The Galaxy Model for the Atom

The Universal Fractal

The Galaxy Model for the Atom describes matter as being made from smaller versions of itself, like galaxies are made from atoms. Atoms are, therefore, modelled as being, at any instant, spinning discs- like galaxies, and galaxies are thus seen to be precessing in order to be spherical over time- like atoms.

The Universe is thus proposed to be a huge  fractal, based on an atom/galaxy iteration. Galaxies are about 10^22m in size. Atoms are about 10^-9m in diameter. This ratio of 10^31:1 is proposed to continue down as one goes to smaller and smaller versions of matter, so the matter making up atoms
must be about 10^-40m in size. And so on.

This means that there has to be "fractal radiation", as well; fractional emr that is 31 orders of magnitude smaller and higher in frequency for each size smaller version of matter. Space must be therefore be full of these smaller versions of  photons and neutrinos which must be produced by the mini-suns that make up our electrons. Electrons must be constantly fusing this mini-matter. and each level of matter below them will thus also have smaller and faster versions of electromagnetic radiation.

And finally, it means that none of us is alone. We must be completely awash in intelligent life that inhabits every one of our 10^27  Carbon atoms. Life that is fractals of all the Life around us. Life in our own Image, and in all of those people and animals and plants and all the other forms around us.


As above, so below.

The Space of atoms takes the same form as the Space of galaxies. For galaxies, which are made from atoms,  Space is composed of all the versions of  matter that are smaller than atoms. Since the Universe is Fractal in Nature, Space is not empty- it is FULL of all these smaller iterations. What is then readily apparent is that it is full of energy and structure and can flow and spin like any fluid. Nothing is nothing. This is how our photons travel- as a traveling wave in this "super fluid'. This is what our atoms are made from- from standing waves of linked rotations-  in this never-ending, smaller and smaller-grained ocean.

The Atom

When you take a turning disk and simultaneously make it precess at twice the frequency that it is turning, ALL of its points will follow the same type of  pathway. Here are several looks at this pathway:

This is, I believe, what conventional Science terms the 'spinor'. As the disk completes one full rotation, it is precessing through two full revolutions. You can picture this as a point starting at the north pole of a sphere and  spiralling one full turn down to the south pole, and then continuing to spiral the same direction for one full turn as it returns up to the north pole.

Atoms are, at any instant, rotating discs that are precessing at twice their rotation. Of course, this then means that galaxies are also precessing to sweep out spheres. This would explain galaxies' spherical, double-layered halos. It would explain their warped, twisted discs. It would explain their bent jets. And, it would explain their asymmetrical galactic rotation curves.
Here is the shape of the Milky Way that has just recently been determined:

85% of spirals show evidence of warping. The warping is because they are precessing. They are locked into a one rotation/two precessions standing wave. This 1:2 standing wave can then be used to model molecules,  and I have used them to do the classical model for Benzene, below, , where the green spheres represent the third electron that Science says must be 'delocalized'.

A Benzene ring - two opposite viewpoints
