Occurs in Nature
Range of fertility results
Enables new adaptation to evolving niches
Natural adaptive mechanism ?
Sterility / infertility
physical chromosomal alterations
moral objections
testing preconceived classifications
new color variety and form types
challenging breeding efforts
improve understanding and education about impacts
clearly define position based on best available science, versus fears and
Indiscriminate breeding
lack of education / knowledge
fear of discussion & identifying responses to activities
inadvertent inclusion of bird in "pure stock"
Pollution of "pure population"
hybrid characteristics so desirable people ignore "threat" of gene mixing
loss of pure stock
Acceptable form: "Natural" vs A.I. or biotech.
seek sterility of hybrids or encourage diversity
is classification system erroneous if fertile offspring produced (any offspring)
is hybridism precursor to speciation and adaptation
natural advantage exploits niche
hybrid replaces endemic species
hybrid success based on natural adaptation
increases diversity of cellular organisms without destroying "gene pool"
hybrids unable to adapt - mortality
caged population may require domesticated feed elements to survive (specialty
poor hybrid immune system response
loss of instinctual response mechanisms
depressed flight, fright, endurance characteristics
too rapid growth of chicks in poor feed conditions
anomalies in down, feather, temperature response and other minor (unidentified)
factors leading to poor survival
abysmal social and aggression responses
eliminated by by flock
easy prey for predators
not developed for specific niches
Hybrid vigor introduced into dwindling, wild stock
Hybrid vigor introduces "unknown" element that might restore wild population's
ability to reproduce, and optimize niche or multiple niche utilization
hybrid gene benefits either express or are absorbed into evolving wild
species' adaptation success
certain extirpation turned around by introduction of hybridized gene structure
pure or wild genes captured and ensured through hybridization with wild
stock: prevents certain, total loss.
untimely extirpation of endemic species or founding population (s)
substantive hybrid mortality due to poor "natural" adaptive benefits
poor hybrid survival traits in existing "system"
more harm than good to "natural population"
spread of hybrid genes
multiple hybrid adaptations to multiple niches, where niches have
interdependency on production / survival success - wholesale destruction
introduction of damaging new bacteria or viruses to wild populations
destruction of or competition for limited food source
general hybrid adaptation consumes specialized niche in generalized forage
Hybridizers perceived as trying to improve on biblical development (species)
survival based on additive gene alterations ? If so so, is hybridism
a survival characteristic.
How many extirpated species are known to have hybridized successfully in
the wild - Were they pure species that died out before, or because, a chromosomal
mutation failed to occur ?
Is hybrid survival in the wild (nature), in endemic species surroundings,
the litmus test for hybrid adaptability
will hybrids be able to forage for themselves in the wild
how successful does initial hybrid fertility need to be in order to determine
future success of an adaptation
higher degree of precision in gene transfer - though still questionable
high degree of unknowns still present in final outcome
greater degree of testing and analysis possible
Opportunity to cross compatible genomes where physical exchange possibility
is severely curtailed (behavior or physical anomalies exist)
Engineered or repeatable hybrid production methodologies
moral and ethical questions
acceptability by general public
slow change through selective breeding leading to gradual acceptance
rapid change through biotech engineering perceived as "god-like" interference
- inculcation / recognition factor
Intent, reasoning and methodology, of both, generally poorly understood
knowledge in the hands of a few
Old questions of skewed perceptions: science versus religion and education
versus ignorance
fundamentally, a question of utilization and application
founded on technocrat use of knowledge and science to transcend and hasten
practical breeding results
dependent on understanding, risk assessment and results
Sometimes easier to make things ( open the barn door) than to repair harm
instigated by such actions
easily translatable into exiting fundamentals or aesthetic results: food
& construction material production; flowers, trees and pets
tremendous opportunity for understanding, and unraveling complex DNA role
and interactions
rapid advances enable opportunities to save threatened species
potential for inserting sterility in hybrids, versus guess work in selection
Misuse of either technology
failure to identify or control results of experimentation
escapees occur before procedural practices are fulfilled or completed
time delays in determining fertility or sterility (maturation) or species
Rapidity of biotech finds more likely to require containment or unearth
undesirable elements / behaviors
developing and releasing something that will negatively impact not only
intended target population or species, but also other species
Often challenge in comprehending, identifying, conceptualizing inextricable
links associated with single factor (or polygenic) alterations on
environment / ecosystem.. practical breeding less problematic
Is cloning a bird a more acceptable practice than hybridizing one
what is an acceptable level of cellular manipulation
Why is practical breeding ( dogs, cats, hogs, beef, horses, finch, pigeons)
more accepted than parrot hybridism or inbreeding
Do you eat hybrid animal renderings or vegetable and fruit hybrids
or perhaps the new and less controversial produce "crosses"
establishes a genetic relationship between species, if offspring produced
is targeted at improving certain characteristics or resilience in target
multiple crosses may provide greater opportunity for valuable (and non
valuable) gene combinations to occur
allows for uniformity in F1 offspring and greater range or variation in
F2 offspring from an F1 cross
hybrid- may be more talkative, brilliant color; larger; smaller, etc..
