CY581 Month of Reaping

1st Reaping - Starday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

2nd Reaping - Sunday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

3rd Reaping - Moonday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

4th Reaping - Godsday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

5th Reaping - Waterday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

6th Reaping - Earthday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

7th Reaping - Freeday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

8th Reaping - Starday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

9th Reaping - Sunday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

10th Reaping - Moonday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

11th Reaping - Godsday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

12th Reaping - Waterday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

13th Reaping - Earthday

Shzzt and Lief flying to Greyhawk City.

14th Reaping - Freeday

Shzzt and Lief arrive back in Greyhawk City to do a restoration on Lief. They go to the Gnarley Forest. The Druids there cannot help. They return to Greyhawk City and try to negotiate a restoration. Lief realizes that because they flew home and took their time, it is now too late for a restoration to help him. He resolves himself to accepting the lost life.

15th Reaping - Starday

Shzzt and Lief head out for the Gnarley to do some "hunting" for critters. Lief does invisible high cover while Shzzt stays on the ground and acts like a big turkey (some might say this is not a big stretch). To enhance the effect, Shzzt has even polymorphed into a big turkey. Two Bulettes that have recently moved into the area take the bait and attack. Shzzt is badly injured but manages to get away and down a potion of extra-healing. Lief moves in to help and the bulettes are killed. The adventurers find the remains of a wood-cutter's cabin and his family. They go about 10 miles to the west to try the turkey-bait again.
This time 12 Merrow (Underwater Ogres) take the bait. They seem like easy prey to Lief and Shzzt, but they are being controlled by an Aboleth. There is a battle, and Shzzt is taken over by the Aboleth. A quick-thinking Lief saves Shzzt by casting dispel magic on his form as he walks underwater to join the big fish down there (the Aboleth).

16th Reaping - Sunday

After the return of Chamdar from the horrors of Baator and the other oddity-filled Outer Planes, Omni the Aasimar finds himself in a strange and yet rustic land. Magic abounds, but the locals don't seem to have any idea how to harness it. Chamdar introduces the Aasimar to (of all things) a Drow Elf by the name of Shzzt who the human seems to consider a friend. There is also a human named Leif who is more aloof and uncaring than anyone Omni has ever met. He is most elf-like in his attitude toward others.
Chamdar (now known in some circles as Chamdette) and Omni are anxious to rid themselves of the awful curses they acquired in the Tower of Dis (where they had a face to face encounter with Dispater himself, and left some very personal artifacts in the Arch-Devil's possession). Chamdar was now spending his waking moments as a female, and Omni weighed in at 3 or more times his previous weight. In between cravings for more and more food in copious quantities Omni was on the lookout for a way back to his old weight. Chamdette had indicated that the Prime was the place to find this cure, and he had come along, partly out of curiosity's sake as well.
The first night back in the Wizard's Hat was a bad one for Chamdette. Despite the homely sight he made as a female, a thief broke into his room late at night and raped her/him in his/her sleep. Chamdar woke up as the act was being committed, and immediately called his armor out of the Ethereal Plane. The armor closed around her/him, trapping the poor thief's manhood inside and removing the tenuous hold it had on the thief's body. Screaming to wake up the dead (or at least the rest of the Wizard's Hat patrons) the thief fell to the floor, clutching at the place where once existed his driving force. Chamdar quickly put the thief out of his misery, although it was not his intention to be merciful. Dwaven Mae helped the poor girl/guy get a good bath and get freshened up. To top off all the other problems, Chamdette awoke the next day having her first period.

17th Reaping - Moonday

Chamdette and Omni find out good news while they are getting items identified at the Mage Guild in Greyhawk: The curses they are under are minor and a simple remove curse spell should undo them. It is suggested they get rid of the swords which caused the curses first. Omni also finds out the ring he found on the skeletal hand in Baator is a ring of animal friendship.
Meanwhile, Shzzt accesses his "information network" and determines that a family of blue dragons has moved in to the Cairn Hills, and a party sent out to take care of them did not return.

18th Reaping - Godsday

. Chamdar goes out of town and destroys the swords with spells. Leif then does a remove curse on Omni and Chamdar to rid them of their curses. They are reverted to normal and seem as if they will likely stay thusly. There is then a visit to the Mercenaries Guild and some sparring with Jacques LeStrap and Mirth Goodpipe the Halfling. Omni is made a member.

19th Reaping - Waterday

Omni buys a horse. He has a good sense for what is valuable in a horse.
Party heads north to discover the whereabouts of the dragon. They find themselves in front of the bridge that leads to the ruins of Castle Greyhawk. Having no desire to deal with greedy elves, faerie dragons and leprechauns, they go west then north, but find their way blocked by the ravine. They eventually go about east, and finally leave the forested area of the Cairn Hills and travel North for a bit. Omni uses a charge from his animal friendship ring on his horse, but any effect is not noticeable. Later on a porcupine comes up and travels with him, and a sparrow alights on his shoulder for awhile, just sitting there as the party travels.

20th Reaping - Earthday

Party heads out into the Cairn Hills. They travel a bit, not really having any idea where they are going. They make camp for the night again. That night something very large and scary flies over the camp, and the party concludes that it must be one of the dragons. It was headed north, and the party's plan is to head that way the following day.

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