Thank-you for visiting this page. It is a small memorial to such a wonderful person in many of our lives. Angele was an inspiration to all who knew and loved her when she was alive. Angele continues to do the same even now. May God Bless you Angele and may you watch over each and everyone of us.

We love you and miss you so much.


Angele, my Best Friend and my Perfect Wife

Everything you said and everything you did simply amazed me”

From the time we met in December of 1969 the above statement was true. But it was never more true than from the time you were diagnosed with Cancer and until the end. Angele, you not only amazed me but almost everyone you were ever involved with. You were a true inspiration to all who knew and loved you.

You amazed us all with how you dealt with and accepted what was happening to you. We all knew you wanted to beat this disease and that you didn’t want to leave us but there was a bigger plan for you. You could not beat the disease physically but you did defeat it mentally and spiritually.

There is no other way to describe what you did in your final two years other than that it was simply amazing.

-Going for all those Chemotherapy treatments, CT’s, blood tests and still keeping your wonderful sense of humour was more than anyone would ever have expected.

-The time and effort and work you put in to remodel the house in July/August of 2003 was a sight to see.

-The writing of the journal you started the day you became sick, even before we knew it was as bad as it was, was fantastic.

-The letter you wrote that was read at your Celebration of Life was so wonderful and none of us can imagine how hard it must have been to do.

-The preparation of the Mass cards and the Thank-you cards showed how you had accepted, with your Faith, what was happening.

-Also all the personal, unique picture cards you had printed and set aside in envelopes for so many of your family, cousins, co-workers and friends made you more than special.

-To attend your cousin Denise’s funeral, in Edson, Alberta on May 29th 2004 was, again, amazing. It was something you felt you HAD to do and nothing was going to stand in your way.

-Another big goal of yours was to attend Chris and Nicole’s wedding back home on July 3rd 2004.

I remember one day at the hospital I told Angele that I was more than a little bit upset that she got sick before me and without hesitation Angele replied “The good Lord knows what he is doing” and that everything would be okay. I know Angele is right but I must admit that at times I have my doubts.

There are endless things I could keep writing about but I have said enough. Thank-You Angele for “everything you said and everything you did”. There will definitely never be another you, Angele. You are one of a kind, my Best Friend and my Perfect Wife. Don’t worry dear, Victoria will never forget you and, yes, everything will be okay.




Angele's Niche Christmas 2005

St. Patrick's Day 2006

Easter 2006

Summer 2006

Valentine's 07

It took a while but now we know

Why he chose you to go.


He had a choice of nine

But he knew what he had in mind.


No one else would of done as well

To prepare us all for the final farewell.


Step by step you took us all the way

To make it easier for us on that day.


As a family we have become one

And that dear Sis, you have done.


So when he chose, he definitely knew 

The only angel had to be you.


To you, dear Sis, I want to say

Thank-You, I love you and I'll see you one day.

Love you always 


A million times I'll miss you

A million times I'll cry

If love could have saved you

You would have never died.


It broke my heart to lose you

But you did not go alone

For part of me went with you

The day He took you home.


So much pain, so much sorrow

And there will be no tomorrow

It will be hard to go on without you

But I know you would want me to.


Who on my computer will I talk to everyday

When I know you have gone away

When I hold my paint brush

I will feel your touch.


Even though we are apart

I'll hold you close to my heart

You're with the angels so far away

I pray that you'll be the one that comes for me one day.


Love Always Sis





My darkest hour

My longest day

Was when I watched you slip away.


I held your hand, I stroked your hair

I said I love you, don't be scared.

Dearest sister, faithful friend

I watched your life draw to its end.


The hardest time, my toughest test

The day we laid you down to rest.

Oh how I hurt, Oh how I cried

My love for you would not be denied.


How hard it's been to say goodbye

The words don't come easy, though I try

The moment God came to take you away

How my life changed that very day.


He had His reasons, He had a plan

He knew that one day I would understand

He gave me faith, He showed me love

He knew you were needed up above.


I know you're watching down on me

And you'll be there guiding thee

Though I can't see you, or hear what you say

I know that you're with me, through everyday.


How I Miss you and Love you

Love you always 




Link to Obituary

Link to Eulogy

Link to letter Angele wrote that was read at her Funeral

Link to letter read by Chad and Paul at the "Festival of Trees"



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