The 4th National Forum on Continuing Education  
for Canadian Pharmacists    

November 21-22, 2003 | Montreal Canada 

Documents on this page are in Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf). 

Sponsor Acknowledgement

Please note:
Anderson Photo Keynote: Beyond the Hype of E-Learning: Does it Really Work for Health Professionals? Terry Anderson
Anderson - Friday Keynote.doc.pdf
Anderson - Friday.ppt.pdf

Keynote: Promoting Quality in Distance Learning - Where do We Go from Here? Terry Anderson
Anderson - Closing Plenary.doc.pdf

Session A: Program Development Workshops - Writing Effective Learning Objectives.  Angela Wiens
Session A - Wiens.doc.pdf
Session A - Wiens Handouts.pdf

Session B (Cancelled)
Cooper Session C: Program Planning for Distance Delivery - Experie nce with a National Emergency Contraceptive CE Program. Janet Cooper
Session C - Cooper.doc.pdf
Session C - Cooper - handout (2).pdf
Session C - Cooper - handout.pdf
Session C - Cooper.ppt.pdf

Session D: Program Development Workshop - Designing Activities for Distance Learning. Angela Wiens
Session D - Wiens.doc.pdf
Session D - Wiens - handout.pdf

Session E: Distance Education for a Doctor of Pharmacy Program - a Learning Experience. Heather Kertland
Session E - Kertland.doc.pdf
Session E - Kertland.ppt.pdf
Session E - Kertlandnotes.ppt.pdf

Session F: Program Development Workshop - Learner Assessment at a Distance. Angela Wiens
Session F -Wiens.doc.pdf
Session F - Wiens - handouts.pdf
Fenwick Session G: Assessment Re-Loaded: Beyond Testing. Tara Fenwick
Session G - Fenwick.ppt.pdf
Session G - Fenwick.doc.pdf
Schindel Session H: Program Evaluation - Ensuring Quality Distance Learning. Terri Schindel
Session H - Schindel.doc.pdf
Session H - Schindel.ppt.pdf
Barhill Session I: CCCEP Accreditation Update. Deb Barnhill / Nancy McBean
Session I - Barnhill.ppt.pdf
Session I - Barnhill.doc.pdf

For more information, please contact:
Nancy McBean, Executive Director, CCCEP
3861 Athol Street, Regina, SK, S4S 3J2 Phone/Fax: (306) 584-5703