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Agapornis roseicollis catumbella

Please note that the following images have been provided by and are copyright to
I would like to express my appreciation to the Curator, Mark Adams for providing the following images
in order to help fellow aviculturalists finally understand how
Agapornis roseicollis catumbella truly appears

The following images are copyright to the
Natural History Museum, London

We request that you not copy the images
as they are not for commercial use.
They are here to assist aviculturalists
to see the difference between

Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis
Agapornis roseicollis catumbella

The original type
description (Hall, B.P., 1952. A new race of Agapornis from Angola. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 72:25 ) reads:

"Differs from Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis in its brighter colouring.
The red of the forehead and supercilium is slightly deeper in tone and the
salmon pink of the cheeks and throat more heavily suffused with scarlet.
The green of the mantle and underparts is deeper and brighter and the blue
of the rump is frequently deeper and purer, less green-blue".

copyright The Natural History Museum

copyright The Natural History Museum

copyright The Natural History Museum