Hauppauge Capture

TakePicture(CameraName, ImagesToTake)

 This method can be called with or without the Camera Name and ImagesToTake parameters.  The CameraName parameter uses the HomeSeer convention of ‘Location CameraName’. The filename for the image will be stored in the Capture folder.  If more than 1 image is to be taken in a set, the image is stored using a filename of the “Capture File Name” suffixed with the current date + time + a/b/c etc.  For example the third image shot could have the filename Frame_2002-12-25_18-25-25b.jpg assuming ‘Frame’ is the name assigned for the capture image. The ImagesToTake is also an optional parameter.  When supplied (greater than 0) the plugin will take this many images overriding the configurd number of images to snap.  when omitted or zero, the plugin will snap the configured number of images.


If the ‘Location CameraName’ is passed, Capture will turn off any camera that is on and will turn on the specified camera.  If there is a Pre Capture Script or Event defined, it is called. The image(s) are then snapped and placed into the Capture image folder.  After the images have been taken, the Post Capture Script/Event is executed.


The DeviceString property for the affected cameras are set to “Xcam On” and “Xcam Off” as appropriate.  When image icons (XcamOn.gif and XcamOff.gif) are available in the HomeSeer Images folder, the icon will be displayed on the HomeSeer web page.


If the Camera name is not passed or is “” then the picture is snapped without turning on any cameras or calling the Pre or post Capture Script/Event.  This can be useful when requesting the plugin to capture images from a Web page and you already know that the correct camera is turned on.

