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The direct ancestorsin the lineage of Jesus from Abraham to the Exile!

 His lineage in Mark and in Luke is easily available to all. What is generally not available are the Old Testament references to his earthly forbearers. This list is but the first 28 of his generations/ancestors 14 from Abraham to the exile. I will later add the last 14 generations with their O.T.references and the Strongs Numbers.

Note: The #'s before the various names are numbers assigned by my Brothers Keeper Geneology Program to track generations. The #s after the names are program tracking numbers and are used as unique id numbers in order to find and trace the right name. Biblical Passages in [quotes] and refer to the passages that corroborate and personalize the lineages as given by Matthew and Luke.They are generally in order of their first occurrence of searching for their names in my Bible CD ROM.

Mar 09 2000 Descendants of: ABRAHAM.

Wives names ie m. D #9 unless given in full ie m. SARAH are assigned letters or a combination of numbers to satisfy the requirements of the geneology program and allow correcting later when and if discovered.

Mar 10 2000 Descendants of: ABRAHAM

1 ABRAHAM #64 [GE 11:19]
m. SARAH #65

2 ISAAC #1 [GE 21:3]

3 JACOB #3 [GE 32:28]
m. LEAH #267

4 JUDAH #5 [GE 29:35]
m. TAMAR #6

5 PEREZ #7 [GE 38:29]
m. D #9

6 HEZRON #10 [GE 46:12]
m. E #11

7 RAM #48 [RU 4:19]
m. N #50

8 AMMINADAB #14 [RU 4:19]
m. O #15

9 NASHON #51 [RU 4:20]
m. P #52

10 SALMON #18 [RU 4:21]
m. RAHAB #19

11 BOAZ #20 [RU 4:21]
m. RUTH #21

12 OBED #22 [RU 4:22]
m. I #23

13 JESSE #24 [RU 4:22]
m. J #25

14 DAVID THE KING #33 [RU 4:22]
m. BATHSHEBA #288 [1CH 3:5]

15 SOLOMON #292 [2SA 12:24]
m. NAAMAH #304

16 REHOBOAM #305 [1KI 11:43]
m. MAACHAH #306 [1 KI 15:2]

17 ABIJAH #307 [1KI I4:1]
m. AB1 #308

18 ASA #309 [2CH 14:1]
m. AZUBAH #310

19 JEHOSAPHAT #311 [1KI 15:24]
m. JEHOS1 #312

20 JORAM #371 [2KI 8:24]
m. JECOLIAH #377

21 AHAZIAH #378 [2KI 8:25]
m. JERUSHA #399

22 JOTHAM #321 [2KI 15:7]
m. JOT1 #322

23 AHAZ #323 [2KI 15:38]
m. ABIJAH #324

24 HEZEKIAH #325 [2KI 16:20]
m. HEPHZIBAH #326 [2KI 20:21]

25 MANASSEH #327 [2KI 20:21]
m. JEDIDAH #328

26 AMON #329 [2KI 21:18]
m. AMO1 #330

27 JOSIAH #331 [2KI 21:26]
m. JOS1 #332

28 JEHOIAKIM #369 [2CH 23:34]
m. JEH1 #370

29 JECHONIAH #338 [1CH 3:16]
m. JEHO1 #341

30 SHEALTIEL #344 [1CH 3:17]
m. PED1 #349

31 ZERUBBABEL #350 [1CH 3:19 JER 22]
m. ZER1 #356

The mystery surrounding the 28th generation and JECHONIAH #338: 1CH 3:17 Born before the exile to Babylon and name changed to Jehoiachin after captivity. The great confusion in lineage is explained in Jer 22:28-30.

He was to be recorded as childless. The lineage is then given to Shealtiel and down through Zerubabel, despite Pedaiah fathering Zerubbabel. This had given me much trouble until my eyes finally saw the reference to Jeremiah

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