The Game Thus Far


The Battle of the Big Bad Bear

Experience: Experience is for the battle with the bear, the weasels, and last week's Role-play vote.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 17's XP. Here is that experience: Brent - 15xp; Jarel - 66xp; Leon - 12 xp; Pandora - 56xp; Sabrina - 9xp; Snape - 0xp (did not vote).

Danis - 180 xp; was at 590 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 180 xp; was at 1542 xp; - puts him at 1722 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Jarel - 478 xp; was at 3425 xp; - puts him at 3903 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Lance - 436 xp; was at 1336 xp; - puts him at 1772 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Leon - 496 xp; was at 3390 xp; - puts him at 3886 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 457 xp; was at 2932 xp; - puts her at 3389 xp; needed 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Welcome to 3rd level! Submit new character level to DM Steve.
Preece - 284 xp; was at 1005 xp; - puts him at 1289 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Sabrina - 452 xp; was at 3432 xp; - puts her at 3884 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 454 xp; was at 2359 xp; - puts him at 2813 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

15th of Goodmonth

The group grimly prepares themselves as they see fit for the upcoming battle. Sabrina tells Pandora to wear here chain shirt, but Pandora insists that she be allowed to wear her leather. Sabrina relents, with the Admonition that Pandora stay close to the party. Leon grabs his trusty axe. Jarel straps on his Bastard Sword.

