Eclectic Homepage
page is an experiment in form and content intended to bemuse its readers and
occupy the spare time of its creator. As time permits, I hope to provide
scholarly discourse on subjects that interest me.
The content at this site was last updated on April 15, 2018
Check out this page for some links to Titanic sites and some other notes.
Interesting Links
Click on the following to see some links that I have found either interesting or useful over the years.
English to Canadian
Click on the following link to see a lexicography of British and Canadian terms. This list also includes an explanation of rhyming slang.
Latin Phrases
Ipse dixit, quid pro quo, pro forma. Get the definitions of these and some other common Latin phrases.
Homonyms are words that are spelled differently but are pronounced the same. Check out these examples
Click here to find a description of some common Computer and other acronyms
Computer Parts for
Click here to see a list of computer parts I have for sale.
Miscellaneous Articles
No time to tour the garage sales? Check out these items for sale.
To contact the creator of this page, send email to: