Personal Information
Name: X'Ylo A'Dnar Player: Darryl
Race: Elf, K'Needian Gender: Male Height: 5'0" Age: 95
Classes: Fighter/Cleric/Mage Levels: 1/2/1 Weight: 107 lbs
XP: 1,575/1,843/1,472 Alignment: Neutral Good
Next Level: 2,000/3,000/2,500 Kit: None
Ability Scores
Str: 11 Stamina: 12 Weight Allowance: 45 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 2%
Muscle: 10 Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0 Max. Press: 115 lbs Open Doors: 6
Dex: 14 Aim: 12 Missile Adjustment: +0 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +0%
Balance: 16 Reaction Adjustment: +1 Armor Class: -2 Move Silently: +0% Climb Walls: +0%
Con: 13 Health: 11 System Shock: 75% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 15 Hit Point Adjustment: +1 Resurrection Chance: 94%
Int: 15 Reason: 13 Max. Spell Level: 6th Max. Spells Per Level: 9 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 17 Bonus Proficiencies: 6 Chance to Learn New Spell: 75%
Wis: 13 Intuition: 15 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 11 Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 8 Leadership: 8 Loyalty Base: -1 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 3
Appearance: 8 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Racial Abilities
K'Needian: Cold Resistance - +1 bonus on saving throws vs. cold- and ice- based attacks, as the elf's body is less susceptible to extreme temperatures.
K'Needian: Heat Vulnerability - -1 penalty on saving throws vs. heat- and fire-based attacks, as the elf's body (and skin) are more susceptible to extreme temperatures.
K'Needian: Infravision - 60' infravision range.
K'Needian: Less Sleep - The elf requires only four hours worth of sleep to be rested. This is especially valuable to spell-casters.
K'Needian: Spell Abilities - Once a day the elf can cast faerie fire, dancing lights, and mist cloud as a priest or wizard of the same level. When the character reaches 4th level, he can add levitate, detect magic, and know alignment.
K'Needian: Stealth - When the elf is alone and is not wearing metal armor, he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. The opponent suffers a -4 penalty, a -2 if the elf has to open a door.

Class Abilities
    Defense bonus - +2 AC bonus if unarmored and unencumbered.
    Increased movement - Base movement is 15.
    Magic resistance - 2% magic resistance per level.
    Clerical weapons only - May only use bludgeoning weapons.
    Expert healer - Grants one extra cure light wounds spell per day.
    Resist energy drain - +1 bonus to saves vs. enegry draining attacks.
    Spell duration increase - Spell duration of non-instantaneous spells increases by 1 round for every two levels of the cleric.
    Turn undead - Allows the cleric to turn undead.
    Minor Spheres of Magic - Thought, Wards
    Major Spheres of Magic - All, Astral, Charm, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Travelers
    Schools of Magic - Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion/Phantasm, Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy

THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size Short Medium Long
Javelin 20 20 1 4 1d6 1d6 P M 3 6 9
Sword, short 20 1 3 1d6 1d8 P S
Short bow 20 2 7 P M
Short bow, flight arrow 1d6 1d6 P S 10 20 30
Hit Points: 8
Base THAC0: 20
Melee THAC0: 20
Missile THAC0: 20
Natural armor class 10
Balance Defensive adj. -2
Fighter, Defense bonus -2
Weapon Proficiencies
Short bow
Fighting Style:
One-handed Weapon (+2)
Two Weapon (+2)
Thrown Weapon/Sling
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Blind Fighting 9
Heal 8
Herbalism 10
Reading/Writing 12
Native Languages
Common, Elf - K'Needian Dialect
Ambidexterity - reduces two weapon fighting penalty by 2.

Cleric Spells Granted
Spell Time Range Area of Effect Components
1st Level
Analyze Balance 1 rd 80 yds 1 creature, object, or 10' sq V, S, M
Anti-Vermin Barrier 1 30 yds 10-ft cube/lvl V, S, M
Astral Celerity 4 0 The caster V, S
Bless 1 rd 60 yds 50-ft cube V, S, M
Blessed Watchfulness 4 Touch Creature touched V, S
Cause Fear 1 10 yds 1 creature/4 lvls V, S, M
Cause Light Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Combine 1 rd Touch Circle of priests V, S
Command 1 30 yds 1 creature V
Cure Light Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Curse 1 rd 60 yds 50-ft cube V, S, M
Detect Evil 1 rd 0 10 ft x 120 yds V, S, M
Detect Good 1 rd 0 10 ft x 120 yds V, S, M
Detect Magic 1 rd 0 10 ft x 30 yds V, S, M
Detect Poison 4 0 Special V, S, M
Detect Snares & Pits 4 0 10 x 40 ft V, S, M
Dispel Fatigue 4 30 yds 1 creature V, S, M
Emotion Read 3 5 yds/lvl 1 creature V, S, M
Endure Cold/Endure Heat 1 rd Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Invisibility to Undead 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Know Direction 1 0 Special V, S, M
Locate Animals or Plants 1 rd 100 yds + 20 yds/lvl 20 yds/lvl x 20 ft V, S, M
Orison 4 10 yds Varies V, S
Protection From Evil 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Protection From Good 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Purify Food & Drink 1 rd 30 yds 1 cubic ft/lvl, in 10 sq ft V, S, M
Putrefy Food and Drink 1 rd 30 yds 1 cubic ft/lvl, in 10 sq ft V, S, M
Remove Fear 1 10 yds 1 creature/4 lvls V, S, M
Ring of Hands/Ring of Woe* 5 0 Special V, S, M
Sacred Guardian 1 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Sanctuary 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Speak With Astral Traveler 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Thought Capture 3 0 10 yds V, S, M
Weighty Chest 1 Touch 5-ft cube V, S, M
Character History
Birthday: 12th Planting

Lay on Hands - 2 points/experience level (10)
Armor Restriction (-15)
Hit Point reduction: d6 (-10)

Hit Point Reduction: d3 (-10)
Talisman -Iron Ring- (-8)
Immune to Dispel Magic 3rd Level (12)
Delayed Divination to 3rd Level (-1)
Delayed Necromancy to 9th Level (-4)
Delayed Illusion to 3rd level (-1)
Auto Spell Acquisition (Pick a spell from Alteration School) (2)
Bonus Spell - Alteration (10)

Otto's Chime 30%
Chill Touch 100% Can't Ever Know
Spider Climb 81%
Spook 32%
Burning Hands 81%
Armor 32%
Charm Person 52%
Identify 12%
Shield 84%

Hit Points: 8 + 1/3

Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules CD-ROM 2.0 on 03/15/01 21:27:29