WILLIAM McCREA, son of John McCrea and Miss Brock, was born 1792 in County Donegal, Ireland.  William McCrea's wife was Jane Elliott, who was born 1790 in County Donegal, Ireland.  William and Jane were living with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Boyd, in the census of 1871, but both had apparently died before the 1881 census.  They had the following children:

Susannah                                            1820 -           married  Hugh Boyd

Mary Jane                                            1825 - 1896      "     James Logue

John Elliott                                                   1826 - 1903      "    I.Rebecca Nixon

2.Ann Gillespie

Eleanor Ann                                        1831 -

George E.                                            1836 -               "    I.Elizabeth McCrea                                                                                                                                           2.Phoebe Lloyd

Diana                                                    1837 -               "     Andrew McCordic


 William McCrea, his wife, and daughter, Susannah, came to New Brunswick in June of 1821

(Character reference) and settled in Shannon, where, on December 9, 1828, he received a Land Grant consisting of 300 acres. (Waiver of Claim by former applicant)  After being in New Brunswick for some time, William McCrea sent for his sister, Mary, to come over from Ireland, stating that it was a wonderful country, that they got sugar from the trees, etc.  She came out, and when she got here and found what it was like, she said "William, why did you bring me out here?" He said "Mary, I wanted to see you!"


LAND PETITION OF WILLIAM McCREA    (letter of Support)




To His Honour, Ward Chipman, Esquire, President and Commander-In-Chief of The Province of New Brunswick. The Petition of William McCrea, thirty one years of age, a married man, a native of Ireland, and the last two years resident in this Province, always before that in Ireland, Humbly sheweth, that he is a British subject and has never received any land from the Crown, wishes to obtain an allotment of vacant Crown Land situated on the East side of the Washademoak Lake in rear of John McDonald's grant, being the same lot surveyed for and now given up by John McDonald on account of it's remoteness and indifferent quality, it contains three hundred acres on which no improvements have been made, on which it is his intention to settle forthwith, and comply in all respects with the Royal Instructions, that he is of ability so to do, and has not bargained or agreed for the sale or transfer thereof to any person whatever* And he as in duty bound, will ever pray,


William McCrea

August 19, 1823



The following is taken from the Census of 1861 regarding William McCrea:


Land Owned:                Improved  …………………....……............  50 acres

  Unimproved  ………..……......….…........ 150 acres

 Value of Farm  ...........………....……….... $1,200.00

 Value of Implements & Machinery  …...... .   $20.00

Value of Cloth & Other Home Manufacture .   $20.00

 Livestock:  Milk cows  ................   3

Working oxen ……….. ..….........   4

Neat cattle  ..…………….............   5

Sheep ……………. ....................  12

Swine  .………………..................   3

Produce from farm:

Hay  ........…………... 14 tons from 14 acres

Oats  ......………….... 50 bushels from 2 acres

Buckwheat  ……....... 60 bushels from 2 acres

Rye  .........…………....  6 bushels from 1/2 acre

Potatoes  ……......... 100 bushels from 2 acres

Peas     ......……....     1  bushel




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