CY578 Month of Flocktime CY578

1st Flocktime
Allan leaves the party and travels North. He is tired of the Evil which seems to hang over the party since Captain Koole and Shzzt joined it. Leif follows Allan as an invisible bird and then kills his ex-henchman. He buries the body North of Nellix but South of the Inn of the Halfway Mile.

2nd Flocktime
Bart, Loreen and Scrote arrive in Castle Greyhawk. Olidammara, disguised as Bart Simpson the Rake, accompanies Loreen from the Gamboge Forest. The reason is to find a potion to cure poor Grammps from his affliction of Dippsy Doodle Itis which will kill him within the year. In reality, Olidammara wants to set up Loreen with a thief named Scrote for purposes of his own, which we will not pretend to fathom.

Scrote is a member of the Thieve's Guild of Irongate (in the Iron Hills, territory of Onnwal). He was totally ripped off of his share from his first job and he tried to steal from the guild to make up for this problem. He failed, and the entire Thieve's Guild of Irongate was alerted to Scrote's new change in status, to that of walking corpse. Scrote's only apparent means for escaping the wrath of the entire guild was to stowaway on a ship bound for Safeton. This happened to be (?) the boat upon which Loreen and Bart were travelling. The three odd travelling companions joined forces and travelled by caravan to Castle Greyhawk, where Bart assured the young Half_Wood_Elf that some adventurers could be found to help her find the potion to save her Grammps.

3rd Flocktime
Quartz meets Scrote. Scrote joins the Tieve's Guild of Castle Greyhawk. Knopfler falls into disfavor with same Guild. Loreen meets the Herzog and is so bored with the accounts of the deeds of the Herzog's ancestors and the many court intrigues advanced by Bart, that she is violently ill.
9 months on the island of Raq. The party has the way to live on this island down pat, but they crave adventure.

4th Flocktime
Bart sends Loreen to the Mage's Tower to talk to Trucan and Ybenso. They tell her that Grammps is afflicted with Dippsy Doodle itis. They tell her they will give her a spell if she helps them out. They give her LIGHT FOOTSTEPS. Knopfler leaves the Castle, bound for Narwell.

7th Flocktime
Party arrives at Phaedrus' mother's house. Phaedrus' mom is happy to see Phaedrus but berates Captain Koole for doing drugs in her house. She also wonders why Phaedrus isn't married yet, especially when travelling in the company of such a "pretty, young girl" as Kay.

8th Flocktime
Overland trek through the Cairn Hills. Good name, but no encounters save for a gnome who asks them if they are after his gems. The party replies that they are not, so the gnome says its OK for them to travel through the territory of the Gnomes. It takes six days to reach Greyhawk City.

12th Flocktime
Knopfler arrives in Narwell, after fleeing Praingram and the other thieves of Castle Greyhawk.

14th Flocktime
The party departs Greyhawk City for Castle Greyhawk.

15th Flocktime
Party arrives in Castle greyhawk. They sit around for 12 days while the magic_users in the party copy spells and do research, etc.

19th Flocktime
Knopfler joins Narwell's thieves guild. Guildmaster does not trust him.

27th Flocktime
Things are finally squared away for party, and they set out with the clerics of Istus to the Temple of Ehlonna.

28th Flocktime
Knopfler does not claim full amount on his second job. The guildmaster discovers the cheating and is not impressed. He does not let Knopfler know that he is aware of the transgression.

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