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Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy |
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CCCEP offers a mechanism for providers of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) to apply for accreditation for continuing education programs that they develop, promote, and deliver.
CCCEP strives to assure an accurate, contemporary, quality learning experience through the accreditation process. However, CCCEP assumes no responsibility for any errors or consequences arising from the use of information in a CCCEP accredited lesson. It is the responsibility of the provider/sponsor to assure compliance with any other Criteria or Codes to which they are subject and it is the responsibility of all program participants as professionals to interpret and apply the information to their own practice as is appropriate.
In accordance with Section 20.4, all criteria must be met before a program is accredited.
[back to outline]Revision of Guidelines and Criteria
Whenever a formal revision, in whole or in part, is indicated, CCCEP will submit a draft of the revised criteria to Council for a motion to approve.
Revisions to the Guidelines and Criteria or any related forms will be posted on the CCCEP website (www.cccep.org) including the date of Council approval and the effective date of the revisions.
It is the provider's responsibility to assure utilization of and adherence to the most current version of the Guidelines and Criteria and all related forms.
[back to outline]CCCEP accreditation is designed to assure quality continuing pharmacy education programs for all pharmacists.
The planning and delivery of quality programs is a complex process, which draws upon expertise from the field of adult education as well as the discipline of pharmacy. Providers should incorporate principles of adult learning in order to meet the learning needs of pharmacists and enhance learning outcomes.
This document is intended to assist providers in the planning process and in submitting an application for accreditation. Providers must understand and adhere to the requirements of this document as well as understand their accountability for the quality of the CPE program they deliver.
CCCEP accreditation provides assurance to pharmacists that a program has been reviewed for both quality education and relevance to practice. CCCEP accreditation is a well-recognized 'seal of approval' for CPE programs in Canada. Programs that are accredited for quality and relevance to practice will be of the most interest to practicing pharmacists as they decide which programs are appropriate for their needs.
Program accreditation aims to:
Enhance the quality of CPE at the post-baccalaureate level;- Provide pharmacists with a dependable basis to select quality programs;
- Enable uniform assignment and acceptance of CPE accreditation across Canada;
- Promote the provision of quality and appropriate CPE to augment the delivery of enhanced pharmacy practice.
1.1 Continuing education is a planned learning experience beyond a formal degree designed to promote the continual development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes on the part of the practitioner.
1.2 A provider is the person or group responsible for the development and submission to CCCEP of a CPE program.
1.3 A sponsor is the person or group that provides financial support for a continuing pharmacy education program.
1.4 The marketing and/or delivery of a program may be undertaken by the provider and/or the sponsor and/or a third party.
1.5 The provider should ensure that active and/or interactive learning activities are included in the program to assist learners with knowledge transfer into their practice.
1.6 Providers/sponsors are encouraged to work with established pharmacy organizations (licensing bodies, faculties of pharmacy, national, provincial, or regional pharmacy associations) in the development and delivery of programs.
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2.1 Providers should assess the learning needs of their target audience.
2.2 Strategies for learning needs assessment include but are not limited to:
a) Establish and utilize an advisory/planning committee that includes pharmacists;
b) Survey target audience pharmacists;
c) Solicit participants' suggestions for future program topics in a provider's program evaluation form;
d) Analyze professional literature and trends in the profession to identify areas in need of strengthening or development.
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Outcome Objectives
3.1 All programs must include written learning objectives that specify the learning outcomes participants can expect to achieve as a result of the program.
3.2 Learner assessment and program evaluation should be related to the learning outcome objectives specified for the program.
3.3 Learning outcome objectives must be stated as a measurable action or behaviour.
3.4 Program providers, authors, and/or presenters should collaborate to identify the learning outcome objectives prior to development of the program content.
3.5 Learning outcome objectives must reflect the relationship of the program topic and content to contemporary enhanced pharmacy practice.
3.6 Learning outcome objectives must be published in program promotional material as well as at the beginning of independent study programs and live presentation slides.
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and Style
4.1 Independent Study Programs (ISP) include but are not limited to:
a) Print based home study;
b) Journal articles;
c) Audio tapes;
d) Video tapes;
e) Cable television;
f) Web based;
g) CD ROM;
h) Other media-based formats.
4.2 Live Programs (LP) include but are not limited to:
a) Lectures;
b) Symposia;
c) Conferences;
d) Satellite broadcast;
e) Teleconference;
f) Videoconference;
g) Workshops.
4.3 Programs must be objectively presented and must provide in-depth information with fair, full disclosure and balance.
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Topic, Content, and Activities
5.1 Topics and content pertinent to contemporary pharmacy practice include but are not limited to:
a) The properties and actions of drugs and dosage forms;
b) The etiology, characteristics, therapeutics, and prevention of disease states;
c) The pharmaceutical monitoring and management of patient therapy;
d) Information unique to specialized types of pharmacy practice;
e) The social, ethical, behavioural, legal, pharmacoeconomic, administrative, and managerial aspects of pharmacy practice and health care.