The trudge out to the designation muster area to await Lady Titania's orders. They note that the other March is all in uniform, but the full import of this does not dawn upon any of them.
Lady Titania arrives to inspect the troops and issue the day's orders. She mounts the podium and spends a moment looking down at her feet, apparently composing herself. Then she looks up at the waiting faces and her eyes lock on the First March of St. Jostema. Her jaw drops open and her face begins to glow bright red. She shouts, "Guard Lieutenant Cohen! Here! NOW!" The veins are standing out in her neck and forehead.
As Cohen rushes to her, she shouts, "What is THIS?!" Her hand makes a sweeping gesture towards the First March of St. Jostema.
"Us?" cries Pandora incredulously.
"Hey! I'm in uniform," pipes up the ever-eager to please Brent.
"What?" says Pandora, still not understanding.
Sabrina says, "I thought we had our uniforms. Our purple cloaks and stuff."
Guard Lietenant Cohen mounts the podium to see what Lady Titania is gesturing at and what the commotion is about. He looks to the troops and his face suddenly goes very pale.
He blusters, "Master Marchman Jarel! Front and center."
Jarel walks forward to stand before Guard Lieutenant Cohen.
"What is the meaning of this?" asks Cohen. His voice comes out a bit more imploring than demanding, and Lady Titania shoots him a quick, hard look, then looks back to Jarel with expectation.
"Go ahead, Jarel. Tell her why you are dressed like that, " says Cohen.
"We were given the freedom to wear what we wish," starts Jarel. Cohen closes his eyes in anticipation for the rest of what is about to be said.
"Given the freedom by whom?" demands Lady Titania.
"My commanding officer," states Jarel.
Lady Titania turns to Cohen. "And that would be you, would it not, Guard Lieutenant Cohen?"
"Yes," says Cohen with a sigh. "It's true."
Pandora whispers, "Thanks, Jarel." But it is only loud enough for Sabrina and Brent to hear her.
"So..." says Lady Titania, starting off slow but gaining speed as she begins to see the situation. "You have decided that the regulations mean nothing and that this group can dress themselves however they want?
"I've been dressing myself for awhile now," says Jarel.
Lady Titania whirls on Jarel and states very sternly, "I didn't ask!"
"What wrong with our..." begins Sabrina, but Lady Titania cuts her off as she turns back on Cohen and says in a voice of military command, "Guard Lieutenant Cohen! You are relieved of duty. Turn in your badge and your sword." She turns toward Sabrina and says, "And you! No talking in the ranks! This is not what I expect from Prelatal Army units! This is completely unauthorized!"
"Who is your second in command?" she demands of Jarel.
"Leon," answers Jarel.
Lady Titania looks to the First March and asks, "Leon, do you approve of this unconventional..." She stops as Leon takes a step forward and she sees how he is dressed. "Obviously you do! You're carrying an axe into battle!"
"I've got my sword as well," says Leon.
"And you seemed the only oen in this group with any sense!" Lady Titania says in a dismayed voice.
The first March of St. Jostema seems to finally realize they have committed an error. They look each other up and down and check out the uniforms of the Second March across from them.
"Milady?" Leon says.
"Permission to speak," grants Lady Titania.
"We all have certain virtues," begins Leon. "And to this end we are essentially..."
"So does eveyone in my unit," interrupts Lady Titania. She indicates the Second March of St. Jostema, saying, "So does eveyone in this unit. But they are following regulation and wearing the uniform. Is that too much trouble for this group? And the fact that Guard Lieutenant Cohen has given you outright permission to dress as you see fit I am relieving him of duty. Obviously he is unfit to run this outfit."
"I think he had the best interest of the town in mind," says Pandora.
"I did not ask for your opinion, Private Pandora!" shouts Lady Titania.
"Yes, but you're not our leader," says Sabrina matter-of-factly. In an afterthought of perhaps giving the illusion of respect she adds, "Ma'am."
"I am now!" says Lady Titania loudly. "As Guard Lieutenant Cohen's Superior, and with him being relieved of duty.."
"Well, then Jarel is next for being in charge," says Sabrina, somewhat hotly.
"Jarel very well may be stripped of his duty as well," argues Lady Titania.
Sabrina manages to hold back the word that comes to her lips next, much to her credit.
"I was surprised enough to see the Second March in chain shirts and not half plate when they were running maneuvers the other day," Lady Titania sighs. "But at that time, Guard Lietenant Cohen explained that the chain shirts were all this unit could afford. And that is acceptable. But what is going on with your unit is COMPLETELY unacceptable."
"Well, now we don't have to go and fight the bear," says Sabrina.
"We shall go and change," drawls Leon.
"It does not matter," says Lady Titania, growing warm under her platemail again. "You must wear the unifrom and be part of the Prelatal Army. This individuality has no place in the Prelatal Army!"
"Well, that wasn't our understanding, Ma'am," says Sabrina.
"Granted, there are"Well," says Pandora, making a hand-washing motion. "Good luck with the whole bear thing."
"We can afford longswords?" asks Leon. "I thought we could only afford shortswords, so I brought Grandpa's axe."
"Guard Lieutenant Cohen!" orders Lady Titatina. "Do you not have enough longswords for everyone in the armory?"
Cohen hangs his head as things get deeper. "Yes," he says. "I do."
The battle with the infected, talking bear ends with the death of Preece and Lance, while the party is dishorably discharged for not following regulations. Guard Lieutenant Cohen is relieved of command for his deliberate circumvention of established regulations.

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Oh, Momma!

Experience: Experience is for the battle with Momma and her minions. There is also a game objective that was reached.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 18's XP. Here is how it breaks down: Brent - 36xp, Jarel - 0xp (Did not vote by deadline), Leon - 27xp, Falstag - 4xp, Sabrina - 51xp, and Snape 0xp (Did not vote).

Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 371 xp; was at 1722 xp; - puts him at 2093 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Jarel - 437 xp; was at 3903 xp; - puts him at 4340 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 1772 xp; - puts him at 1772 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Leon - 383 xp; was at 3886 xp; - puts him at 4269 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 427 xp; was at 3389 xp; - puts her at 3816 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Preece - 0 xp; was at 1289 xp; - puts him at 1289 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Sabrina - 380 xp; was at 3884 xp; - puts her at 4264 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 371 xp; was at 2813 xp; - puts him at 3184 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Welcome to 3rd level! Submit new character level to DM Steve.
Falstag - 371 xp; was at 1000 xp; - puts him at 1371 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

15th of Goodmonth

The tragic death of Pandora, twin sister to Sabrina. The Momma worm was fought and defeated, but at what great cost? Jarel shows the head of the Momma worm to Lady Titania. This si after a lenghty conversation that Lady Titania was having with Quenton Sobir.

