






Hi, and welcome to my website. My name is Laurie and I would like to take this
time to tell you a little about myself. I'm a proud step mom of 4 grown children &
two of my own, their ages range from 29 - 10. I'm also a step grand mom of 5 &
very proud of them as well. I think that is not bad for only being the age of 39 my-
self. My husband and I have only had a computer for 2 years, and everything that
he knows and has taught me has been self taught. Even the making of his and my
websites. If any one likes them and would him to make one for them feel free to 
get in touch with him by email, I' m sure he will get back to you if he can do it for 
you. Any how enough about him this is about me anyhow. I' m a stay at home 
mom and really enjoy it, I'd never give it up for the world. I've been thinking of 
ways to fill in what ever free time I get and thought of doing my own cookbook,
but as of now it's a slow start. I have put some of the fast and simple ones that I
have one this site. I really hope that some day maybe I will have that book in 
print until then this will have to do. I'll let you know where I live, it's a small, 
small village called Willowbrook, Saskatchewan which has a population of only
50 people and that's not including the pets. We have a school till 2005 then they
close us down, a post office, and a bar and that is about all for commercial 
buildings, it's small but I like living here everyone is almost like family to each 
other. I'm a great animal lover with one dog, and 4 cats, my other dog was killed
Easter weekend (it was a Pomapoo) I'm hoping to get another one in the near 




Laurie's Page