5.2 In those instances where the topics or content are not exclusively specific to pharmacy (e.g. personnel management, computer applications, communications, motivation), the provider must take appropriate steps to assure that the core content is related to contemporary pharmacy practice. This may be addressed in such educational components as:
a) The definition of specific learning outcome objectives;
b) Selection of authors/presenters and the provision of guidance to them;
c) Development and/or modification of supplemental instructional materials;
d) Development of learner assessment activities and testing instruments.
5.3 If a Live Program involves multiple components such as a lecture series or conference format, segments should be integrally and logically sequenced in an effort to provide opportunities for a well-coordinated CPE experience.
5.4 Independent Study Programs must be a single topic or integrally related topics.
5.5 Generic names must be used in all presentations, discussions, and written material, unless there is no practical way to identify products with multiple ingredients. When use of a proprietary name is required, all pertinent proprietary names must be used.
5.6 The provider should ensure that all programs include active and/or interactive learning activities, which use adult education principles, to help participants transfer knowledge to their practice:
a) In Live Programs these include but are not limited to: patient management case studies and problem solving activities, manipulation of equipment or data, simulation exercises, structured question-and-answer sessions, and issue-based discussions.
b) In Independent Study Programs these include but are not limited to: pre-testing, self-assessment activities with answers provided, data manipulation exercises, case based exercises, problem solving, and post-testing.
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6.1 The program provider must prepare appropriate instructional materials, (e.g., handouts, outlines, background materials, selected bibliographies, and audiovisual aids) .
6.2 All instructional materials must be of satisfactory technical quality, current in content, and designed to enhance the participants' understanding of the topic.
6.3 Appropriate handout material to assist learning should be available to participants and must include a reference list if a copy of referenced slides is not used.
6.4 In addition to references as required in Section 7, providers are encouraged to offer a bibliography for additional reading.
6.5 A copyright/intellectual property statement may be included on slides and printed program materials in font size no larger than nine and in the same colour as the main text on the page.
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7.1 References must be included in all Independent Study Programs and must be available for Live Programs in the handout material.
7.2 References must be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text or on slides as superscript Arabic numerals and positioned at the end of the relevant quotation or concept outside of quotation marks.
7.3 Each source should have only one reference number used throughout the text.
7.4 Unpublished observations or personal communications should not be cited.
7.5 Web sites may be cited as references providing the complete URL and date accessed are provided.
7.6 Providers are responsible for verifying sources.
7.7 References must be current and relevant. Popular press references may be declined by the Expert Reviewers or during CCCEP review.
7.8 The preferred reference format, as described in the complete Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, is available online at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html.
[back to outline]8.1 An author is the person responsible for writing the content of a Live or Independent Study Program.
8.2 A presenter is the speaker or facilitator at a Live Program.
8.3 The provider must submit evidence of the expertise (by training and/or experience) of the program author/presenter.
8.4 The author/presenter must offer an unbiased, factual, evidence-based program. Any personal opinion/experience must be identified as such. Program participants can then determine the most appropriate course of action for their practice setting.
8.5 The author/presenter for each program must be competent in the subject matter and qualified by experience and/or training in the methods of the program delivery.
8.6 Providers are strongly encouraged to have pharmacists as authors and presenters of their programs to ensure that the material is pertinent to pharmacy practice. This will reinforce the concept that the pharmacist is a unique member of the health care team with specific education needs.
8.7 It is recognized that there may be significant educational value for pharmacists to share ideas and information with professionals from other academic disciplines. Therefore, authors and presenters who are competent and qualified in other disciplines (e.g., medicine, nursing, management, psychology) may author/present programs; however, material must meet the unique education needs of pharmacists.
8.8 Subject to Section 8.9, an author or presenter must not be an employee of the program sponsor or any of its subsidiaries or associates.
8.9 CCCEP does recognize that some program sponsor employees possess specialized knowledge on particular subjects that is not available elsewhere. In these cases, the employee may author or present a program with prior approval from CCCEP.
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Expert Review
9.1 Subject to Section 9.2 and 9.3, all programs are subject to review by two experts in the topic area. One Expert Reviewer must be a Canadian pharmacist.
9.2 If the author/presenter is not a pharmacist, both Expert Reviewers must be Canadian pharmacists.
9.3 Occasional exemptions for Expert Review may be granted - for example, for a major conference or for a non-clinical program. A provider who believes their program qualifies for an exemption under this section must contact the Executive Director for confirmation prior to submission of the program to CCCEP for accreditation review.
9.4 The provider is responsible to ensure the Expert Reviews are undertaken prior to submission of the program to CCCEP.
9.5 Expert reviewers critique the therapeutic and subject content of the entire program for clinical relevance, unbiased presentation, completeness, accuracy, and appropriateness of references. When speaker notes are not submitted for a Live Program, the Expert Reviewers and/or the Executive Director may request a copy if required to facilitate their review.