The new owner of Dunwich Manor arrives.

The party meets Captain Cohen in the bar, drowning his sorrows. He isn't particularly happy to see Jarel.

From the diary of some random character:

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Charges Are Brought

Experience: Experience is for the Town Meeting. Having charges brought against you has got to be a life experience. There were also two deadly traps that the party faced in the ancient underground ruin.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 19's XP. Here's how it breaks down: Brent - 39, Jarel - 27, Joan - 16, Leon - 33, Alora - 68, Sabrina 15.

Alora - 127 xp; was at 2000 xp; - puts her at 2127 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 177 xp; was at 2093 xp; - puts him at 2270 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Jarel - 177 xp; was at 4340 xp; - puts him at 4517 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Joan - 127 xp; was at 2000 xp; - puts her at 2127 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 1772 xp; - puts him at 1772 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Leon - 204 xp; was at 4269 xp; - puts him at 4473 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 0 xp; was at 3816 xp; - puts her at 3816 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Preece - 0 xp; was at 1289 xp; - puts him at 1289 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Sabrina - 228 xp; was at 4264 xp; - puts her at 4492 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 0 xp; was at 3184 xp; - puts him at 3184 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Falstag - 54 xp; was at 1371 xp; - puts him at 1425 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

15th of Goodmonth

Arrival of Alora and Joan, priestesses of Pholtus.

Charges laid out at a Town Meeting.
Father Sobir reads the charges to all those present:

Marchmen Falstag
You are charged under secular law of the Theocracy of the Pale with “Deserting your post”, which has a maximum penalty of Death
Let be it known that there are mitigating circumstance, the prosecutor will not be seeking maximum sentence
Marchmen Falstag, be it known you to you that you are still underarms of the Prelacy Army.
You are to report to Master Marchmen Tarwin of the second March of St Jostema under close arrest.

Marchman Pandora Q
You are charged posthumously under secular law of the Theocracy of the Pale with “Insubordination to a superior officer” which has a maximum penalty 2 months in a New Dawn Camp.
“Slander of a superior officer” which carries a maximum penalty of 6 months in a New Dawn Camp.
Let be it known that there are mitigating circumstance, the prosecutor will not be seeking maximum sentence.
Marchmen Pandora, be it known you to you that you are still underarms of the Prelacy Army.

Marchmen Jornell
Is charged under military law of the Theocracy of the Pale with “Insubordination to a superior officer” which has a maximum penalty 2 months Dawn Camp
“Desertion in the face of the enemy” which has a maximum penalty 2 years Dawn Camp
Let be it known that there are mitigating circumstance, the prosecutor will not be seeking maximum sentence
Marchmen Jornell, is now overdue from his assignment. He is now to be considered “Absent Without Leave” and is to be arrested on sight.

Master Marchman Jarel Brightblood,
You are charged under secular law of the Theocracy of the Pale with
Charged with “Undue insult to a knight of the Pale” which has a maximum penalty 1 week Dawn Camp
Charged with “Undue insult to a noble lady” which has a maximum penalty 1 week Dawn Camp.
You are charged under military law of the Theocracy of the Pale with
“Disrespect to an Officer of the Prelacy Army”, which has a maximum penalty 2 months Dawn Camp.
“Insubordination to a superior officer”, which has a maximum penalty 2 months Dawn Camp
“Conduct unbecoming an Prelacy Soldier” which has a maximum penalty of Banishment from the Pale
Let be it know that there are mitigating circumstance and heroic action, the prosecutor will not be seeking maximum sentence for some charges
Master Marchman Jarel Brightblood, be it known you to you that you are still underarms of the Prelacy Army.
You are temporarily reduced in rank to that of Marchmen, but are suspended without pay until after the date of the trial.
You are to report to Master Marchmen Tarwin of the second March of St Joshtema under close arrest.

