1st Harvester Starday 27 HailStorm 9pm-11pm
Travelling in the forest the next day, the party scares a Stag which bounds away. Party becomes lost, and are headed SSW. They believe they are headed the right way.
2nd Harvester Sunday 30 Clear
The party is now headed SSE, and do not understand why it is so hot. They believe they will hit the temple at nightfall. At 4:00 Garkeim flies straight up. He sees a clearing about 5 miles North of the present position. They travel to this clearing and find a meadow. They camp the night after Garkeim checks out direction.
Encounter: Zombie Rabbit HD1, hp8, AC7, THAC0:20, #att:1, dam:1-4
3rd Harvester Moonday 35 Clear
The Istus clerics hold a small ceremony in the morning. Today is Kay's Birthday. Phaedrus wants to be home with Kay, but can't be. Garkeim looks for clearings. Party travels NEE to get to a clearing
that Garkeim has spotted. 1:00 pm they get to a third clearing. Find a hut in the clearing. Ulek and Floyd live there. The party abandons the search and decide to try and get to the road. They stay the night at the edge of the forest.
Second Watch: 4 Hill Giants 12+1-2HD 59hp 64hp 54hp 63hp
AC3 THAC0:9 2-12+7dam
Reagan Cleric of Istus 18th 65hp hit for 9pts.-13=43
Denise Cleric of Istus 10th
Quartz: LIGHT
Garkeim kills one himself
3,000 each
4th Harvester Godsday 36 HailStrm 1pm-3pm
Most of the party travels S to the road. The party gets to the road at about 5:30. They then head E on the road. They stop in an Inn.
5th Harvester Waterday 31 LiteRain 3am-3pm
The party rides like the wind along the road. They are 3 hours ahead of Phaedrus. They stay at an Inn.
Around noon Phaedrus stops at a farm. Phaedrus going on one hour sleep. Make camp about 8:30. Quartz watches 6 hours.
6th Harvester Earthday 25ߢßAo HailStrm 9am-10am
Phaedrus travels slower because he and Quartz are tired. Phaedrus stays in an Inn.
Party gets to Castle Greyhawk around 10 pm. Kay's earrings are ready.
7th Harvester Freeday 21 Clear
Phaedrus gets to Castle Greyhawk at 12:00.
Leif now tries to take the clerics of Istus to the temple. Phaedrus gets to Castle Greyhawk at 12:00.
Party's rooms expire at the Wizard's Hat in Greyhawk City. Kay is there and pays for the rooms for another month. Price? 1 N for a month. The boys have a drink or two at the Memory Moss Tavern.
8th Harvester Starday 19 Clear
Kay 1 month pregnant. Mothers cautioned by Phaedrus not to spend too much money redecorating dungeon. They express regret and want to go home if they can't "have any more fun". Shzzt checks Keilbasa for a Short Sword.
Finds an "exact match" for 20,000N. The "exact match" is a +1 short sword with an permanent illusion cast upon it so that it appears a duplicate of Shzzt's +3 short sword. Party leaves Castle Greyhawk for Greyhawk City.
The party rides to the Stronghold of Franklin Gorz to stay the night.
9th Harvester Sunday 10 Cloudy Hailstorm 8pm-Mnite
Party leaves for Greyhawk City. They go to the Wizard's Hat. Shzzt pays for 50 months worth (3.8 years). Also rents the room next door and Dwaven decides to pay for construction of a door between them. Bill prepares for an IDENTIFY on the Short Sword.
Suddam Baghdad the agent of the Sultan of Zeif.
10th Harvester Moonday 1 Partly Cloudy
Leif arrives at the temple. Clerics delight in a bath in its healing waters.
Shzzt takes out 10,000N from the bank. 1% for money exchanges and 2% charge on a day when a deposit has already been made. Phaedrus gets a 5,000N note from the bank. Shzzt sees three cats: 2 Jaguars, 1 Giant Lynx. Reddish Brown (no spots)
Jaguar - "Stealth" cost Shzzt 7,500N. "Hunt" "Kill" "Guard" "Follow" "Heel"
AC 6 4+1HD 16hp THAC0:17 att:3
DMG:1-3/1-3/1-8+REAR CLAWS for 2-5 Surprised on a 1
Shzzt takes out another 10,000N from the bank. Jaguar is set up in a lair just to the South of the Wharves. 5'x5'x10' tunnel with a set of two Doughnut - shaped rooms for living. Phaedrus and Kay and Garkeim discuss the possibilities of buying homes in the Foreign Quarter. 100xp for
Quartz. Bill and Slime get drunk.
