CY578 07-578 Month of Reaping
1st Reaping
Garz and Shzzt Encounter: Gnoll Army on other side of a hill.
Garz and Shzzt Encounter: 15 Bandits1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 158 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 FB FB FB FB FB FB Shzzt:Fireball
The Dominico arrives in Leukish.
Unknown to him, Leif flies directly over top of the Revenant Allan. It glares balefully upward at the invisible bird, and then turns to walk after it. Tharizdun communicates puzzling information to the Lich and Gerald.
2nd Reaping
No encounters for Garz and Shzzt.
3rd Reaping
Leif arrives in Leukish at 9:30 AM. Leif asks about the ship. Sits around waiting for the ship to arrive.
The Stahmmann's Edge arrives in Leukish at 12:00. There are 2 lifeboats on board. Phaedrus leaps off off the boat on his horse, which crashes through the dock and gets mired. Phaedrus leaps off of his horse and draws his sword as Leif casts a HOLD PERSON from out of the air. Phaedrus is held.
Phaedrus and Leif duke it out, but Lief is victorious. Leif leaves message for Quartz and Kay and sends for food. The street urchin disappears with the money. (Becomes a thief in the Inner City). No encounters for Garz and Shzzt.
4th Reaping
No encounters for Garz and Shzzt.
Revenant arrives in Leukish at 7:00 AM. Leif MMs Allan. When Allan catches up with Leif, Gerald TELEPORTS to meet Allan and follow him to the
party. Gerald is projecting an ideal alignment, N.
Gerald arrives. Goes to the "Hoetell". Considers killing Phaedrus with a FINGER OF DEATH, but changes his mind since he does not know whether Phaedrus is one of the irritating adventurers whose lives they seek. Sits down to wait for Phaedrus and tries to track Leif by tuning into Allan, but Allan is too far from Leif. Leif sleeps in a tree.
5th Reaping
Leif flies around for awhile. Goes to the Harbormaster. No clerics yet. Tell them to stay in the city and stay in touch with the harbormaster. Leif will stay in touch that way. Flies to Nellix. Dominico arrives in Leukish at noon. They are told to go to New City and get a room, but Kay wants to check out the "Hoetell". They find Phaedrus and Gerald. They take Phaedrus to the Istusian Temple. They then stay overnight in the Hotel. Total cost is 2,100N.
No encounters for Garz and Shzzt.
6th Reaping
Leif studies spells and flies back to Leukish. Visit the Harbormaster. No Leif.
Garz and Shzzt see Giant Eagle.
Leif arrives in Leukish.
7th Reaping
Phaedrus and group go to Harbormasters. Ship leaves at 11:00. Capt. Lee Helmsley of the Pride of Admund charges 3N per head. Another 22 N cost to Phaedrus. Ship leaves. Four days to Greyhawk City. Allan is on the road walking to Leukish. Leif finds him. Does a WALL OF FIRE for 34 pts dam. FIREBALL for 21 pts dam. Only his left hand is left. PRODUCE FIRE is cast on the hand. Only the little finger of his left hand remains. PRODUCE FIRE is cast on the little finger. Nothing but ashes left. Leif walks back to Leukish and rests for the day.
Garz and Shzzt arrive in Greyhawk City. They stay at the Inn.
8th Reaping
Leif flies to Greyhawk as hawk.
Shzzt and Garz get back to Castle Greyhawk. Garz reflects.
9th Reaping
Garz begins training and Shzzt studies poison.
10th Reaping
11th Reaping
Arrive in Greyhawk City. Buy horses -head to Castle Greyhawk. Leif arrives as hawk, and continues south.
12th Reaping
Arrive at the Castle. Wedding plans continue.
13th Reaping
Shzzt gleans information from Steven Adams.
14th Reaping
Shzzt tries to get immune to poison class J Sources of Poison Class J=Special Underworld Fungus, Small green plant of the Northern Forests, Serpents of the Bright Desert (see DMGDoc, Poisons).
Fox woman gems appraised at 500, 10, 10, 500, 1,000N values.Potions: Invisibility, Philter of Love, Oil of Fiery Burning (which explodes and hurts Leif a lot).
