Vallarlane's stud for the 2000 litter
CH. Oomingmak's Stonewall Jackson ,CDX
Why Jackson for our stud?
Jackson is the product of breeding in Alberta by long time breeder Diana Case. His pedigree shares many of the ancestors of Kroankel's Abraham (Bart). The puppies we got from Bart and Taylor indicate the direction we would like to go with our breeding. There may be subtle differences in the pups, little things that we're looking to improve on, because who wouldn't want to improve, but our goal here is to get another real nice litter from Taylor. She's such a wonderful mom that we feel we have to give her one more litter. Using an Oomingmak dog is a way to keep the great breeding of Oomingmak kennels going for a while longer. This is not an out breeding. Bart and Taylor shared ancestors and Bart's breeder John Tummers was the one that suggested we get a bitch out of the Nite Ryder and Hawkridge Nip & Tuck litter. He was obviously right. Now with Jackson we should be able to bring on a strong litter of Bouvier des Flandres.
Here's Jackson at seventeen months old getting his best of breed ribbon giving him his championship
eyes have been certified clear.
His heart
is rated normal, although I bet if you asked Mary she's say it's better than
nomal. Especially when he's fighting for a "high in trial"!
Blood work was done on Jackson, his thyroid was tested normal and his Von Willebrand number fell well within normal range.
Jackson's hips were "OFA GOOD" at two years old.
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Would you like to e-mail Mary and ask her anything about her dog or their plans for the future?
Click below to contact Mary, Jackson's owner.