1st March of St. Jostema,
You are collectively charged under military law with
“Failure to follow the Uniform Dress Code” maximum to be decided
“Conduct unbecoming an Prelacy Soldier” which has a maximum penalty if Banishment from the Pale
 Marchman on of the St Jostema 1st March be it known you to you that you are still underarms of the Prelacy Army.
You are to report to Master Marchmen Tarwin of the second March of St Jostema under close arrest.

Guard-Lieutenant Cohen,
You are charged under military law of the Theocracy of the Pale with
“Failure to follow the Uniform Dress Code” maximum to be decided.
“Dereliction of duty”, the maximum penalty is a bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of pay and six months confinement.
“Perjury” the maximum penalty is a Dawn Camp sentence of up to five years
  “Solicitation” the maximum penalty is a Dawn Camp sentence of up to five years
“Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman” which has a maximum penalty of Death
Be it Known, Lee Cohen you are also under investigation for Embezzlement, fraud, conspiracy and for the creation of private troops, the maximum penalty of these crimes is Death
Guard-Lieutenant Lee Cohen of the St Jostema Town Guard, be it known you to you that you are still underarms of the Prelacy.
Be it known Lee Cohen, The prosecution has not yet decided to what degree it will follow these charges
As an officer, do we have your parole?
 As your parole is freely offered and given without evasion, We the Court of St. Jostema take and honour it. The peace of St. Jostema is given to prepare for your defense or settle your affairs
Guard-Lieutenant Cohen, as your charges do not involve the Guard Lieutenancy and you have always served the people of St. Jostema righteously in your post, you are reinstated to Guard Lieutenancy of the Guards only until the date of your trial. You are at this time no longer involved with the Prelatal Army, except where the orders of Master Marchman Tarwin are concerned.

Dame Titania, Knight of the Order of Luna
You are charged under military law of the Theocracy of the Pale with
 “Dereliction of duty”, the maximum penalty is a bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of pay and six months confinement.
 “Perjury” the maximum penalty is a Dawn Camp sentence of up to five years.
 “Abscotion” that of assuming command of a Prelacy army unit for her own goals. This has a maximum penalty of Death
 “Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman” which has a maximum penalty of Death
Dame Titania, Knight of the Order of Luna be it known you to you that you are still underarms of the Prelacy.
Lady Knight, do we have your parole?
Lady Knight, Do you know of any other charges upon you at this time and before this day?
As your parole is freely offered and given without evasion, We the Court of St Joshtema take and honour it. We the court understand you have great need to return your fallen to the City of Ogburg, you are to return before the light of day on the 6th of harvester. Be further known to you, You are to first pay the obligation of justice to this court before any other charge not laid.
This time we pray is given to prepare for your defense or settle your affairs.

From the Correspondence of Alora Lafleur - Agent of the Priory of Light.

Brothers and Sisters:

I have arrived in St. Jostema safely and without incidence. I've made contact with Father Sorbir as well and informed him of the Priory's interest in the area. He of course, has offered his assistance .

The town is as you reported; bustling with new activity. I was very fortunately to make contact with a group of adventurers knowledgeable and interested our primary goals as well as Mr. Gent the owner of the property in question.

The group of adventurers has a broad range of talents, similar to our own Priory squads and seem to be led by a Paladin named Jarel Brightblood. Please inform me if the Priory has an knowledge of this family. However, shortly after making contact most of this group was charged under military and secular law of several crimes. I've remained with the group as they are allow safe passage to our destinations and most of the charges appear minor in nature. The group has invited me to join them in the exploration of a cave and to investigate the potential existence of an ancient structure found within the cave.

I will report back upon return.

Sister Alora

And now a special guest appearance:

From the diary of Elftross

Two lovely female humans (well lovely for humans) arrived in St. Jostema today and prompty went to the bar - as humans so often do. They met up with a group of petty criminals - led by a dim witted and zealous paladin named Jarel Brightblood. After being charged with their latest crimes against society (not to mention fashion) they plodded off into wilderness, likely to their deaths.

Apparently one of the females works for some sort of semi secret human organization associated with the human god pholtus... humans enjoy organizing themelseve and keeping secrets. I don't know how they can live so closely knit together... ah well.

