Mary Harper/George Stewart

Headstone Project

In October of 2013, Duane Stewart visited the Eversley Cemetery, just north of Toronto, where George Stewart and Mary Harper are buried. It was very easy to find the grave marker for George Stewart as it was located in the exact place as indicated on the map for the cemetery that Duane had found in his research at the library. The marker was broken in two but had been repaired with two pieces of flat iron screwed to the back.

Looking for Mary Harper's marker was not as easy as the map indicated that it was to be behind the church. There were no grave sites behind the church and definitely no markers. The map probably indicated where the grave stone was being stored (leaning against the church) when the map was created. The records of the church graveyard also indicated what was recorded on the marker. This was important as it turns out when the marker was found it was almost unreadable. Someone had moved the marker and placed it on the grave of George Stewart. This is a picture of the marker as it lays in the ground today.


As one can see, the marker has suffered severe erosion and damage. When it was discovered it was sad that this was the only record left of Mary Harper and it was not readable. To remedy the situation, Duane asked the company, Signature Memorials, that helped restore the markers of Jim Stewart's relatives to submit a quote on making a new marker for Mary Harper and George Stewart. The marker was to be 28" x 22" and be slanted from back to front.Click to see drawing submitted by Signature Memorials. The company quoted a price of $1915.35. A Regina company was asked to submit a quote and were more expensive than this and their price did not include shipping and installation. Signature Memorials is to pour a base and install it for the aformentioned price.

Duane told his brother, Don, about the project and discovered that he was also interested in the project and wanted to make a contribution to it. Don also suggested that others may want to contribute so that is the reason for this particular webpage. If you would like to contribute please email Duane at and he will contact you about the details.

As of December 31, 2015 - Total Donations = $520.00

The headstone is finished and installed in front of the original George Stewart headstone. The following is a picture of the finished monument.

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