11th Harvester Godsday -3 CloudLiteFog5pm-11pm LunaNew
Bill goes to bed in the morning to rest up. Houses for sale in the Foreign Quarter. See Devon at the Moneychangers Guildhouse. Franko Terhert last owner. 100,000N can be financed.
Smaller shack for sale for 40,000N.
12th Harvester Waterday -6 Clear
Just as Leif and the clerics are about to camp at the edge of the forest,
Owlbear 30 hp AC5 1st AC 3 5hp -2 from Owlbear
10th AC4 37hp18th AC-1 49hp
Leif MMs the Owlbear for 16pts. 14 hp left. Leif levitates up and casts another MM for 14 more points, killing it.
Gord the Grey arrives with Irving the Delk at the Inn in Midmeadow, and Gord places an "X" on the beam where the MU can see it later. He also places the letter that he found as Tim in the future back in the place where he will find it. This sets up a paradox, except that somebody (an agent of whatever force is around to make sure such paradoxes do not occur, to be sure) finds the letter six months later, reads it, recopies it, and replaces it. Gord prepares to depart for Greyhawk.
(See the diary one year into the future to find out the rest of the story of Gord. He has been sent back in time exactly one year by a rare spell. His mission is about to unfold).
Party leaves the next morning for the Cairn Hills. They find the Red Mummy's Cairn and the lair of the Hydra. Hydra AC:5 THAC0:15 #att:4 DMG:1-6 MV:9 HD:4 hp:32 30'long
One Head Dead by Bill's LIGHTNING BOLT
Slime nails a head for 18 pts., killing it.
Garkeim hits twice for 35pts., killing another head.
Phaedrus critically hits for 33 pts, killing another head.
No treasure except for one nice longsword, one OK short sword and a helm. Lots of bones, horse and human. They find a little cave, Schweigy's size. Nothing in it.
They then go back into the Mummy's Cairn. They meet the skeleton warriors.
24 Skeleton Warriors AC7 MV:12 HD:2 hp:12 THAC0:18DMG:Rusty Longswords (1-8) 10% chance of Tetnus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 13
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 X
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Shzzt hit- gets Tetnus "Stupid Fuckin' Clerics"
Bill hit- gets Tetnus
Killed 12 Skeletons-Schweigy and Quartz Turned 12 others.
Shzzt falls in the hole as they leave the room but is tied to Garz. He dangles for a minute and is then pulled back. Drops the Trap Dagger and is lowered down to retreive it. Then he throws 1 Platinum Plate into the magic pool and goes into a Catatonic State. The party leaves the Cairn.
3 Hunters happen upon the cave. Jeff, Mark, Harry. They live in a shack to the North of Steaming Springs. The Steaming Springs guys now how to find them.
13th Harvester Earthday -8 Clear
Leif arrives home to find the dungeon being redone. Tells them to leave his room alone, or else.
Next day dawns clear and bright. The hunters lead the party to
Steaming Springs. The party bids them adieu and heads for Greyhawk City.
Three Hobgoblins lie in ambush.
Hobgoblins AC:5 MV:9 HD:1+1 THAC0:19
1 2 3
5 4 4
35xp each
They rolled a boulder down on the party and misses them. They get to Greyhawk around 9pm. Slime and Bill stay in the Jaguar lair and the others go home.
Shzzt's vest dagger-holder is ready. While the party is out adventuring, Friedar has made quiet inquiries into the "escort" business. Her discussion with the Ogress madame at "The Silver Garter" has given her employment, as well as information about Garz' activities. She will work here while Garz is gone adventuring, and will visit the Wheel of Gold once or twice to legitimize her "earnings".
14th Harvester Freeday -1 Clear
Leif prepares to leave the Castle and find the others. Sells his +2 shield to Keilbasa for 1750 and a potion of Gaseous Form. He then travels to the lodge for the night and leaves for the City the next day.
Phaedrus vest (200 coins) and belt (80 coins) are ready. The guildsmember makes a deal with Phaedrus- free vest for the patent for the vest, which he wants to enter in the Guildscraft show the day after Midsummer's Day. Shzzt checks out buying the land where Stealth lives. Is told to meet Nerof Gasgal at the Wheel of Gold around 6:00 to discuss buying the land. He meets Nerof and talks about the land and getting a direct line of credit to the Moneychangers Guildhall. Nerof tells Shzzt to show up at his office (which is in his home) the following day to further discuss the matter and to mark the area of purchase on a map. He will then take it before the council for voting. Cost of the land should
be 6,000N per 10'x10' area of land near garbage hill.
XP:4 Hobgoblins 35x4=1401 Basilisk 9751115xp/13=86xp each
100xp to Leif for the experience of turning to stone while flying
15th Harvester Starday 7ߢßAo Clear
Leif arrives in Greyhawk City.