9.6 An author or presenter of a program must not act as an Expert Reviewer for that program.
9.7 An employee of the program provider or sponsor must not act as an Expert Reviewer of the program.
9.8 A colleague who works closely with the author or presenter or who works at the same facility/institution must not act as an Expert Reviewer unless there are no other experts in the topic area in Canada and prior approval is obtained from the Executive Director for an exemption. Expert Reviewers should be from diverse geographical areas wherever possible.
9.9 The provider must submit:
a) A signed Expert Reviewer Release Form from each of the two Expert Reviewers that states that the program is approved as reviewed, approved with noted revisions, or not approved;
b) A collated and typed copy of all comments made by each Expert Reviewer with the exception of identification of typos;
c) The author's written response to all suggested revisions from the Expert Reviewers to confirm that all revisions are incorporated in the submitted version or to briefly explain where a suggested revision is not incorporated.
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and Disclosure
10.1 An honorarium and expenses may be paid to program authors, presenters, and expert reviewers.
10.2 Every provider, author, presenter, and expert reviewer must complete and submit a Disclosure form to declare any funding or support received from the provider/sponsor further to program specific honoraria and expenses.
10.3 Disclosure, as required under Section 10.2, must be published at the beginning of all print/electronic programs and all speakers must provide disclosure to the program participants on an opening slide prior to commencement of a presentation.
10.4 If additional personnel (i.e. a new Live Program presenter) are involved with a program following accreditation, a Disclosure form must be submitted to CCCEP prior to their active participation.
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Methods of Delivery
11.1 The methods employed in the delivery of continuing pharmacy education play an important role in the effectiveness of the education experience. Innovation and experimentation with delivery methods that incorporate the principles of adult education and promote application/transfer of knowledge to practice are encouraged.
11.2 The preferred learning format of the intended audience should be considered as well as the most effective methods to achieve the learning outcome objectives.
11.3 The method of delivery should allow for and encourage active participation.
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Promotion and Advertising
12.1 Programs must not be used for the promotion of products or companies.
12.2 Social functions must neither compete with nor take precedence over the educational program.
12.3 When both accredited and non-accredited sessions are planned, the accredited sessions must be clearly identified.
12.4 The involvement of all parties must be clearly acknowledged on promotional literature and program material.
12.5 Promotional and program materials for all programs (e.g., brochures, advertisements, letters of invitation, or other announcements and the program itself) must include but are not limited to the following:
a) Learning outcome objectives for the program;
b) The identified target audience;
c) Presenters or authors and their credentials;
d) Registration fees for the program and a clear statement of the items covered by those fees;
e) Registration deadline and any applicable deadlines for pre-program cancellations and fee refunds;
f) Schedule and description of the program;
g) Full description of all requirements established by the provider for successful completion of the program and subsequent awarding of credit (e.g., successful (graded) completion of a post-test, requirement for reference to external resources to complete a post-test, completion of a program evaluation form, participation in all sessions or certain combinations of sessions) ;
h) A statement indicating when and how a participant may expect to receive notification of CEU credit;
i) Name of the program provider and any financial sponsors;
j) Provider/sponsor contact name and phone number;
k) Confirmation when applicable that the program is Extended or Updated from a previously accredited program in accordance with Section 24.4, 24.5, and 26.5.
12.6 All promotional and program material published or distributed after accreditation must also include:
a) CCCEP file number and the number of approved CEUs in accordance with Section 30.1;
b) Date of initial publication/presentation;
c) Program expiry date.
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Program Sponsors
13.1 A program sponsor may recommend the program topic but must not influence the content.
13.2 A grant or other financial support from a program sponsor must be unrestricted.
13.3 The program sponsor should be acknowledged at the beginning and/or end of the program (a discreet logo may be used once) . The sponsoring company and its products must not be referenced in any other context.
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Program Sponsor Employees
14.1 Employees of program sponsors may introduce speakers.
14.2 All provider and sponsor employees attending a Live Program must be clearly identified with a name badge and must introduce themselves to the chairperson.
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15. Registration
and Privacy
15.1 Registration lists must comply with PIPEDA or the applicable provincial privacy legislation. Program participants must be advised how registration information will be used.
15.2 A registration list must be used solely to confirm attendance at or participation in a program.
15.3 A program participant who declines to provide any personal information other than their name and license number is eligible for credit upon the successful completion of or participation in the program.
[back to outline]16. Verification of Participation
16.1 Providers must have a sound method to confirm evidence of participation in and successful completion of a program.
16.2 Procedures to document participation include but are not limited to:
a) Individual documentation to confirm participation in accordance with Section 16.3;
b) Use of a post-testing procedure with a pre-established proficiency level and credits or certificates awarded only upon attainment of this level in accordance with Section 18.7;
c) Use of study groups in which all participants must attest to the successful completion of the program;
(Note: In such instances, the provider must develop appropriate guidelines for the conduct of the program and use of the study materials. When completed and submitted to the provider, the material will constitute acceptable evidence of participation in and successful completion of the program at the specified level of proficiency.)
d) Submission by the participant of a written evaluation or critique of the program and its applicability to practice. The submission must be of sufficient length and detail to demonstrate successful completion of the program.
