U.S.S.R. - Polish-Soviet War 1919-1920

page generated: June 3, 1999

compiled by Allan Magnus


  1. Stalin's Falcons:The Aces of the Red Star, Tomas Polak & Christopher Shores, Grub Street, London 1998
  2. Snipe Plumage, Colin Owers, Windsock International, Vol.10 No.4, August 1994

last name given name airforce victories comments
SapozhnikovGeorgii StepanovichSoviet Red Air Fleet21 Istrebitelnaya Aviagrupa; 1 observation balloon shot down; KIFA 8/Sep/1920
ShirinkinAlexei DmitriyevichSoviet Red Air Fleet27 Istrebitelnyi Aviaotryad

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