- Step 1: Download the source code to someplace familiar:
wget http://users.accesscomm.ca/docsis_server/docsis-server-current.tgz
- Step 2: untar the source and compile:
tar xzvf docsis-server-current.tgz
cd docsis-server....
make install
This will install the following binaries:
- Step 3: Install the unprivileged docsis user:
While it is possible to run the docsis_server as root we
recommend that you install the special user "docsis".
You can change the name and settings if you want just
be sure to update those changes in your config file.
- Step 4: Copy the config file to /etc:
The next howto document explains what all the options mean.
cp docsis-server2.conf /etc/docsis-server.conf
chmod 640 /etc/docsis-server.conf
vi /etc/docsis-server.conf
If you are upgrading from a previous version of docsis_server
the table names and fields are very different from the previous
version. For that reason we recommend the following installation
cp docsis-server2.conf /etc/docsis-server2.conf
chmod 640 /etc/docsis-server2.conf
vi /etc/docsis-server2.conf