The Pear Orchard

by Joanne Weber
ISBN 0-9739727-7-7 · Paperback · 8." x 5." 88 pages
$16.95 (CDN) / $15.95 (US) · Release Date: April 2007
On one level, The Pear Orchard depicts the struggle of a woman to embrace her deafness, but in these poems there is a rich tapestry of imagery from history, visual art, lives of the saints and life on a prairie farm. This book unfolds a new way of mapping silence and language as a hearing man and a deaf woman journey through time together, loving, speaking, not speaking. In this utterly unique book Weber seamlessly draws on themes of suffering, childbirth, sexuality, rebirth, language and relationships. Through the voices of ghosts and lovers Weber reinvents myths and symbols that have a powerful and tangible impact on lives lived in silence and within the stream of the sometimes harsh world of words. Perceptions are altered, new topographies are understood, and unheard stories are finally told through this unsettling, yet cathartic journey.


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Mother, now that you’ve let me be deaf,
scraped your womb of its dank winter trees,
cleared the unkempt patches,
you’ve let me be a pure seed begun
in you, a room of buried longings.

Joanne's book, The Pear Orchard was launched by Hagios Press last Tuesday (April 17th) in Regina, Saskatchewan. I had the privilege of reading with Gary Hyland, a seasoned poet and several contributors to an anthology, Fast Forward, edited by Paul Wilson and Barbara Klaar. I wish to thank everyone who came out for a fabulous evening of wine and poetry.

Look for Joanne's first poetry book, The Pear Orchard at the Book and Brier, the University of Regina bookstore, and at McNally Robinson in Saskatoon.

© Joanne Weber 2007