16.3 For all programs the provider must issue individual documentation of successful completion to each participant in a timely fashion to be retained in their personal learning portfolio or submitted to a licensing body or CE office as required. All documentation (certificate or letter) must include the following:
a) Program Name;
b) CCCEP File #;
c) Number of CEUs assigned;
d) Date/location participant attended or date participant completed the program;
e) Provider and/or sponsor company, name of contact person, phone number;
f) Participant name and license number.
16.4 All certificates must state the required information in accordance with Section 16.3, but may leave the space blank for the participant's name and license number. On request, a provider must be able to confirm eligibility of any individual participant to have a certificate (for example, by referring to the registration list) .
16.5 The provider must assure that certificates are provided only to bona fide participants of the program.
16.6 Certificates must not be issued for completion of a program after the program expiry date.
16.7 Any replacement or duplicate certificate issued must include the original participation or completion date.
17.1 Learner assessment and program evaluation are crucial for the maintenance and improvement of CPE quality.
17.2 Providers as well as participants should recognize learner assessment and program evaluation as essential elements of continuing education programs.
17.3 Providers are encouraged to share experiences with other providers with the goal of achieving continuing quality improvement of CPE programs.
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Learner Assessment
18.1 The provider must offer a learner assessment tool for each program so participants can assess their achievement of the program's learning outcome objectives.
18.2 Learner assessment activities are an integral component of a program and will be taken into consideration when determining the amount of credit to award.
18.3 Learner assessment questions based on the learning objectives may be provided separately or incorporated into the program evaluation form.
18.4 Providers are encouraged to utilize a variety of learner assessment tools including but not limited to:
a) Pre- and post-testing;
b) Post-testing alone or with group discussion and critique of answers;
c) Patient case study discussions;
d) Problem solving exercises;
e) Learner assessment form submitted to the provider.
18.5 Test items or other learner assessment activities should be designed to move beyond the simple recall of facts and seek to demonstrate learning with an emphasis on integration and transfer of knowledge to professional practice. Case based questions are one way to facilitate integration of learning into practice.
18.6 Feedback to the participant on post-test performance, including provision of correct answers and rationale, is required in accordance to Section 18.7.
18.7 Post-Tests
a) Where a post-test is used as the learner assessment tool, participants must achieve a minimum score of 70% for post-test questions to demonstrate that they have adequately achieved the program learning outcome objectives;
b) A participant who fails a post-test may have one opportunity to re-do the test without being advised which questions were incorrect the first time. Following the second attempt, whether a pass or fail, the correct answers and rationale will be provided to the participant;
c) Providers must inform participants of the process for notification of post-test results;
d) Post-test results must be provided to all participants in a timely, appropriate, and constructive manner and must include an indication of correct answers and the rationale for the answers;
e) Concurrent feedback on a post-test by including the answers with the questions is not acceptable if the test is used as the sole basis for validating participation;
f) If a unique set of questions is used for each of the pre and post-test, the provider may include only the pre-test answers to assure the post-test questions serve the validation function. If the same set of questions is used for both the pre and post-test, the answers must not be provided until after the post-test is completed;
g) Where the post-test questions are interspersed throughout the lesson (i.e. at the end of a chapter or module) , the score must be based on the total number of questions and provided only at the conclusion of the lesson after all answers have been submitted;
h) A post-test must consist of a minimum of 10 questions per CEU anticipated to be approved to a maximum of 30 questions. A program with 30 questions may be approved for more than 3 CEUs;
i) A post-test may require access/referral to resources external to the program material to promote active learning. Where this option is utilized, the requirement for external resources and examples of potential suitable resources must be prominently noted on all program promotional material and at the beginning of the program text;
j) Multiple choice post-test questions must have a minimum of three and a maximum of five answer options (except for true/false) ;
k) True/false questions should be limited; when used, the responses must be shown as a) and b) options to facilitate computer marking of answer sheets.
18.8 CCCEP may request a provider/sponsor to submit copies of the completed learner assessment forms.
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Program Evaluation
19.1 The provider must develop and implement a program evaluation component.
19.2 All participants must be afforded an opportunity to evaluate the quality of the program. The provider may, at his/her discretion, require the program participant to complete and submit the program evaluation form to be eligible for CEU credit.
19.3 CCCEP may request a provider/sponsor to submit copies of the completed program evaluation forms to the CCCEP office for audit purposes.
19.4 Key components of program quality to be monitored and evaluated must include but are not limited to:
a) The participants: achievement of the learning outcome objectives, the learning activities, the relevance of the learning experience to practice, and overall program satisfaction;
b) The program/presenters: suitability of instructional materials, pacing of presentation, knowledge of subject matter, clarity of presentation, actual or perceived content/speaker bias, and responsiveness to participant questions;
c) The topic: appropriate level of difficulty, currency of information and materials, overall balance.
