Here's another one Parrot. Best I could do with my limited knowledge of hybrid practices: past to present. Good luck making people see that their pet is probably the result of hybridism (transmutation, for the sensitive). I think people with lovebird pets need to know the value of hybridism and what it can do. It is not all negative and bleak, as those that see extinction of pure species as the final goal. What is "pure" ? what is a"species"? what is a "hybrid". I'll send more as I can find the time. Perhaps others will add or correct inaccuracies in the attached document.
Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis
or Hybrid roseicollis |
Chocolate or brown faced |
nigrigenis |
Longfeather ? |
Agapornis fischeri
or HYBRID fischeri |
Lutino Nyasa |
fischeri |
fischeri |
fischeri |
fischeri |
fischeri |
Cinnamon |
Agapornis personatus
or HYBRID personatus |
personatus |
personatus |
Lutino nyasa |
personatus |
Lutino nyasa |
blue personatus |
Blue dilute |
Agapornis nigrigenis
or Hybrid nigrigenis |
nigrigenis |
Agapornis lilianae
Nyasaland /
Nyasa / lillian's
or Hybrid lilianae |
blue |
nyasa |
Lutino |