CCCEP Logo Canadian Council on
Continuing Education
in Pharmacy

Effective November 1, 2004

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The revisions to the Guidelines and Criteria for CCCEP Accreditation include:
- re-formatting for easier use
- clarification of issues and procedures
- addition of new requirements

This document highlights the major areas of revision.  As many Sections of the Criteria are inter-related, we encourage you to read and be familiar with the entire document.  It is the responsibility of the provider/sponsor to assure utilization of and adherence to the most current version of the Guidelines and Criteria and all related forms.

The following comments are summaries only and do not contain complete information for each section.  Please refer to the Guidelines and Criteria document for the actual wording and full requirements.

3.    Learning Outcome Objectives
Section 3    Learning Outcome Objectives
Clarification of the development and role of Learning Outcome Objectives.  Learning Outcome Objectives are specific to the learner and are not to be confused with goals for the provider/presenter.

6.    Instructional Materials
Section 6.5    Copyright Statement
A statement may be added to program materials to confirm copyright/intellectual property of the content.

7.    References
Section 7    References
Clarification of reference requirements and a URL link to resource the preferred reference format.

8.    Author/PresenterSection 8.8/8.9    Sponsor Employees
Council will reconsider the exclusion of sponsor employees as program authors/presenters at a later date.  There are no changes at this time.

9.    Expert Review
Section 9    Expert Reviewers
Clarification of the requirements for Expert Review of programs prior to submission to CCCEP.

10. Honoraria and Disclosure
Section 10    Disclosure Forms
All participants in the development and presentation of a program must submit a disclosure form and disclosure must be stated at the beginning of all programs.

12.  Promotion and Advertising
Section 12.5(g) and
18. Learner Assessment

Section 18.7(i)    Reference to External Resources

In order to encourage active learning the provider may require the learner to access resources external to the program content to complete the post test.  

15.  Registration Lists and Privacy
Section 15    Registration Lists and Privacy Legislation

Registration for programs must comply with privacy legislation.

21.  CEU Definition and Assignment
Section 21    CEU Definition and Assignment

Clarification of the process to determine and assign a CEU value to accredited programs.  Although the process is unchanged, it is now more clearly stated in the Criteria.  

22.  Program Expiry Date
Section 22    Expiry Date

Clarification of the assignment of the expiry date and the responsibility of the provider/sponsor to assure programs are not distributed/presented if the content is no longer accurate or relevant.

24.  Application for Independent Study Program Accreditation
Section 24.3    Independent Study Programs

Clarification of the ISP review categories and the time frame to the CCCEP preliminary report.

Section 24.4    Extended ISP (new category)
A previously accredited ISP may be extended with minimal revisions.

Section 24.5    Updated ISP (new category)
A previously accredited ISP may be updated with revisions to the clinical content.

Section 24.6    Application Process for ISP Accreditation
A summary of the application process for ISP Accreditation.  Detailed requirements are noted on the application form.

25. CCCEP Review Process for ISP Accreditation
Section 25    CCCEP ISP Review Process

Clarification of the process undertaken by CCCEP in the review and accreditation of an ISP submission.

26.  Application for Live Program Accreditation
Section 26.4    Live Programs

Clarification of the LP review categories and the time frame to the CCCEP preliminary report.

Section 26.5    Extended Live Programs
A previously accredited LP may be extended with minimal revisions.

Section 26.6    Application Process for LP Accreditation
A summary of the application process for LP Accreditation.  Detailed requirements are noted on the application form.

27.  CCCEP Review Process for Live Program Accreditation
Section 27    CCCEP LP Review Process

Clarification of the process undertaken by CCCEP in the review and accreditation of an LP submission.

28. Provider Response to Preliminary Report
Section 28.1    Provider Response to Preliminary Report

Clarification for the provider when responding to the CCCEP preliminary report.

Section 34    Fees
The fee schedule was revised effective July 1, 2004 and is part of the current Criteria.  This amended version of the fee schedule includes the Extended and Updated review categories.