table 3 sit up straight and watch this with interest.

You make your way back to the table to retrieve the 5 gold pieces lying there. You take a good hard look at the cloaked man at Table 1 as you go. When you arrive at the table, the halfling Sly joins you. Jaerl licks up whats left of Neds' blood from the table and asks Sly, "So, wot you do? Paint ceilings an such?"

Unus and Ned leave the bar.
Move 7 (20031115):

It is 8:14:00 pm on the night of Godsday, the 4th of Reaping (High Summer).

Peastix gives you a pleased smile at your introduction, and you give him a quick look, saying, “My charms are too many to list,” while fingering the holy symbol of your Deity, Olidammara, you wear about your neck, depicting a black and white mask that seems to be laughing and angry at the same time. You then excuse yourself and rush over to Unus' side. You sidle up beside the massive half-orc and purr at him, “There’s no problem with Unus, here, Mr. Big and Tall. And of course Ned is completely honest; just look at him.” You flash the half-orc a huge beguiling smile and flutter your eyelashes a bit. You then turn to Unus and say, “Oh dear Unus, that looks serious. You had better get him some help immediately.” And then you turn to Ned and ask him, “Are you feeling alright? Any tingling or numbness yet?"

Ned looks down at the blood seeping from his hand and seems to grow paler. His voice quavers as he answers, “Well, now that you mention it, I am feeling just a bit numb.”

You turn back to the half-orc and say, “You see my large friend, there's no problem, your money is on the table. By the way, you are a wonderful pins player. I hope we can play sometime, I've never tried it, but it looks most enjoyable. What excitement! a game where you can stab yourself! It’s so... masculine! You must be very brave! You must show me the game some time.”

You are purposefully keeping your hands off your rapier, all the while you have a hand on a dagger inside your cloak in case it gets yucky and you intend to attack the orc either by dagger or spell should he hit Unus again. That does not look likely.

The half orc glances at the gold on the table. “Well, waddiya know 'bout dat," he slurs under his breath. "Sorry 'bout dat Guv'nors, mush be da hicups!" he yells while waving at the guards. He gives you a bleary look before he turns back to the bar and motions to the halfling, "Come on Sly, der's fun hap'nin' here- lesh get a good sheet."

Back at the bar, Tyrus is walking over to the man in blue velvet saying, “Chryslor, my good friend! How have you been, its been quite a while since I saw you last.”

The man in blue velvet just stares at Tyrus and then opens his mouth to speak. Just then Tyrus leans in and whispers something in the man's ear.

The man in blue velvet looks over at the half-orc, who is moving toward Table 8 now. The halfling from the bar is joining him. “Uh, yes, well…” he seems somewhat at a loss for words. “Well, you still need a bath!” he says to the man in chainmail, then turns to Kimm and demands, another white wine, if you please!”

The man in chainmail snorts in the man in blue velvet's direction and receives the dark ale that Kimm has just poured for him. He leans back against the bar and looks directly at Table 3. “Barkeep!” he says loudly over his shoulder, while not taking his eyes from the two men in leather. “What exactly is the penalty for stealing in this bar?” The two men at Table 3 sit up straight and watch this with interest.

The half-orc makes his way back to the table to retrieve the 5 gold pieces lying there. You note him glance over to Table 1 for a moment as he goes. When he arrives at the table, the halfling joins him. The half-orc licks up whats left of Neds' blood from the table and asks the halfling, "So, wot you do? Paint ceilings an such?"

You note that the cloaked figure is watching both the scene at the bar and the exchange with the half-orc. He has put his beer down on the table and his hands are underneath the table. The other man leans over and says something to the cloaked figure. The man then gets up and moves to Table 3.

Anorela the waitress goes back to getting the guards a round of drinks.

Unus says quietly to you, “Thanks, love.” Unus and Ned leave the bar.
Move 7 (20031115):

It is 8:14:00 pm on the night of Godsday, the 4th of Reaping (High Summer).

Peastix gives El’Wynn a pleased smile at their introduction, and she gives him a quick look and says, “My charms are too many to list,” while fingering the pendant she wears about her neck of a black and white mask that seems to be laughing and angry at the same time. She then excuses herself and rushes over to the blonde man’s side. She sidles up beside the massive half-orc and purrs something in his ear. She flashes the half-orc a huge beguiling smile and flutters her eyelashes a bit. She then turns to the blond man and says, “Oh dear, Unus, that looks serious. You had better get him some help immediately.” And then she turns to the man in leather and asks him, “Are you feeling alright? Any tingling or numbness yet?"

The man in leather looks down at the blood seeping from his hand and seems to grow paler. “Well, now that you mention it, I am feeling just a bit numb.”

El'Wynn turns back to the half-orc and says, “You see my large friend, there's no problem, your money is on the table. By the way, you are a wonderful pins player. I hope we can play sometime, I've never tried it, but it looks most enjoyable. What excitement! a game where you can stab yourself! It’s so... masculine! You must be very brave! You must show me the game some time.”

The half orc glances at the gold on the table. He mutters omething under his breath and then suddenly turns up the volume, yelling, "Sorry 'bout dat Guv'nors, mush be da hicups!" he yells while waving at the guards. He gives El'Wynn a bleary look before he turns back to the bar and motions to the halfling, " Come on Sly, der's fun hap'nin' here- lesh get a good sheet."

Peastix watches El’Wynn rush over to the blonde man and the half-orc, and turns to you, “You seem to have an eye for a forest animal yon," circumspectly indicating Table 5.

You smile, “Aye, Lord of course. I am a Ranger dedicated to Ehlonna of the Forests. Now I must leave you for a moment.” You turn and walk over to the man in blue velvet, saying, “Chryslor, my good friend! How have you been, its been quite a while since I saw you last.”
Peastix sighs loud enough for you to hear, "One hour in the city, and a duel already. Civilization is already living up to it's reputation." The man in blue velvet just stares at you and then opens his mouth to speak. Just then you lean in and whisper, “You are making a huge mistake. The man in chain did not bump you on purpose, it was the oafish Half-orc that caused your suit to be ruined.”

The man in blue velvet looks over at the half-orc, who is moving toward Table 8 now. The halfling from the bar is joining him. “Uh, yes, well…” he seems somewhat at a loss for words. “Well, you still need a bath!” he says to the man in chainmail, then turns to the innkeeper and demands, another white wine, if you please!”

The man in chainmail snorts in Chryslor’s direction and receives the dark ale that the innkeeper has just poured for him. He leans back against the bar and looks directly at Table 3. “Barkeep!” he says loudly. “What exactly is the penalty for stealing in this bar?” The two men at Table 3 sit up straight and watch this with interest.

The half-orc makes his way back to the table to retrieve the 5 gold pieces lying there. He takes a good hard look at the cloaked man at Table 1 as he goes. When he arrives at the table, the halfling joins him. The half-orc licks up whats left of the blood from the table and asks the halfling, "So, wot you do? Paint ceilings an such?"

The blonde man says something quietly to El’Wynn. The blonde man and the man in leather leave the bar.

Note that different characters knew the names of others characters and NPCs, and the distance away from conversations dictated what was heard and what was not. Listen rolls were made if overhearing was not easily determined. Players who indicate their interests for a Move ("I study the man at Table 4") will get a lot of detail about the man at Table 4, but will note less of the other things happening around them.

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