Trying and Crying


it’s been far too long since I kissed your cheek

my heart is broken and my eyes they seek

your touch is gone with nothing in replace

your smile, your laugh,  a glimpse of your face        


they say I must learn to accept this grief

to understand I am told,  is part of the belief

things I thought forever,  are taken away

can you explain this,  is what I now pray


to think of happier times gone by

is it right that now,  they make me cry

you are happy I see in heavens take

this helps to keep my mind from break


so young, so beautiful,  how do you explain

that you are gone,  and I must remain

when I know this sense,  a visit is mine

the mystery will fade and love is our time


the mind is capable of only so much

again to remember,  I miss your touch

to accept is for,  my heart to give in

being happy again ,  seems such a sin


to think of us in eternal bliss

for that is what I truly miss

I will learn, and listen, and understand

so one day again I can hold your hand