Occasionally I will place pictures of interest on this page

coin headscoin2

There is an interesting story and some fascinating speculation about this coin.

A number of years ago I was exploring with my metal detector around the yard on the farm where I grew up.
This coin was detected at the place where ashes from the coal and wood stoves were dumped. It was covered by nearly a foot of soil. It was (obviously) very dirty and somewhat corroded.  Not surprising, in that it had been in the ground for nearly 100 years!  It had a pin soldered on the obverse (head) side.  The "scars" of the "home made" solder job are still visible.  I had the pin removed and a loop attached to the coin edge, to attach a chain, so it can be worn.
The coin is an 1896 American silver dollar.  The reverse (tails) side has been reworked.  This is apparently not an uncommon thing, particularly in years gone by.  It does not take a whole lot of imagination  to recognize the letters I I W.  I believe these are the initials of my grandmother, Isabelle Irene Wallace.
My speculation is that grandma was cleaning the ashes from one of the several wood/coal burning stoves when this broach which she was wearing fell from her dress into the ashes, unnoticed, and was discarded onto the ash pile.  It was not damaged enough to suggest that it was in the fire at any time.  The pin was of very poor quality, perhaps even "home made" and thus not very securely fastened.  I can not imagine that grandma would have deliberately discarded the broach, even though it was obviously a souvenier of her first marriage to Lewis Wallace, who died in 1901.  The ash pile in this location would not have been started prior to 1915.
The questions that occur to me are;  Why was she wearing this memento of her previous marriage, when she had been married to Charles Cooper for perhaps 10 (or more) years?  and was this a gift to her from Lewis, or had she, or someone else, had it made after Lewis' death?
Anyway, it makes an interesting story.
Does anyone have any other explanation as to how it might have gotten to the place I found it?