CCCEP Logo Canadian Council on
Continuing Education
in Pharmacy

Mission Statement
Accreditation Criteria
Accreditation Forms

Forms and Applications

Electronic | Manual

Please note the revision date of forms and applications and use the most current version.

Electronic Forms

NEW: The Accreditation Forms have been modified to allow you to complete them on your computer. You must have Microsoft Word or a compatable program to complete these new forms. The previous Manual forms are still available in PDF format.
To use these electronic forms, Right-click on the link and select "download" or "save as," then open the saved file using MS Word. After you have completed the form, please print and submit it and all required documentation to our new address:

102 – 4010 Pasqua Street
Regina, SK S4S 7B9

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF FAST TRACK PROGRAMS: Currently, only Fast Tack Independent Study programmes and all Live programs can be submitted via email. To do this, download and complete the electronic form and email the completed form to

WEB-BASED PROGRAMS and CD submissions are also accepted for review. Prior to submitting a web based program for on-line review, please contact the CCCEP office:

Manual Forms

These forms cannot be completed on your computer - you must print them and complete them manually. These forms require Adobe Acrobat or an equivalent PDF viewer to view and print. Please make sure you have the latest version.

For more information, please contact:
Nancy McBean, Executive Director, CCCEP
102 - 4010 Pasqua Street, Regina, SK S4S 7B9
Phone 306-545-7790  Fax 306-545-7795