Switzerland - World War Two

page generated: May 10, 2002

compiled by Allan Magnus


  1. Christoper Kugler via Santiago Flores
  2. Aero Journal, No. 14, Aug-Sept 2000, Aero Editions, Fleurance, France
  3. Avions No.84, March 2000

last name given name airforce victories victories shared comments
AschwandenErwinSwiss Air Force01claimed 1 Luftwaffe He-111 on 2/Jun/1940 while flying Bf-109; shared with Lindecker
LindeckerWernerSwiss Air Force11claimed 1 Luftwaffe He-111 on 1/Jun/1940 and shared 1 He-111 on 2/Jun/1940 (with Aschwanden)
RoubartyJeanSwiss Air Force01Cp.Av.6; shared 1 Luftwaffe He-111 on 1/Jun/1940 while flying Bf-109E (J-313); shared with Wachter; KIFA Jun/1942
SchenkPaulSwiss Air Force1Cp.Av.6; claimed 1 Luftwaffe He-111 on 1/Jun/1940; some reference claim that this victory was awarded to Lindecker)
StreiffVictorSwiss Air Force2Cie.Av.15; claimed 1 Luftwaffe Bf-110 on 8/Jun/1940 while flying Bf-109D and 1 Luftwaffe He-111 on 16/May/1940 while flying Bf-109E (J-349)
WachterAlfredSwiss Air Force01Cp.Av.6; shared 1 Luftwaffe He-111 on 1/Jun/1940 with Roubarty

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