Ancient and Current Languages

Although there are many many dialects spoken by the people of the Flanaess, only 5 could truly be recognized as languages:

Ancient Baklunish Old Oeridian

A combination of Ancient Baklunish and the dialect of Old Oeridian spoken in the Great Kingdom forms the basis of this new, widely used tongue. Virtually anyone who crosses national boundaries must learn at least a smattering of common or be greatly handicapped. It is frequently the case that one language must be translated into Common before it can be translated into another desired language.

This exists primarily as a written language, read by those who delve into the surviving ancient tomes of the Suel peoples. Within the Scarlet Brotherhood, however, it is the only permitted spoken language for discourse within the hieracrchy. A derivative,
Fruz is spoken by the other major Suel group, the barbarians of the North.

This is the oldest language still spoken on an everyday basis. The Tenhas speak Flan, albeit a somewhat debased version of the once widespread original tongue. It is a stagnant language now, and it is difficult to translate modern concepts into Flan because of its vocabulary and syntax.

Ancient Baklunish
The Common tongue owes a good portion of its roots to Ancient Baklunish. After a millenium of change, the language bears little resemblance to its offspring. The Paynim Tribes still speak it, although some traders in the Tribes learn common to better deal with outsiders.

Old Oeridian
Originally believed to be almost a closed language, Revort Leyhar has exploded this myth. He bases his case on the obvious fact that such a tongue could not remain free of outside influences, as we once claimed, when those who spoke it were the most widely disseminated and intermixed group throughout the Flanaess. Old Oeridian is the major basis of the Common tongue. As a written language, Old Oeridian is used almost exclusively by many everyday scribes (lawyers, clerks, and the like), in part, as a way of maintaining a monopoly on literacy (by excluding mere speakers and writers of Common), and thus their gainful employment. Exalted sages use yet more obscure scripts for the same reasons. Most major archives and libraries have a wealth of materials written in Old Oeridian.

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