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There are pages and pages of information on the world wide web that deal with various color mutations in lovebirds, budgerigars and a variety of other species.  This page will look to garner input from budgerigar breeders and lovebird breeders.  Most breeders have a little piece of the inheritance puzzle, and this page will seek to aggregate that knowledge, so that a greater understanding of physical inheritance can be theorized or recorded

The challenge in the bird world, as I see it, is determining the inheritance patterns for specific physical traits.  The conformation and deportment of your bird should get you to the bench every time: not color alone, but in concert with form.

New breeders have access to all of the color inheritance knowledge accumulated, over years of trial and error, by experienced breeders.  Has that access negatively impacted the mainstream breeding business or generated more interest ??  The scientific community is working on feathering and color inheritance ( distribution, cloudy cells, barbules, melanin, dilution).  Do experienced breeders feel threatened by these studies and the information they may provide... they should not.

Should breeders be afraid to share information regarding their knowledge of inheritance and how it relates to physical form, both deleterious and beneficial... NO, they should not.

Experienced budgerigar breeders (hobbyists) used to have much of the knowledge required to "assemble a bird" as required or as the 'standard' of the day dictated ("Standards" are meant to be flexible, not engraved in stone).  I am not sure how widely disseminated that information is in the budgerigar world today.  Budgerigars today, show little resemblance to the spritely, bright and "typy" birds which were shown in the late twenties and thirties.  They were something else entirely.  Looking at and reflecting on how budgerigars have "evolved" in the sport is a personal thing.  However, the standard today tends toward big intermediate and buff birds with plenty of blow.  The lovebird fancy seems set on following this direction, with larger (buff) birds and the allure of "the" big bird with broad round head; excellent conformation, tight feathering (from coarse feathering); and overall balance and deportment... something budgerigar breeders have always sought whether in the birds of the past or birds today..

There is a golden opportunity for budgerigar enthusiasts and master breeders to share their knowledge with those in the lovebird fancy wishing to pursue larger "Buff" type birds, and as well for those few who cannot give up the more active and tighter feathered "standards" of the present.  Can we get out of our self-imposed silos and share the knowledge we have accumulated over the years... ???

In many ways, the physical perfection of our birds (be they small or large) is everyone's ultimate goal.  Many may say that this goal is unattainable, as:

My response to these comments follow:

If you know of a site that collects morphological / physical inheritance information, please let me know (I have not been able to find any and that is why I thought to set up this page and aggregate some of the knowledge out there).  Please be aware that nothing is free.  In order for this site to work, I only request that people from both the lovebird and budgerigar communities share their own experiences, reasons and observations regarding why they believe a particular physical trait is inherited in a particular way