19.5 The evaluation may also assess the facilities, the administration of the program, and convenience of the location.
20.1 Providers seeking CCCEP accreditation for a program must complete and submit the appropriate Application for Accreditation form and all required supporting documentation.
20.2 Subject to Section 20.3, CCCEP accreditation is required for any program intended for distribution or presentation in more than one province or intended to attract pharmacist attendees from more than one province.
20.3 The Maritimes, where one CE office functions on behalf of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, is exempt from Section 20.2.
20.4 All criteria must be completed prior to accreditation of a program.
20.5 The accreditation process must be finalized before a program is presented, published, or distributed.
20.6 Programs submitted after presentation, publication, or distribution will not be accepted for review by CCCEP.
20.7 Applications should be submitted in sufficient time to allow for any revisions or rewrites required prior to final approval.
20.8 Should the CCCEP review panel for an Independent Study Program not reach consensus, the program may be distributed to an alternate review panel. In this case, the review process will take longer than the usual period of time. Providers are encouraged to plan for this possibility.
20.9 CCCEP is not responsible for missed publication deadlines or lack of accreditation due to late submission of an application or any delays caused by revisions or further information required from the provider to address issues raised in the Executive Director's preliminary report.
20.10 CCCEP will not respond to an external inquiry about a program submission prior to its accreditation; however, program submission information may be shared with members of CCCEP Council, provincial CE providers, provincial licensing authorities, and the program provider.
20.11 Once accreditation is finalized, program information is public knowledge.
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CEU Definition and Assignment
21.1 A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as one contact hour (60 minutes) in an accredited continuing pharmacy education activity.
21.2 A minimum of one CEU is required before partial CEUs are assigned. Half (30 minutes) and quarter (15 minutes) CEUs may then be awarded.
(Note: A provincial CPE office, in conjunction with the licensing authority, may reject fractional CEUs at their discretion.)
21.3 For Independent Study Programs, consideration for the assignment of CEU value includes but is not limited to:
a) Average length of time for CCCEP review panel members to complete their review of the lesson and post-test, excluding an outlier;
b) Comment and feedback from the review panel members on the lesson and post-test or other learner assessment tools;
c) Style and content of the lesson and post-test questions - including application to practice, promotion of knowledge transfer to practice, integration of case/problem based learning, learning activities to enhance life-long learning skills, post-test that moves beyond simple recall of fact;
d) Number of post-test questions.
21.4 For Live Programs, consideration for the assignment of CEU value includes but is not limited to:
a) Length of presentation;
b) Presentation style;
c) Active/inter-active learning activities;
d) Successful completion (70%) of a post-test - optional at the provider's discretion.
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Program Expiry Date
22.1 Subject to Sections 22.2 and 22.3, program accreditation expires:
a) Three years from the month of submission for accreditation evaluation providing the application was submitted within a reasonable time frame (at the discretion of the Executive Director) from the date of the Expert Review; or
b) Upon publication of an ISP answer key.
22.2 Accreditation remains valid to the expiry date providing the content, format, and length of the program are unchanged and the content remains current and relevant. It is the provider's responsibility to assure a program is not distributed or presented if the content is no longer accurate and current.
22.3 The expiry date for a Conference is immediate upon the conclusion of the Conference or at the conclusion of the final presentation of a repeated Conference. (A Conference is occasionally repeated in its entirety for a banner or chain organization.)
22.4 Individual sessions accredited under the auspices of a Conference must not be extracted for future presentation as a stand alone program until re-submitted for stand alone accreditation with its own unique file number.
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French Translation of CCCEP Accredited English Programs
23.1 CCCEP accredits all programs in English.
23.2 The translator of a CCCEP accredited program must certify that the French translation corresponds in every respect to the English version.
23.3 If the translator is not a pharmacist, a bilingual pharmacist must review the French translation and certify that the translation accurately reflects the content and clinical relevance of the accredited English version.
23.4 The provider must submit to CCCEP a signed statement from the translator and the reviewing pharmacist on the prescribed form to confirm the French translation accurately depicts the original accredited program.
23.5 CCCEP will advise the provincial CE offices that the French version of the program is accredited.
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Application for Independent Study Program Accreditation
24.1 It is the responsibility of the provider/sponsor to assure a program application is submitted in sufficient time to facilitate revisions/editing which may be required following receipt of the preliminary report from the Executive Director.
24.2 The time lines noted in Sections 24.3 and 34 refer only to the provision of the preliminary report from CCCEP to the provider - and do not infer in any way that accreditation will be finalized within that period of time.
24.3 Independent Study Programs may be submitted under one of the following categories:
a) Regular (anticipate 1-4 CEUs) - preliminary report forwarded to the provider within six weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
b) Special (anticipate 5-10 CEUs) - preliminary report forwarded to the provider within six weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
c) Extended - preliminary report will be forwarded to the provider within three weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
d) Updated - preliminary report will be forwarded to the provider within six weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
e) Fast Track (anticipate 1-4 CEUs) - preliminary report will be forwarded to the provider within two weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
The provider must contact CCCEP a minimum of two weeks prior to submission of a Fast Track to confirm availability of the service. Availability of Fast Track service is not guaranteed.
