CY578 Festival of Richfest CY578

1st Richfest


Boat leaves Greyhawk City for Leukish.

Leif and Kay try to find out where Phaedrus has gone. Leif uses the Blue Crystal Ball to see where Phaedrus is. Sees that he is on a ship somewhere. This crystal ball has CLAIRAUDIENCE. Leif tries again, and this time hears the name of the ship. Leif flies to Greyhawk City as a grey hawk and gets there about nightfall. Changes into a high elf and then checks a bar down by the waterfront. He mingles with the sailors and buys the house a round. They talk about the Dominico and its destination of Leukish. Leif then stays at this Inn.

Phaedrus sleeps not at all. He is beginning to make the other sailors nervous.

2nd Richfest


Quartz and Kay leave on foot for Greyhawk City with Varradarro (NG). Leif gains spells for the first 3 hours, then he flies back along the road to give the news to Quartz and Kay. They continue to Greyhawk City, while Leif flies off to the Gnarley Forest. He almost makes it to the edge before nightfall. Quartz and Kay stay at the very farm where Phaedrus "stopped".

Phaedrus stays awake and stares at the other sailors in his room. They do not appreciate this.

3rd Richfest


Leif does three more hours of spell preparation. The White Stag grants the spells. Leif does a haste on himself and travels further into the forest.

Kay and Quartz travel the rest of the way to Greyhawk City and get there about midnight. They find an inn for one half Noble for the three of them. Captain Bill asks in Phaedrus would kindly go and sleep with his horse in the hold.


12 months on the Isle of Raq. Jean is really pissed that the following evening is Midsummer Night and he will be unable to collect Mistletoe in the Gnarley Forest with Leif, as he promised. He must content himself with the mistletoe growing on the island.

4th Richfest (Midsummers Night)


Quartz goes to the docks to find a ship. Stahmmann's Edge (a fast ship for quick travel and escape pirates, but they actually a smuggler's ring) leaves for Leukish in two days to arrive on the third of Reaping. Quartz goes out and gets drunk. Leif goes out to collect mistletoe. He meets a Foxwoman and her 5 charmed male friends. 2 fighters and N and 2 Rangers Cg, NG and a cleric of Incabulos (NE). Foxwoman 1,400xp was 42hp, taken down to -16. 3 potions and 5 gems are found on her person.

It is now midnight, so this story continues next day. Knopfler and some Ogres get overly drunk. Gerald overhears them talking. Knopfler is complaining about a group of adventurers that were going to leave him Polymorphed in the shape of a turtle because they were such "ignorant dicks". Gerald recognizes the name Leif, and grabs Knopfler and drags him into the presence of the Lich. Knopfler is geased to tell them everything he knows about the party. He tells them about their headquarters on the third floor of the Castle Greyhawk dungeon, and about a rumor he heard about Leif's henchman Allan leaving the group.

He also lists their names.

He is then dismissed, and forgets almost everything the next day. The

rest seems like a drunken hallucination.

5th Richfest


Leif follows the fowwoman's tracks back to her burrow and then enters the cave in the forest. Leif finds and takes a Longsword (not magic). Leif finds the room of the Foxwoman ransacked [by the cleric of Incabulos, now that he is free of her spell]. Four hours back to the druid grove. From there he changes to bird form to go back to Greyhawk City.

Kay and Quartz spend the day packing up supplies and recovering.

Garz and Shzzt arrive at Phaedrus' mom's late in the evening. Knock on the door. "Who is it?" Phaedrus' mother is pleased. It will take her two days to get ready. Tharizdun dreams of the Lich. The name of Allan Caldwell flits through his dreams. Where has he heard the name before? Ah, yes he dreamt the fighter came to him and asked to wreak vengeance on he who had killed him. Tharizdun reaches out in his dreams, finds Allan's soul floating about, still lost, and transforms him into a Revenant.

Tharizdun and his servants had no way of discovering the whereabouts of Leif and his companions before this time, but the powers of Allan as a Revenant allow him to unerringly track Leif wherever he may be. Tharizdun can dream of Allan and communicate his progress to the Lich. This plan seems a good one.

6th Richfest


Stahmmann's Edge leaves for Leukish. Leif arrives but two hours later. He goes to a familiar bar in the River Quarter. By talking to some sailors and winning a few Nobles in a game of cards, Leif finds out they went on the ship. He then heads for Leukish as a bird. Will arrive in four days.

Stone skins being rebuilt.

The Revenant Allan begins trek to find Leif. He begins his quest by travelling toward Greyhawk City. More undead are brought to guard the village area.

7th Richfest


Garz and Shzzt leave for Greyhawk. Phaedrus's mother in middle of the party. Even she wears stone skins. (This later lead to the point being brought up that with the current stone skin description, everyone with any kind of cash would have the spell up and running since it is not dissipated until the being is hit several times). No encounters.

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