Hauppauge Capture


Configuration information for Capture is accessed by clicking "Hauppauge Capture CapConfig" in the Plugin menu item on the HS menu bar (or 'Hauppauge Capture' for HS version 1.6.57 or newer). Clicking OK will apply the changes made to the configuration settings for all the form tabs. Clicking Cancel will reset configuration to previous settings.

The "Options" frame allows you to set the level of information that is logged to the HS log. There are two debug levels as well as levels for information, warning and errors. Errors will always appear the HS log and cannot be suppressed.


Configuration is controlled by the Hauppauge Capture CapConfig form which contains 4 tabs.  Each tab configures portions of the plugin for your installation.  Before configuring the plugin you need to know the following information from your HomeSeer installation:

After supplying the above information, HS devices that have a device string that contain the MS Identifier string will appear in the Available Security Zones in the Security Zones tab.  Select a device in the Available Security Zones list and clicking Add will create an alarm device in the Active Security Zone list.  The name will be based on the Location and Device Nameof the Available Security Zone device and the word Alarm.  EG: The device named  Motion Sensor for the location  BackYard that is added to the active security zone list would be added as "BackYard Motion Sensor Alarm".  When OK is clicked, a HomeSeer device is created for each the Active Security Zones in the list (if one isn't already created in HS).  This device in HomeSeer can be set to Armed or Disarmed.

Cameras that match the Device Type string will appear in the Available Cameras in the Camera Zone Assignments tab.  To assign a camera to a security zone, select the security zone in the Camera Zone Assignments tab, select the appropriate camera in the Available Cameras and click the Assign button.  That camera will appear in the table beside it's Active Security Zone.

To use the plugin to capture an image when activity or motion is detected in a security zone you have two choices:

  1. If you are using the DooMotion plugin or a script that is executed when motion is detected by a motion sensor, that script should be modified to call the plugin using the MotionDetected function.  See MotionDetected under Plugin Usage for more information.
  2. Create an event that fires when an ON is received by HS for the motion sensor that was used to create the Active Security Device (eg: 'BackYard Motion Sensor Alarm' mentioned above).  This needs to be done for each motion sensor that has an Active Security Zone created for it.

In both cases, the script line you need to use is hs.plugin("Hauppauge capture").MotionDetected("BackYard Motion Sensor") <-- the MotionDetected parameter is the Location and Device Name for the motion sensor used to create the Active Security Zone. For a one-liner script in an event, proceed the line with an &. If the main alarm is Armed and the zone's alarm (BackYard Motion Sensor Alarm used in examples) is Armed, the plugin will snap an image(s) using the camera assigned to the 'Backyard Motion Sensor Alarm' Active Security Zone.

Security Zones
Camera Assignments
WinTV Settings
