"Let us get hockey sticks around your pics..."


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How StickFrames Came About…  

My love for the game of hockey started at a young age. I was fortunate to grow up in a large family of fourteen kids and hockey has always been part of our roots.  Playing shinny on the roads of Radville with family and friends as well as the privilege of playing organized hockey in rinks all around Southern Saskatchewan contributed to this passion.  Without a doubt, Saturday nights in front of the TV watching 'Hockey Night in Canada' still to this day; plays its part too!

Continuing with the family tradition I wanted to make something unique and hockey related for my son’s 1st birthday.  I decided on a toy-box made out of broken hockey sticks.  The project took the shafts of 107 hockey sticks to complete. The toy-box is still being used today and is as strong as it was when first built! So far it has survived 3 boys.  With many sticks left over, and more being collected, I continued to create more items such as patio chairs, vertical blinds (from goalie stick paddles) and then in 2000/2001 picture frames.  Many variations of the picture frames were created.  Various methods were attempted and abandoned along the way.  After our basement was all decked out with hockey everything, I decided to start making frames for others.  I take pride in matching the words and colors of each stick to bring out the best of each frame and picture. The frames compliment any picture whether it is of a professional hockey hero or a rising star.

StickFrames are great for any individual who loves the game of hockey.  To my knowledge thus far the frames have been purchased for office desks, birthday gifts, tournament prizes, coach appreciation gifts, Christmas gifts, birth announcements, end of the year player gifts, hockey retirement gifts and just to showcase “up and coming” hockey stars of all ages.

Being a creative individual I am always looking for new ideas.  In spring of 2007 I created a frame for a mini jersey (in clear plastic packaging) that I had received as a Christmas gift. The frame rested on a puck and displayed both sides of the jersey.  At the time I was an assistant hockey coach and I brought the new creation to the rink with me to show the hockey parents of the team.  One of the mom’s loved the frame and asked me “Why don’t you make little picture frames like the jersey-frames?”  Well, why didn’t I think of that!!!  Since that day many of the popular two-sided picture frames in the 4x6 and 5x7 sizes have been made. I'm always interested to hear new ideas.

Thanks for your time and I hope StickFrames can be a part of your passion for the game of hockey. 


Take Care.

Gary Bourassa 


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