If Shzzt shows up- Nerof has spoken with the Moneychanger's Guildhall and gives Frznt the go ahead to run a direct line of credit. He is impressed that Frznt uses the "notes" issued by the Moneychangers
Guildhall, since these are only offered to really big depositers.
- DM Info in file -
Cost of the land should be 10,000N per 10'x10' area around the city walls, (6,000N per 10'x 10' area of land near garbage hill). Nerof tells Frznt that unfortunately, since Frznt is not a citizen of the Free City, he cannot purchase any land, save in the Foreign Quarter. He is invited by Nerof to lease the land at the rate of 1N per 10'x 10' area per year this close to Garbage Hill. Other leases go for 2N per 10'x 10' area. Any building that is done must be done with a building permit. Nerof also will get Shzzt alone and inquire as to the real reason for the land purchase. If money is involved, Nerof wants a piece of the action in return for the attempt he will make to push the matter through council.
Will make an issue of confiding in Shzzt that he is actually a thief (although this is common knowledge among the populace).
16th Harvester
Leif tries to find the "guys".
18th Harvester
Leif tries to figure out how to get into the Wizard's Guild.
19th Harvester Waterday 17 Clear
Payday for Schweigy. Gem-encrusted Hammer ready. 500N already paid, another 2,000N due. Phaedrus takes it out of the bank. Shzzt and Bill get first indications that they have tetanus. Shzzt-acute, mild. Bill-chronic, severe.
Bill on this day has an attack, and loses a point of STR permanently at 1pm and then they get CURE DISEASE and REMOVE CURSES cast on each Shzzt and Bill. He would have lost a point of DEX permanently at 6pm, but has been cured. Leif checks out the Green Dragon to see if the party hangs
out there.
20th Harvester Earthday 20 Heavy Rain 3pm-12am
Shzzt works on plans for his home, the rest of the party rests. Leif searches the temple of Istus and the River Quarter.
21st Harvester Freeday 18 Heavy Rain 12am-10pm
Leif finds somebody has stolen his magic book and he spends three days tracking the thief down and then killing him.
22nd Harvester Starday 13 Part Cloudy
23rd Harvester Sunday 12 Hailstorm 7pm-10pm
Gord arrives in Greyhawk City. Irving has hinted that he has been sent by Hextor, although he does not actually say it. Irving says to call him David the Delk. 50N are left to the Istusian church by Gord. Gord meets up with Shzzt and Irving lets himself be known. He tells Shzzt he is a Delk and always has been and is serving "her".
That night they hear a rumor about the ruins. "There are shrines for both Hextor and Nerull within the ruins." They call it an early night.
24th Harvester Moonday 8 T-Storm 5pm-9pm
The party leaves for the ruins in the morning. Four Ogres attack them
from 75% cover. (AC-2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
30, 28, 26, 25, 23, 22, 20, 20, 19, 19, 16, 15
X 0 -3 -4 -12 -6 -17 -28 -12 -13 -16 -4
The other Ogres attack from the gates as the party tries to take out the ones on top of the walls.
Ruckus the Ranger is 70 yds from the beginning of the bridge, with Shzzt lying on top of him. Phaedrus lies upon the other side 60 yards from the shore. All three are too frightened to move. Leif arrives at the ruins in search of the rest of the party. There are some figures who are very scared. Leif and Quartz and Garkeim manage to release the FEAR from all of the characters. They take a quick look through the ruins of the ground level. They find the lair of the Ogres within these ruins. Schweigy is sent in first to check out the lair. He sees straw beds, meat hanging to dry, and a
Stone Chest. Schweigy is horrified to see that a couple of the pieces of meat hanging are human. He runs out of the lair and clings to Garkeim's leg. Phaedrus enters and opens the Stone Chest.
The party takes: 300N, 4 gems(see below), 2 delicate glass vials containing colored liquid.
The party fights 12 trolls and Slime is killed. During the fight, Garkeim gets an attack of the willies and backs out of the fight. Shzzt goes down and uses up three HEALING potions to revive himself before leaping back into the fray. Leif leads four of the Trolls up the stairs, setting off the two traps Kay had earlier detected. He manages to kill these four using several spells, but is almost killed himself. Most of the party gets decimated, but in the final count, only Slime is dead.
Leif turns into an owl to await the smoke coming out of the entrance to the dungeon to clear. The party burns the Trolls and must wait two hours before the fire dies down. They then go to investigate the "CLANG" sound they heard when Leif lead the four Trolls up the stairs. They find they are trapped and Leif talks to them from two levels above.
