Dave Diduck's Red Flags Opinion Site

Welcome to a site devoted to people with strong views!

People have hobbies, some are more expensive than others. One of the least expensive is collecting viewpoints and another is advice.

Most people will give either or usually a combination of both, freely, on any subject, whether invited to or not.

Often, the givers of a viewpoint, feel that intellect should be logical, and respected, - especially their own  and upon hearing an opinion that is contrary to their own upbringing, education and prejudices will see a red flag or hot button that requires their immediate attention and reaction. This web site is devoted to collecting and waving those red flags. I invite your submissions. However, we will not tolerate promotion of racial hatred nor obscenity.

In order to provide a platform from which further discussion can take place, a few rules must be put in place. For example,complaining about government without the complainer and the complainee having a common or basic knowlege of governance may be fun, but hardly useful when it is discovered that each are talking about something else.  Each of the following topics will have an article or editorial  written by a person with first hand knowlege of the subject, and will be expanded as more editorials are submitted.

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Copyright © 1996 Dave Diduck