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The sheer magnitude of the lovebird fancy almost guaranteed that this miniature parrot would soon begin to rival the budgie world for primary mutations. Interestingly enough, I am not aware of any information that compares the number of mutations occurring in larger breeding centers versus the individual or home breeder.  Has anyone accumulated this type of information?

There are probably many minor mutations that have resulted from all of the breeding of this prolific little parrot.  However, they have probably been absorbed back into the lovebird population or lost through indifference or the inability to identify or foster the mutation. As well, the mutation or variance may have been so minor that it did not merit notice or saving.  Let's all work together to stop this happening again.


Topics requiring your input and participation

If you raise Peachfaced Lovebirds and have a good clear photo of a specific mutation or color combination, please identify it and e-mail it for inclusion in the picture galleries.  Pictures that are chosen for display will be identified by sender, breeder or business.  As well, if you have an electronic picture of a large cage or colony breeding operation please send it on.  The same photo credit applies.

 all e-mail containing photographs will receive a reply.