Phaedrus discovers that the wall that the Trolls attacked them through does not really exist. They find a 20 x 20 room where the Trolls await adventurers to ambush. They go back up to the third landing and talk to Leif who is 30' above at the first landing. Leif then turns into a mouse and scurries to meet the party. Quartz STONE SHAPES the wall on the third landing to allow the escape of imprisonment eventually.
They then go back down to the illusionary wall that the Trolls came through to rest for eight hours in
the 20 x 20 room of the Trolls. It is 6:00 pm when the party begins its rest 8 hour rest. There are no encounters in this time, and it is then 3:00 am. Then Leif begins memorizing spells for 6.1 hours, while the others use Healing spells. At 9:00 am, they are attacked by three armored (but unenhanced) Trolls. They are hit with Shzzt's AMULET OF FEAR and all flee back down the stairs at full speed.
These Trolls go downstairs to find Jhinjhra and tell him of the invaders. It takes about 1/2 an hour for Jhinjhra to become informed of the invasion. Jhinjhra sends 6 Trolls up to the 20 x 20 area to clean out the secret room. As the party prepares to leave the dungeon at top speed, Shzzt (once again) spots a secret door in the back wall of the 20 x 20 room. The party quickly discusses whether they will run or check the new room.
Quartz STONE SHAPES (with Leif's help) more area so the party can flee safely through the barred areas without having to slow down
The party loots the secret Troll room on the fifth landing. Leif calls out that he hears something coming. The party leaves the dungeon immediately. Garkeim ferries everyone across the chasm on his Magic Fly.
Three Trolls are seen checking out the area near the entrance to the dungeon, but they go back in almost immediately. They then leisurely walk back to Greyhawk City. A bandit steps out of
the bushes and levels a double barrelled crossbow at the party. Laughing, the bandit asks the party to drop all their valuables.
Garkeim says "Get out of my way, I've had a hard day."
A fight ensues and two of the bandits are killed eventually, after much torture and degradation. The leader tries to invoke several Gods, and finally one of the Gods (Nerull) steps in and helps the fighter by taking his life. The one fighter escapes and returns to the lair in Greyhawk City (eventually). The party resumes their trek to Greyhawk City.
25th Harvester Godsday 19 Clear Luna Full
"Tim The Mad" joins the Mages Guild. "Tim" is Gord the Grey's pseudonym. Bubka tells them to look out for special components for potions, and lets them know that he has a superior identification for sale.
Guldan Rockflint, the cleric of Ulaa, uses his (her?) Appraising Proficiency. The four gems: Yellow-white rock with moss-like markings [50N Moss Agate], Jet black rock [50N Obsidian], Purple crystal rock [100N Amethyst], Pale blue green rock [500N Aquamarine] are given to Guldan.
They are placed in the church's strongbox.
26th Harvester Waterday 14 Clear
Party rests and recuperates.
27th Harvester Earthday 20 Clear
Party rests and interacts some more.
28th Harvester Freeday 20 T-Storm 5pm-12pm
Payday for Quartz 250N/month Payday for Slime 300N/month (Slime does not want payment this month because of the Splint Mail). The party prepares to go to the dungeon. Garkeim ferries everyone across the bridge to the other side. The party re-enters the dungeon.
Shzzt goes forward to find that five Trolls wait in ambush and he quickly withdraws his head. He does not see the two open kegs of oil. The party discusses courses of action and agree that Leif should FIREBALL the area. As the party is going back up, the Trolls believe that their prey is getting away, so they rush out, surprising Leif.
Leif gets nailed. The others rush in to help, very narrowly saving Leif's life. A pitched battle ensues.
The party fights Trolls, and manages to knock many of them down. One is beheaded, and as its body tries to reconnect to its head, Phaedrus kicks it in the rear end, knocking it into another and knocking them both down the stairs.
Oil is thrown upon the Trolls, causing all five to slowly die. An oil is tossed into the room with the two barrels, catching fire. Then, Rusko fires another fire arrow at a Troll and misses, it then hits another barrel. Shzzt sees this and yells, "Incoming!" and dives down the stairs. INVISIBILITY cast by Leif upon himself when Shzzt says "Incoming!" One of the two barrels explode in the room, killing Rusko and the five trolls, and taking Phaedrus down. Most of the party escapes around the corner.
Gord writes, "This stair is trapped" on the stair at the seventh landing. The party hooks up within the dungeon and then goes back to the surface. They then head back to town. They try to determine how to go about bringing the Ranger back from the dead. Garkeim finds out Friedar is not at the Wizard's Hat. He goes in Full Plate to the Silver Garter. Ogress says, "No Armor in my Place!" So Garkeim goes back to find Friedar at home (went for a walk). Kay had run ahead to The Silver Garter and brought Friedar home.
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