tremendous educational benefit and learning mechanism
hybrids often fertile with each other or in backcross to parental stock
Inter specific hybrids: often made clear by the absence, rarity or sterility
of the heterogametic sex (hen [ZW] in parrots),
need for different species similarity and fertile sex chromosome combinations
frowned upon in pet species, but not, necessarily, food species
duration of time and percent bird discards
requirement for meticulous notes and specific objectives
need to understand the objective or goal of the crosses
general anger at difficulty in identifying backgrounds
purity an issue until bird hybrid is breeding true
increased variety and combinations
altered behavior, sound and preferences (good and bad)
greater initial heterozygosity in crosses, if that is sought
greater analysis of gene interaction and implications
broader understanding of impacts of hybridism of pure species, where no
alternative exists
reveals the range of change and impacts of various alleles among related
species lines. important in understanding how flexible and adaptable
nature and "species" are
clearly delineates evolutionary linkages between varied "species" and allows
for molecular analysis among "species": measuring the "real" differences
between genomes and the finite range at which separation or speciation
may occur: if other than infertility imparted by physical chromosome alterations
(preventing compatibility)
crosses replace endemic species: manufactured better than the real thing:
i.e.; synthetic food stuffs or materials
reduced longevity
highly dependent on factors selected or targeted for
selected factors not consistent with survival in the wild
perceived as wasting a limited gene pool
lack of information flow around hybridism or inbreeding studies and practical
activities conducted in silence and only finished product placed on market:
perhaps as a new mutation: depending on back crosses to select parent
jumble of genes, no clear or decipherable morph or type generated
morph has little in value to substantiate effort or alterations so minuscule
as not to warrant effort
possibility of lethal gene combinations or autosomal recessives: enforces
perception of crosses inevitably leading to mortality or chromosomal aberrations
cross may diverge widely from parent populations: unrecognizable as offspring
of any: "purification issues"
threat to pure species
are multiple hybrid crosses required
if species can cross, is it still hybridizing (as we define it) or are
we doing something else
what constitutes a hybrid: sterile offspring? one or both sexes?
if crosses between multiple species from different continents plausible
/ proven: what is hybridism
are hybrid crosses more serious among long live or short lived species
and why is there a difference, if any at all
is education infallible and hidebound or open to change of interpretation
when facts present themselves, which challenge written expectations or
if crossing a lab, wolfhound and an irish setter is not hybridism, because
all of the breeds fit under a species designation (& are fertile),
where does specie designation end?
If eye rings are fertile among themselves, why are they not one species
and a number of breeds ( remember that our definition of breed is that
it cannot survive without human intervention) yet the eye-ring species
or "breeds" developed and sustained themselves without human intervention
if you could not hybridize, there would be no hybrids. If hybrids
were infertile /sterile, there would be no concern over polluting the gene
pool. If we can cross, but are not supposed to be able to, we still
do not have any hybrids. Does it make any sense
hybrids were once defined as animals that were different at a single allele,
i.e.; a color mutant
Hybridism, by definition, should not be able to impact pure population
gene pools
A hybrid is a sterile creature that results from the crossing of two different
What is the fertile creature produced by two different species called
Transmutation = hybrid
Hybridism is not a threat if hybrids cannot transmit their genes
F1 hybrids tend to be fairly uniform, unless there is significant disparity
between parent stocks
problems occur when definitions break down
hybrid fertility appears inexplicable, and so, is an enigma to classifiers
definitions change over time, and we need to keep abreast. To fail to do
so leads to utter confusion
Some individuals rely on definitions to the exclusion of all else, including
what is common knowledge
if the topic is unpalatable, people will prefer not to discuss it, preferring
confusion and concern to clarity ,and evidence contrary to their
own beliefs
Dissemination of new information depends on the interest in any given location.
