The Ultimate Fighting Machine

What is a Bolo? On the surface, the Bolo is simply a 'monster' tank, the largest land-borne combat unit ever built by the human race. A high-tech combination of electronics, armour-plate and deadly weapons. As such, they hardly seem worthy of the high esteem and honours which have been applied to them.

However, the Bolo is also something far more. Yes, they are symbols of brute force, intransigent defiance and adamantine will. But, on a deeper level, the Bolo is the "Lancelot" of the future, the perfect knight and gentleman. Charged with the defense of all humanity from those foes, human and alien, who would threaten the existence of our way of life and of the entire species. They are a return to the age of chivalry, to the dedication that a warrior class exists solely to protect those who can not protect themselves.

Controlled by their tireless electronic brains, which are programmed to admit no possibility of defeat, the gigantic robot tanks are almost indestructible, and nearly unstoppable. Almost. Nearly. A sufficiently determined enemy, armed with nearly limitless firepower and willing to sustain terrible losses could destroy a Bolo. But, even a terminally damaged Bolo is still an opponent to reckon with. And, so long as a Bolo's artificial intelligence retains a flicker of conciousness, its indomitable drive to defend the human race against all enemies will propel it forward.

Bolos May Be Destroyed...

But They Never Surrender.

This web page is dedicated to Keith Laumer and his greatest literary creation, the Bolo fighting machine. While Keith is no longer with us, the Bolo lives on through the dedication and imagination of some of the best authors in the SF field today. I look forward to continued tales of mankind's Knight-errants of the future, those sentient guardians who represent the best and the worst that we have to offer.

NEW! Bolo Novels and Anthologies NEW!

A Short History of the Bolo Fighting Machines

Bolo Technical Information

Regimental Roll Call

Baen Books All images and excerpts on these pages are copyright by Baen Books and/or Bill Fawcett and Associates. No infringement of their rights or ownership is intended.

Last updated: Sunday, September 8th, 2002. Maintained by John B. Geis. Visit the Geis Family Homepage

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