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Undead at Last

Experience: Experience is for the skeletons and suits of armor fought in the dungeon. There is also a small amount of experience for dealing with the purple mold. Roleplay Vote Experience from Session 18 were added to this game's XP as follows: Brent - 39, Jarel - 27, Joan - 16, Leon - 33, Alora - 68, Sabrina 15, Snape - 0 (Not present for Session 18).

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 20's XP. Here's how it breaks down: Brent - 36, Elestar - 2 (YAY! - I finally got a vote!), Jarel - 42, Alora - 36, Leon - 36, Joan - 0 (Not Present), Sabrina 0 (Not Present), Snape - 39.

Alora - 376 xp; was at 2127 xp; - puts her at 2503 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 308 xp; was at 2270 xp; - puts him at 2578 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Jarel - 335 xp; was at 4517 xp; - puts him at 4852 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Joan - 34 xp; was at 2127 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Leon - 341 xp; was at 4473 xp; - puts him at 4814 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 0 xp; was at 3816 xp; - puts her at 3816 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd levelDEAD!
Sabrina - 33 xp; was at 4492 xp; - puts her at 4525 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 308 xp; was at 3184 xp; - puts him at 3492 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

15th of Goodmonth (continued...)

Sabrina and Joan were incapacitated by spores from a mysterious Purple Mold. Jarel was quite concerned for their well-being. The party returned to St. Jostema, asking the priests of Pholtus for help. Brother Drake was almost flippant in his attitude (but not disrespectful). Father Sobir, on the other hand, was quite concerned and put his aide, Radium, on watch over the girls.

The rest of the group invited Snape along and returned to the ruins. They encountered two rather unco-operative skeletons who refused to act like your standard undead until Snape tried to take one of the rusted rods that each held. Then the party got their fight.

They investigated a bit more, being twarted by a cave in that left the corridor blocked.

They entered a room that had 3 suits of Bronze Plate Mail. These suits animated and a battle was fought. It was soon surmised that the suits of armor contained animated skeletons. Leon discovered a new tactic against undead - trip them! The battle was won and the suits were claimed as booty.

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Pandora's Back (and You're Gonna be Sorry...)

Experience: Experience is for the bartering going on, the raising of Pandora, and the fight with the Vargouilles. Roleplay Vote Experience from Session 19 were added to this game's XP as follows: Brent - 36, Elestar - 2 (YAY! - I finally got a vote!), Jarel - 42, Alora - 36, Leon - 36, Joan - 0 (Not Present), Sabrina 0 (Not Present), Snape - 39.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 21's XP. Here's how it breaks down: Brent - 57, Elestar - 0, Jarel - 21, Alora - 0 (not present), Leon - 57, Joan - Now NPC, Pandora - 36, Sabrina 27, Snape - 24.

Alora - 54 xp; was at 2503 xp; - puts her at 2557 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 212 xp; was at 2578 xp; - puts him at 2790 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Jarel - 252 xp; was at 4852 xp; - puts him at 5104 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 1772 xp; - puts him at 1772 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd levelDEAD!
Leon - 246 xp; was at 4814 xp; - puts him at 5060 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 210 xp; was at 2000 xp; - puts her at 2210 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Preece - 0 xp; was at 1289 xp; - puts him at 1289 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd levelDEAD!
Sabrina - 210 xp; was at 4525 xp; - puts her at 4735 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 249 xp; was at 3492 xp; - puts him at 3741 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

17th of Goodmonth (continued...)

Party returned to St. Jostema with their suits of bronze plate mail to find that Father Sobir had raised the dead Pandora back into the land of the living. Sabrina was quite skeptical as to why Sobir had brought her back. "What's the catch?" she asked him. Father Sobir finally relents that she was brought back in order to face trial.

18th of Goodmonth Rain, rain and more rain.

Party asks if they can have their probation report set to 8:00 am instead of 12 noon. Tarwin says no. Jarel asks who they ought to talk to in order to get it changed. Tarwin says himself. Jarel asks again and is told no. Lawful being lawful - the bastard...

The rain makes the group extrememly wet. They are forced to get under cover and have breakfast.


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