Lack of interest means that important information can be overlooked.
If people don't understand, they can continue to propagate the falsehoods
of earlier dogma or prevent awareness due to their personal distaste of
a particular activity
Definition clarity can assist with introduction of new concepts and alternatives
review of activities and definitions enables a broader understanding and
knowledge of where early analysis may have erred for lack of information
An opportunity to inform people of how and why certain practices came into
disrepute, despite evidence to the contrary
To educate parrot and other avian fanciers of he benefits and challenges
with new techniques
To inform people of the danger of believing that all hybrids are
infertile, and the issue this raises with "pure populations"
to educate people to the dangers of crossing apparently similar birds species
or types, that are in fact transmutations or hybrids. This will lead
to introduction of hybrid genes into the wilds stud population.
To question how many people really understand the extent of hybridization
in the eye rings and that they do not, in many cases, simply have a color
hybrids are covered under euphemisms like transmutation
A color mutation is perceived as a color mutation, when in fact it is the
result of a hybrid act
How do we in the lovebird community ensure that novices or pet owners are
fully knowledgeable about what they are buying.
Would people buy a bird if it was call ed a hybrid "color" mutation.
Of course not !
hiding or ignoring the presence of hybrids in our lovebird species is highly
how many people do you hear talking about a hybrid fisheri or personatus
on the front of a color cover? None - Why ?
How many will complain if they see a fisheri / roseicollis on the cover
(lots) - Why?
Are our own twisted perceptions of what constitutes a hybrid the real threat
to our purity?
What real and measurable threat is there to the questionable "purity"
of lovebird stock ? How many can identify a pure fischeri, nigrigensis,
personatus or nyasa ? The birds have been so crossed in captivity
that all we seem able to do is try and clean up the hybridism, through
inbreeding ( both detested activities)
do those breeding and producing color mutants believe they are practicing
is there such a thing as pure stock, and is pure a term we really want
to use?
where is your pure fischer, black-cheeked; black-masked or nyasa.
In a small population, even if you begin with a "pure" specimen, by the
time you finish with your inbreeding and selection program, you have a
new variety (homozygous), not the heterozygous population of the "naturalized
Why is there such a peculiar desire to reject such activities / definitions
as hybridism and inbreeding when it is so evidently practiced everywhere.
people cannot be so truly unaware of the state of breeding that they believe
that inbreeding and hybridism has not impacted their own birds- Can they
no discussion on hybridism would be complete without reference to inbreeding
inbreeding is the methodology applied to ensure the maintenance of a hybrid
color or form. To practice uncontrolled breeding with a hybrid is to ensure
that your discards rise exponentially
Inbreeding is a cleaning or purifying mechanism, which helps discard the
undesirable recessive lethals or genes that prevent a certain form or color
being created
the ability of people to use its moral implications to overshadow its practical
necessity and true worth
the inability or unwillingness to ask questions and research a practical
methodology, because of the questionable attitude and understanding by
those who are supposed to be knowledgeable or expert
failure to address mechanisms that could improve stock health
simple: to educate those who refuse to see
mediocrity and a loss of interest in our birds, except for the occasional
new mutation. however, that will not be a novelty if the bird is
unable to be displayed in the optimum form, health and structure, because
of the reluctance to question and try new / old methods
who is telling you that is hybridism and inbreeding is bad
have you done your own research, or do you simply put your faith in others
what do you want
have you had success without inbreeding
Do you believe a hybrid to be a bird that is the result of crossing species,
or the result of changing the heterozygous nature of the wild population.