1st Brewfest Starday 14degrees Clear
Kay gets a SPEAK WITH DEAD spell. She talks with Rusko's ka and asks him if he wishes to come alive again. Rusko says, "Yes."
The mages go to the Guild to check about the Fire Opals. Bubka buys the box of Fire Opals for 7700N and some Adders Stomachs (a material component for a spell). xp=7500 plus the spells-all given. Party rests up and HEALs up.
2nd Brewfest Sunday 7degrees Clear
Party rests and HEALs up.
3rd Brewfest Moonday 4degrees H. Snowstrm 6am-8pm 4" snow\
On this day, the Ebony Fly is ready for use. The party departs for the dungeon again. Leif casts STONESKIN upon himself. Note that the secret door in the fifth landing room is broken from the blast of the oil kegs exploding.
Kay accidentally touches her toe on the last stair on the seventh landing, setting off the CLOUDKILL spell. Only Kay, Quartz, Garkeim and Phaedrus are effected, and take minor damage. They reach the ninth landing, and find that it is a room. Kay fires up a FIND TRAPS.
They meet 4 enhanced Hobgoblins. Thaco17
They slaughter them easily. MMs cast by Gord, Bill and Leif. They leave the copper and brass bits in room Z102. They find the altar to the Gnoll God. 20 minutes are spent examining the altar and the Wolf head. The party finds the Magic Fountain.
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Both Gord and Rusko fill wineskins with the Fountain's water.
The party finds the statue of the Dwarven Warrior. Gord uses his POTION OF CLAIRVOYANCE to investigate forward. He finds three humanoid statues, and then a statue of an MU in front of a door to a very dark room. He then is tugged back as the spell ends. Leif makes a plan to go forward and kill the monster which turns things to stone. For unknown reasons, Leif thinks the creature must be a Medusa.
He then casts INVISIBILITY upon himself. Leif goes forward and "sees" the Basilisk, which does not see him. He then casts PROTECTION FROM FIRE and then a FIREBALL at the top of the hall. The Basilisk: 30hp - now has 17 left. The LIGHTNING BOLT takes it to -10. Leif meets its gaze at the last second of the LIGHTNING BOLT, turns to stone, and crashes to the dungeon floor.
His statue breaks into quite a few pieces. Garkeim and Phaedrus go in blindfolded. They stumble over Leif's remains, then go forward to find the remains of the Baslilisk. Still Blindfolded, they chop at it for a couple of minutes, making sure the thing is really dead. Shzzt checks out the room to find there are no more Basilisks. Shzzt then finds the +3 Plate Mail. The RING OF BLINKING is toasted off. The coins are a lump of metal upon the floor. The party gathers up the stones and dust that represent Leif, and exit the dungeon. They ferry across to the other side and then head back to Greyhawk City.
The party takes Leif to the Mages Guild, and pay 10,000N to have him brought back to flesh, whereupon the body regenerates with the RING OF REGENERATION that Leif owns.
Bill buys a Potion of STONE TO FLESH and gives it to Shzzt. Shzzt then uses this to bring back to flesh the stone statue of the wizard that Shzzt took from the dungeon.
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Dalfegli the stone wizard has a normal dagger, a cloak, a robe, a pouch containing 20N, and a backpack with a travelling spell book. Within the travelling spell book are the spells: MAGIC MISSILE, BIGBY'S FEELING FINGERS, CONJURE SPELL COMPONENT, and SLEEP. The backpack also contains a feather pen and 2 spell levels worth of #1 Ink.
Shzzt first cuts off the top part of the unfortunate mage's head, and then uses the potion to restore the body to flesh. The figure convulses for a moment, and Shzzt's room is suddenly filled with blood from the missing head top.
Some of the party parties.
4th Brewfest Godsday 12degrees P.Cloudy Celene Full Luna 3/4
Lots of melting snow.
Lots of partying. The party splits the money from the gems they sold to the Mage's Guild. Gord (and all the others) get 1250N each. Phaedrus finds out that Fudge the Incessant has taken 10,000N out of his account for payment to the builders and masons etc. of Castle Greyhawk.
Bronze Ring with Gold leaves done in gold leaf with silver highlights and a green gemstone inlaid (Chrysoberyl). Leif goes as a bird to Castle Greyhawk, turns INVISIBLE and goes down to the 3rd level. Leif delivers a rude message from Phaedrus to his mother and is disowned. Leif spends the
night in the zoo of the first level as an Alligator. He has already STONESKINed himself.
5th Brewfest Waterday 5degrees Clear
Leif flies back to Greyhawk City. Deposits his chest at the Moneychangers for one month for 10N. Around noon the party is ready to go again. The party dons their cold weather gear and leave for the Ruins. They turn back as they realize that the FLY needs to recharge.
6th Brewfest Earthday 4degrees Cloud Snow 2am-6am 2"
Party party party.
7th Brewfest Freeday 0degrees P.Cloudy
Party's rooms expire. (Except Shzzt). They renew for another month. Quartz pays Gord 10N to be a judge at the competition of Guild of Ostlers and Brewers.
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