Self Portrait


As a teenager, my life presented many challenges, as so many young people of today would agree. 


I struggled to fit in to an unrealistic physical image my peers had deemed as acceptable.     As a mildly overweight person, I certainly didn’t fit in and more so became an absolute outcast. 


I was ridiculed relentlessly for my what I would call “mildly overweight” body.  I was often reduced to tears.  Even at my tender age of 12, the panic attacks began.


Instead of enjoying my school years; much was spent in total pain and depression.  I remember not being invited to birthday parties and feeling horrible.  To this day these painful memories still bore into my heart.


Though my elementary school years (or that of pre-teen) were the focus of much turmoil, this continued on into high school. 


I come from an obese background.  My family members were not of a healthy body weight.  They were on again off again dieters.  We didn’t exactly follow the “Canada Food Guide”.  


These problems seemed to keep gaining momentum.


I thought that if I loose weight people would accept me, invite me, include me.  I thought being thin was the answer to my problems.  Unfortunately…this desire only brought a plague of more problems down on me.  These problems came in the form of excessive behaviours and mental and physical effects that were far reaching.


And so my transformation began….


I exercised at first in moderation which quickly led to running miles.  


I went from eating a wide variety and plenty of food to living off of five Shreddies a day and water.  The times I did allow myself to eat more…I quickly rid myself of the food. 


I stood on the scale about 20 times a day to ensure I had not gained even an ounce. 


I went from a reasonable person to irritable.  From energetic to fatigued.  From easy learner to a poor memory. 


I completely isolated myself.  Relationships were no longer important to me…being thin was. 


My menstrual cycle ceased.  I developed hair on my arms and face, yet loss hair on my head.  My skin tone faded.  My teeth decayed.  I developed cystic acne.  


I LOST WEIGHT.  Alarmingly enough I went from 145 pounds to 95 pounds in less than 4 months.  I stand 5’5”. 


My parents’ worrying changed to, “Oh my God…what is happening to our daughter…how can I help her?”  They became desperate to find help.


I sought help from a family doctor and a psychiatrist.  I attended individual and group therapy.  I underwent hypnosis.  I was hospitalized time and time again.


After my full release from the hospital, I soon went back to my old ways.  The illness continued its hold.


My parents had heard of a doctor in Saskatoon.  He was said to be a specialist in the field of eating disorders.  They quickly rushed me to an initial appointment.


I was hospitalized again.  This therapy was a combination of emotional, physical, nutritional, hypnotic and even that of spiritual components.  The second time this doctor hospitalized me I had greater success.


Even considering all the therapy I received.  I provided my own basis for recovery.  I dug really deep and faced my demons.  My recovery was on my terms and a result of my inner strength.


I recovered after 5 years of living this pitiful life.


I am content with myself now.


I have conquered and survived.