JOHN McCREA, born 1776 in County Donegal, Ireland. His will was written June 6, 1837 and registered at Gagetown on October 26, 1837.  His first wife was a Miss Brock, who died in Ireland.  By this marriage he had two children:

William                                                            1792 -              married  Jane Elliott

Mary                                                                1793 - 1879     "     John McCready

John McCrea's second wife was Ann Boyd.  They had the following children:

Hugh                                                               1801 - 1887  married  Catherine Boyd

Thomas                                                           1802 - 1858     "     Jane Foster

Flora                                                                 1806 - 1863     "     John McAfee

Ann                                                                  1809 - 1875     "     Robert Coleman

Diana                                                                                          "     John Floyd


John McCrea and his family arrived in New Brunswick from Ireland in 1823 and joined his son, William, who came out in 1821.  The McCreas settled in Shannon, Queens County. John McCrea received a Grant of Land in Shannon consisting of 200 acres on December 9, 1828. Following is John McCrea's petition for a grant of Crown Land, and also his will, dated 1837.

John McCrea passed away in 1837. A memorial stone  has been placed in the Shannon Cemetery.


To His Excellency, Sir Howard Douglas, Baronet, Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-In-Chief of the Province of New Brunswick.

The Petition of John McCrea, farmer, humbly sheweth -

That the petitioner was born in Ireland, County Donegal, that he is a subject of Great Britain, and has resided in the County of Queens for three years past, that he is 50 years of age. and has a wife and seven children, and has never received any grant or allotment of land from the Crown.

The petitioner therefore humbly prays that Your Excellency will be favourably pleased to grant a certain tract or lot of land lying and being in the County of Queens, Parish of Wickham, abutted and bounded as follows, viz. - lying partly in the rear No. 11-12-13 in the grant of Garret Jacobus and others, and in front of lands granted to Shanahan and others, on the Eastern side of the Washademoak Lake, that the said land is in a naturel and uncultivated state and has never had any improvement made thereon, it is partly covered ...... wood and alders, that the petitioner conformably to the Royal Instructions intends to ' settle said land forthwith, and as he is an able bodied man with some means, he hopes soon to stock his farm. with everything necessary to social and rural life, that he has not directly nor indirectly bargained or agreed for the sale or transfer of the said land to any person or persons whatsoever.

And as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray.



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Know ye  that at Gagetown, Queens Co., on 24 day of Oct, l837, before me, Nathaniel Hubbard DeVeber, Esq., the last will and testament of John McCrea of the Parish of Wickham, Co. of Queens, Executors Hugh McCrea and James Foster, in the 1st. year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria.

Registered 26 Oct., l837, Henry S. Peters, Dept. Register

In the name of God, amen, I, John McCrea, of the Parish of Wickham, Queens County, N.B., being in imperfect health of body, but of a sound mind and memory, thanks be to almighty God, calling unto the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this, my last will and testament; that is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

First of all, I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife, Ann McCrea, a living unto my estate during her natural life, to be supported by my two sons, Hugh and Thomas McCrea.  Secondly, I give and bequeath to my two sons, Hugh and Thomas McCrea, that is to say, I give and bequeath to my son, Hugh, the 100 acres which he now resides upon with his half of the moveables.  Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas, the 100 acres which joins him, together with the half of the moveable property (including the half of the stock), the above mentioned to be divided at the time of their seperation, the same to be theirs and their heirs and assigns forever.

WILL OF JOHN McCREA - continued

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  Fourthly, I give and bequeath to Robert Coleman after my decease the sum of four Pounds currency.  Fifthly, I give and bequeath to     John Floyd a two year old heifer after my decease.  Sixthly, I give and bequeath to John McAfee a two year old heifer after my decease. Likewise I give and bequeath to my son, William McCrea, the sum of five Shillings; likewise, I give and bequeath to John McCready the sum of two Shillings and sixpence, the same to be paid after my decease.  Lastly I make and ordain and constitute and appoint my son, Hugh, and James Foster my sole executors to this, my last will and testament, to recover all my just debts, dues and demands, and to take care that this, my last will and testament, be performed according to my true intent and meaning.

In witness whereof I, the said John McCrea, have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of June A.D. 1837.  I do hereby utterly revoke and disallow all other wills or testaments made by me and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament.

Sealed and delivered) in the presence of us who) saw the within named) sign the same in our presence.)


George Earle          )                                                                           John Mccrea

Francis Coleman    )

Andrew McGready  )


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WILL OF JOHN McCREA - continued

N.B., Co. Queens to wit.  Be it remembered that on the twenty-fourth day of October, 1837, personally appeared before me, Nathaniel H. DeVeber, Esquire, Surrogate  of Queens Co. in Her Majesty's Province of N.B., George Earle and Andrew McCready, both of Wickham in Queens County, foresaid and being duly sworn, made oath and saith that they saw John McCrea sign and seal the within instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of said John McCrea, bearing date the 6th day of June, 1837, and heard him publish the same as his Last Will and Testament, that at the same time thereof the said John McCrea was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them, the said disponents, and that their names subscribed to the said Will are of their own proper handwriting and that they subscribed their names thereunto in the Testator's presence and in the presence of each other and at the same time thereof they saw Francis Coleman, the other subscribing witness, sign his name by making his mark, also in the presence of the Testator

N.H. DeVeber

Surrogated Judge of Probate


WILL OF JOHN McCREA - continued

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New Brunswick, Queens County, to wit:  Be it remembered that on the 24 Oct. 1837, personally appeared before me, N.H. DeVeber, Esq., Surrogate of Queens County, Hugh McCrea and James Foster, the Executors in the aforesaid Will, named and were duly sworn to be the true executors and performance of the said Will taking oath of Executors as by law appointed

N.H. DeVeber I hereby certify the proceeding to be true copy of the original Will of John McCrea, deceased, and certificates thereon indorsed, lodged in the Registry of the Court of Probates for Queens County examined by me.

Nov. 20, 1837        Henry S. Peters, Dist. Reg.

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