Novels & Anthologies

This page lists only those novels which I have copies of. I know for a fact that there are at least two more...

"The Compleat Bolo" by Keith Laumer. I saw this book on the shelves when it was released, and did not buy it. To the best of my recollection, it was basically a reprint of "Bolo: Annals Of The Dinochrome Brigade", with perhaps one more story added, which I had already read somewhere else.

"The Stars Must Wait" by Keith Laumer. This is an expanded version of the story "The Night Of The Trolls", which is found in the novel "Bolo: Annals Of The Dinochrome Brigade". I have taken it out of the Public Library and read it, but personally, I preferred the short story. However, it should be noted that the two versions of the story end differently, and the "historical" summaries found in the most recent Bolo novels are obviously using the one from "The Stars Must Wait" rather than that of "The Night Of The Trolls".

If anyone has information on other novels or stories which are not included in this list, please feel free to send it to me and I shall happily include it on this page.

The Classic Of Space War


Annals Of The Dinochrome Brigade

Copyright 1976 by Keith Laumer

A Short History of the Bolo Fighting Machines
"The Night Of The Trolls"
"Field Test"
"The Last Command"
"A Relic Of War"
"Combat Unit"

Rogue BOLO

Copyright 1986 by Keith Laumer

BOOK TWO - "Final Mission"
A Short History of the Bolo Fighting Machines



Book 1: Honor Of The Regiment

Created By Keith Laumer
Copyright 1993 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

"Lost Legion" by S. M. Stirling
"Camelot" by S. N. Lewitt
"The Legacy Of Leonidas" by J. Andrew Keith
"Ploughshare" by Todd Johnson
"Ghosts" by Mike Resnick & Barry N. Malzberg
"The Ghosts Of Resartus" by Christopher Stasheff
"Operation Desert Fox" by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon
"As Our Strength Lessens" by David Drake


Book 2: The Unconqerable

Created By Keith Laumer
Copyright 1994 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

"Ancestral Voices" by S. M. Stirling
"Sir Kendrick's Lady" by S. N. Lewitt
"You're It" by Shirley Meier
"Shared Experience" by Christopher Stasheff
"The Murphosensor Bomb" by Karen Wehrstein
"Legacy" by Todd Johnson
"Endings" by William R. Forstchen



Book 3: The Triumphant

Created By Keith Laumer
Copyright 1995 by Baen Books

"The Farmer's Wife" by Linda Evans
"Little Red Hen" by Linda Evans & Robert R. Hollingsworth
"Little Dog Gone" by Linda Evans
"Miles To Go" by David Weber
Technical Notes


Book 4: Last Stand

Created By Keith Laumer
Copyright 1997 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

"The Sixth Sun" by S. M. Stirling
"The Traitor" by David M. Weber
"Yesterday's Gods" by John Mina & William R. Forstchen
"Memories Of Erin" by Robert Greenberger
"Hold Until Relieved" by William H. Keith, Jr.
"A Question Of Valor" by Todd Johnson
"In The Flesh" by Steve Perry & John DeCamp
"And Don't Come Back" by Mark Thies
"A Time To Kill" by David M. Weber
"A Brief History Of Human Expansion Beyond Concordiat Space" by Linda Evans


Bolo Brigade

Created By Keith Laumer
Written by William H. Keith Jr.
Copyright 1997 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

Bolo Rising

Created By Keith Laumer
Written by William H. Keith Jr.
Copyright 1999 by William H. Keith Jr.



Book 5: Old Guard

Created By Keith Laumer
Edited By Bill Fawcett
Copyright 2001 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

"Incursion" by Mark Thies
"Rook's Gambit" by John Mina
"The Sky Is Falling" by J. Steven York & Dean Wesley Smith
"Brothers" by William H. Keith Jr.

Book 6: Cold Steel

Created By Keith Laumer
Edited By Bill Fawcett
Copyright 2002 by Bill Fawcett and Associates

"The Greater Machine" by J. Steven York & Dean Wesley Smith
"Though Hell Should Bar The Way" by Linda Evans

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Baen Books All images and excerpts on these pages are copyright by Baen Books and/or Bill Fawcett and Associates. No infringement of their rights or ownership is intended.

Last updated: Sunday, September 8th, 2002. Maintained by John B. Geis.
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