The provider must also confirm the exact date of delivery to the CCCEP office 48 hours in advance.
f) Special Fast Track (anticipate 5-10 CEUs) - preliminary report will be forwarded to the provider within three weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
The provider must contact CCCEP a minimum of two weeks prior to submission of a Special Fast Track to confirm availability of the service. Availability of Special Fast Track service is not guaranteed.
The provider must also confirm the exact date of delivery to the CCCEP office, 48 hours in advance.
g) Administrative Review - preliminary report will be forwarded to the provider within two weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
24.4 Extended Independent Study Program
A previously accredited Independent Study Program may be submitted for review as an Extended Program providing:
a) Revision from the initial accredited version is minimal and clearly identified;
b) The post-test questions may be the same or similar to the initial accredited version;
c) Following revisions by the author, the program is reviewed by two Expert Reviewers to assure continued currency and relevance in accordance with Section 9;
d) The Extended Program Application form and all required documentation stated therein are submitted to CCCEP in accordance with Section 24.6 for review by the Executive Director. On receipt of the submission the Executive Director will determine if a program qualifies for this review process;
e) On accreditation, the new CCCEP file number will include the suffix 'EX';
f) All marketing and program material must clearly state the program is extended from the original program with minimal revision and must include the original program number and initial publication date;
g) The expiry date will be three years from the month of application for Extended Review in accordance with Section 22.
24.5 Updated Independent Study Program
A previously accredited Independent Study Program may be submitted for review as an Updated Program, providing:
a) All revisions from the initial accredited version are clearly defined (deletions and additions) ;
b) The post-test questions are entirely new;
c) Following revisions by the author the program is reviewed by two Expert Reviewers to assure continued currency and relevance in accordance with Section 9;
d) The Updated Program Application form and all required documentation as stated therein are submitted to CCCEP in accordance with Section 24.6 for review by a CCCEP review panel;
e) On accreditation, the new CCCEP file number will include the suffix 'UD';
f) All marketing and program material must clearly indicate the program is updated from the original program and contains an all new post-test and must include the original program number and initial publication date;
g) The expiry date will be three years from the month of application for Updated Review in accordance to Section 22.
24.6 Application Process for ISP Accreditation (print or electronic media) :
a) The appropriate completed Application for Accreditation form and all required documentation as stated therein;
b) Penultimate program text free of typographical, grammatical, and content errors;
c) All submissions must be paginated;
d) All submissions must be of sufficient quality that reviewers can easily read or view (for example: video, CD) the entire program including any charts, tables, or diagrams;
e) References must be noted in text in accordance with Section 7;
f) Information for the participant: that a mark of 70% or greater is required to earn CE credit; where to submit answer sheet for marking; when and how participant will be notified of results;
g) Accreditation fee plus GST in accordance with Section 34.
24.7 Accreditation of all electronic media programs is dependent on the successful review of the final version of the electronic format in accordance with Section 25.6.
[back to outline]25.1 Upon receipt in the CCCEP office, the application and documentation will be reviewed for completeness.
25.2 When determined that the submission is complete, a copy of the application form and required documentation will be forwarded to a CCCEP review panel (volunteer practising pharmacists) . Initially, the answer key rationale will be sent to half of the review panel.
25.3 The CCCEP review panel is responsible to:
a) Consider the relevance of the program to contemporary pharmacy practice ;
b) Assure the program information is provided in a fair, unbiased, and non-promotional manner;
c) Identify any important issues relevant to the topic that are not included;
d) Identify any issues that require clarification;
e) Assess the post-test questions for accuracy, clarity, level of complexity, and appropriateness in relation to the learning outcome objectives, subject matter, and application of knowledge to practice (moving beyond simple recall of fact) ;
f) Assure that the program meets the accreditation criteria;
g) Document the time required to complete the program;
h) Recommend whether the program should be accredited.
25.4 Some members of the review panel will not receive the answer key initially and will submit their answers to the post-test questions with their review of the program. This assists to identify any concerns with the questions or the answer key and the overall time required to complete the program. Once the program is accredited, these reviewers will receive CE credit for their personal record.
25.5 The Executive Director will compile a preliminary report to the provider, including the comments from the reviewers, and will identify any additional matters that must be addressed prior to accreditation approval.
25.6 Review of the final electronic format will include but is not limited to:
a) Content conforms to that which received conditional approval;
b) Registration requirements to access the site (no extraneous personal data) ;
c) Real or perceived bias on/of the CE site;
d) Access to and scoring of the post-test;
e) Access to answer key rationale;
f) Access to participation certificate.
25.7 Once all requirements are met, the Executive Director will advise the provider that the program is accredited, the number of CEUs assigned, the CCCEP file number for the program, and the expiry date.
[back to outline]
Application for Live Program Accreditation
26.1 It is the responsibility of the provider/sponsor to assure a program application is submitted in sufficient time to facilitate revisions/editing which may be required following receipt of the preliminary report from the Executive Director.