15th Reaping
Party takes Istusian clerics to the Pool. The first hour of travel, the party meets a Mummy. Mummy: 24hp21 points dam from Leif's LIGHTNING BOLT 7 pts from FIREBALL of Bill's26 pts from FIREBALL from Shzzt
Arrive at the edge of the Forest. 3 Ghasts 2 Ghouls while Bill and Quartz are on watch.Ghast 1, 2, 3 Ghoul 1, 2 -8 -13 -1 -6 -7MAGIC MISSILE from Bill, Shzzt, and Quartz
Then Gerald makes his move:
Gerald 125hp
Shzzt hits for 6, Phaedrus does 16, Phaedrus does another 16, Phaedrus does 12, Bill does 11 with the staff, Slime does 17 with his arrows
47 left Clerics of Istus 4th (Turned into a rat), 1st, 10th (hurt badly), 18th.
They head for home. Shzzt died recently, and his faithful servant Irving managed to grab the soul as it began it's rocketing, errorless journey home to Acheron. The lack of error and the speed was due to the killing of Shzzt via a FINGER OF DEATH spell by a Yugoloth named "Gerald". Irving takes the
"hand" of Shzzt's soul to lead him through the Astral. While travelling through the Astral Plane, Irving and Shzzt encounter Nerull, who asks for the soul of Shzzt, speaking as if Irving has "stolen from the harvest".
Irving speaks ancient words to allow free passage of Shzzt to his home plane. These words fade from Shzzt's mind quickly after they enter. Shzzt is brought to Hextor's estate in Acheron. He is brought before Hextor, who determines that because Tharizdun meddled directly in the affairs of men, that Hextor can and will do so as well. Shzzt must decide whether he wants to continue his existence on the Prime Material, since his purpose has not yet been fulfilled. There are prices to be paid however. He is required to give up one of his pursuits (but not fighter) to become a cleric of Hextor. Shzzt accepts, and gives up his use of Magic. Also, Shzzt loses two points of CON, one for the
death of his body, and the other for Irving, as payment.
Irving is given the choice of staying with Shzzt or going on, and Irving chooses to continue his work on the Prime Material in other ways. Irving and Shzzt agree to meet again in five years at the Golden Lamphrey in Lockmere.
Hextor then asks Shzzt to choose a time for his arrival back in his body on the Prime Material. Shzzt chooses to go back immediately. Hextor then gives Shzzt information about the Yugoloth and his demise and the interference of Tharizdun. Why all of this should be of such concern to Hextor remains to be seen.
16th Reaping
Arrive back at the castle at 11:00 AM. Slime and Bill go to the Church of Hextor. Shzzt is dead! Funeral is to be held on the same day as the Wedding of Phaedrus and Kay. Talk to the clerics of Istus. Talk to Zuphaitz-he doesn't like them anymore! Talk to Merrang. He will do it for 800N.
17th Reaping
Gerald all cured up. Time to party!!! He takes on the form of Knopfler and makes plans to crash the wedding. He teleports into the courtyard of Castle Greyhawk, which is familiar to him. However, as Fate would have it (Perhaps Gerald should not have screwed around with the
clerics of Fate!) he teleports himself ten feet below the ground. His molecules mesh with those of the Oerth, and he is dead. His ka is transported back to the The Gray Wastes, where (information deleted).
Tharizdun rolls over in his sleep. Gerald has been (information deleted).
18th Reaping
19th Reaping
Payday for Waggy and Schweigy
Garz finishes training. He then checks out the Pimp's rings: 900N wrought gold, 2,000 silver with 5,300 gem, 5300 silver with gem, 5000 silver+gem, 1300 silver+gem, 6000 silver+gem, 4200 silver+gem, 1100 gold.
Garz goes to the tower. One Ring CURSED one not.
20th Reaping
The funeral of Shzzt the Legend. Cancelled due to his rebirth.
The wedding of Phaedrus and Kay. Istus recognizes the couple and BLESSes the marriage. They are hitched. Gifts: Total of 2100N-cost 600 for the wedding Lute from Bart Harp from Bart Total of 20,000 in gems Magic Key from Shzzt Jewelled Dagger from Suisse Little Black kitten called Aloyisius from Leif
21st Reaping
Phaedrus and Kay are too tired to go adventuring.
22nd Reaping
Preparations for adventuring.
23rd Reaping
Depart with the clerics of Istus. Three days of travel to the temple. Allan arrives at the Castle three hours after the party leaves. Begins his trek to follow Leif.
24th Reaping
Travelling. Meanwhile, it has been one year upon the isle of Raq. They had flagged
down a ship a couple of weeks ago, which got set to rescue them, but Raq blew it out of the water. The party was angry but careful not to get the ire of the mage up too much.
25th Reaping
26th Reaping
Dip in the pool for aging. Allan in Forest tracking unerringly towards the temple.
27th Reaping
Allan on his way through the forest.
28th Reaping
Nothing of interest happens.
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