Blake Read's


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Need Sno*Jet parts! Just follow the link.

Looking for any other Snowmobile Parts, try Mr. Tin Cabs page!


Courtesy of -  Early MOD 340, CPTC 40th Beausejoure, MB March 2nd 2002

Sno*Jet Music

 Right now I am running low on space at my server, so if you would like them in .WAV format, please Email Me.

Sno*jet Cursors, courtesy of Salton -> kawasaki_kid82 Cursor #1 Cursor #2

A special thanks to:

Carl Hagelin, Ken Habermen, Scott Lawson, Benjamin Tolbert, Dan Hetherington, Colin MacIntyre, Mike Smylie, Murray Hudon, Alain Binette, Bob Krawchuk, Art Reistad, Dennis Barry, Wyatt Waters, John Livingston, Ryan Bartley, Barry Knoblauch, Carol Bégin, Alex Ryback, Brian Kaveney, Scott Sullivan, Carman Jordan, Jay Carsley, Greg Herr, Randy Morgan, and all the donators in the viewers section

This page couldn't have been made if it weren't for these guys.
Thank you!

Comments, questions, feel free to mail me.

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This page was created by Blake Read in my spare time to help everyone remember and enjoy the old Sno*Jets. This page will remain open as long as people come and visit and I can afford to keep it up. Thanks and enjoy the page. Last updated Winter 2001