26.2 The time lines noted in Sections 26.4 and 34 refer only to the provision of the preliminary report from CCCEP to the provider - and do not infer in any way that accreditation will be finalized within that period of time.
26.3 In accordance with Section 9.3, occasional exemptions for Expert Review of a Live Program may be granted - for example, for a major conference or for a non-clinical program.
26.4 A Live Program may be submitted under one of the following categories:
a) Live 1 - 1 to 3 speakers and/or topics (includes a train-the-trainer session)
The application and documentation must be received in the CCCEP office a minimum of three weeks prior to the initial presentation date. The preliminary report will be sent to the provider within two weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
b) Live 2 -4 to 10 speakers and/or topics.
The application and documentation must be received in the CCCEP office a minimum of three weeks prior to the initial presentation date. The preliminary report will be sent to the provider within two weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
c) Live 3 -11 or more speakers and/or topics.
The application and documentation must be received in the CCCEP office a minimum of four weeks prior to the initial presentation date. The preliminary report will be sent to the provider within three weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
d) Extended -The preliminary report will be forwarded to the provider within two weeks of receipt of a complete and accurate application submission.
26.5 Extended Live Program
A previously accredited Live Program may be submitted for review as an Extended Program, providing:
a) Revision from the initial accredited version is minimal and clearly defined;
b) Following revisions by the author, the program is reviewed by two Expert Reviewers to assure continued currency and relevance in accordance with Section 9;
c) The Extended Program Application form and all required documentation stated therein are submitted to CCCEP for review by the Executive Director. On receipt of the submission, the Executive Director will determine if the program qualifies for this review process;
d) On accreditation, the new CCCEP file number will include the suffix 'EX';
e) All marketing and program material must clearly state the program is updated from the original program with minimal revision and include the original program number and initial presentation date;
f) The expiry date will be three years from the month of application for Extended Review in accordance with Section 22.
26.6 Application Process for Live Program Accreditation:
a) The appropriate completed Application for Accreditation form and all required documentation as stated therein;
b) If speaker notes are not submitted, a detailed program abstract is required;
c) Copy of slides or overheads (This requirement may be waived under certain circumstances such as a major conference, only with prior approval of the Executive Director) ;
d) All slides must be numbered;
e) All submissions must be of sufficient quality that the reviewer can easily read the entire program including any charts, tables, or diagrams;
f) All submissions must be the penultimate draft, free of typographical, grammatical, and content errors;
g) References must be noted on slides and/or handouts in accordance with Section 7;
h) Statement for participants advising when and how participant will be notified of credits;
i) Accreditation fee plus GST in accordance with Section 34.
[back to outline]
CCCEP Review Process for Live Program Accreditation
27.1 Upon receipt, the application and documentation will be reviewed for completeness.
27.2 When determined that the submission is complete, the Executive Director will review the program to:
a) Assure the program information is provided in a fair, unbiased, and non-promotional manner;
b) Identify any issues that require clarification;
c) Assure that the program meets the accreditation criteria;
d) Determine the number of CEUs.
27.3 The Executive Director will prepare a preliminary report to the provider and identify any requirements that must be addressed prior to approval for accreditation.
27.4 Once all requirements are met, the Executive Director will advise the provider that the program is accredited, the number of CEUs assigned, the CCCEP file number for the program, and the expiry date.
[back to outline]
Provider Response to Preliminary Report
28.1 The provider response to the Executive Director's preliminary report must include a copy of the revised program with the revisions clearly noted to facilitate further review. Text, slides, post-test, and answer key rationale must also be included if applicable.
28.2 If the revisions are of a minor nature, the review will be undertaken at no further cost to the provider.
28.3 When the revisions are major, and include significant additional material or changed clinical content, a completely new program submission may be required at the Executive Director's discretion.
[back to outline]
Administrative Review
29.1 An accredited program (Independent Study or Live) may be submitted for Administrative Review if:
a) The provider and/or sponsor changes;
b) The program is shortened by removing section(s) of the previously approved content;
c) Program content is not otherwise revised or updated;
d) The learning objectives are amended as required.
29.2 A program with revisions to the clinical content is not eligible for administrative review.
29.3 The provider must submit the completed Application for Administrative Review form, the required documentation as stated therein, and the applicable fee plus GST in accordance with Section 34.
29.4 The original program name and CCCEP file # must be provided.
29.5 The program provider must clearly indicate the changes to the program and the reason for the request for administrative review.
29.6 The expiry date will remain the same as that of the originally accredited program.
29.7 The Executive Director will determine if the program qualifies for this review process.
29.8 The Executive Director will prepare a preliminary report to the provider and identify any requirements that must be addressed prior to approval for accreditation.
29.9 Once all requirements are met, the Executive Director will advise the provider that the program is accredited, the number of CEUs assigned, the new CCCEP file number for the program, and re-confirm the expiry date.
[back to outline]
Program Recognition
30.1 In addition to the requirements of Section 12. 6, program materials may include the CCCEP logo with the following statement (in close conjunction with the CCCEP logo) on program announcements, course materials, and certificates of participation:
The Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy has accredited this program for ____ CEUs.
Le Conseil canadien de l'éducation permanente en pharmacie a octroyé _____ crédits de formation continue pour ce programme
30.2 This statement must not be used for programs approved provincially for local presentation or for programs accredited under the Approved Provider Pilot Project.
31.1 If a provider/sponsor is not satisfied with the decision of the review panel and/or the Executive Director, an appeal may be submitted in writing to CCCEP.
31.2 An appeal must be based on an error in:
a) The interpretation of the reviewers comments; or
b) The application of the Guidelines and Criteria.
31.3 The Executive Director will advise the appellant of the appeal process. The process is discretionary and dependent on the nature of the appeal and may include:
a) A submission to a new review panel; or
b) A submission to the Executive of CCCEP Council.
31.4 The decision of the appeal process is binding.
31.5 The appeal process will take a minimum of four weeks.
31.6 The appropriate fee plus GST in accordance with Section 34 must accompany the appeal submission.
[back to outline]
Program Audit
32.1 From time to time, CCCEP may conduct an audit of accredited programs.
32.2 A program audit strives to assure the quality of the education program and assist CE providers in the continuing improvement of their program development and delivery activities.
32.3 An audit will assist to enhance the overall validity and reliability of the accreditation criteria.
32.4 Auditors will be current or past members of CCCEP or individuals designated by CCCEP.
32.5 An audit may include but is not limited to:
a) Analysis of program quality as perceived by the auditor who participates in the program;
b) Inquiry with the program participants to solicit their opinions on key indicators reflecting the quality criteria;
c) Evaluation of the program provider's compliance with the accreditation criteria;
d) Request the provider to submit learner assessment and/or program evaluation forms to CCCEP.
32.6 When an audit indicates the provider has failed to adhere to the Guidelines and Criteria, a penalty may be assessed in accordance with Section 33.
[back to outline]
Failure to Adhere to Guidelines and Criteria
33.1 It is the responsibility of the provider and/or sponsor to assure a program adheres to the Guidelines and Criteria.
33.2 Should a provider or sponsor fail to comply with the Accreditation Guidelines and Criteria, CCCEP reserves the right to assess a penalty.
33.3 The penalty will be determined at the discretion of the CCCEP Executive, ratified at the next meeting of the Council, and may include any of:
a) Refusal to accredit future submissions from the offending provider or sponsor, either for a specified period of time or indefinitely;
b) Withdrawal of accreditation prior to the initial or subsequent presentation of a live program or for any further participant submissions of an independent study program;
c) Any other penalty as may be determined appropriate;
d) The effective date(s) of the penalty.
34. Fees
34.1 CCCEP Council sets the fees for accreditation evaluation.
34.2 Fees are due with the program application and are not refundable. Cheques are payable to: Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy or CCCEP.
Please refer to the following Fee Schedule. Refer to Sections 24.2 and 26.2 for a statement regarding the time frame for preliminary reports.
[back to outline]
Section |
Program/Review Type |
INITIAL CCCEP Report To Provider |
Fee |
34.3 |
Regular |
Six weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$935.00 |
$65.45 |
$1000.45 |
34.4 |
Special |
Six weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$1650.00 |
$115.50 |
$1765.50 |
34.5 |
ISP - Extended |
Three weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$550.00 |
$38.50 |
$588.50 |
34.6 |
ISP - Updated |
Six weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$935.00 |
$65.45 |
$1000.45 |
34.7 |
Fast Track |
Two weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$2475.00 |
$173.25 |
$2648.25 |
34.8 |
-Special |
Three weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$3190.00 |
$223.30 |
$3413.30 |
34.9 |
Live 1
-up to 3
speakers or topics |
Two weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$550.00 |
$38.50 |
$588.50 |
34.10 |
Live 2 - 4 to 10 speakers or topics |
Two weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$825.00 |
$57.75 |
$882.75 |
34.11 |
Live 3 -11 or more speakers or topics |
Three weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$1100.00 |
$77.00 |
$1177.00 |
34.12 |
Live - Extended |
Two weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$350.00 |
$24.50 |
$374.50 |
34.13 |
Administrative Review |
Two weeks from receipt of complete application submission |
$275.00 |
$19.25 |
$294.25 |
34.14 |
Appeal |
Minimum four weeks from receipt of appeal |
$550.00 |
$38.50 |
$588.50 |
(GST Registration Number 89764 5594 RT)
For independent study programs greater than 10 CEUs or for unique program formats, the fee will be set individually by mutual agreement between the Executive Director and the provider.
For more information, please contact:
Nancy McBean, Executive Director, CCCEP
102 - 4010 Pasqua Street, Regina, SK S4S 7B9
Phone 306-545-7790 Fax 306-545-7795
info@cccep.ca www.cccep.ca