The Game Thus Far


Erf'n Ghosts!

Experience: Experience is for the role-playing at Leon's Mom's and in town, the encounter with "erf" and the Ghostly figure in the ruins. Oh, and a bit of a bonus because that was really fun!

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 25)'s votes are allotted as follows: Brent - 30, Peastix - 7, Elestar - 12, Jarel - 70, Lance - 2, Alora - 12 (plus 40 additional for Journal entry for previous session), Leon - 40 (plus 40 additional for Journal entry for previous session), Pandora - 0 (not present), Sabrina 24, Snape - 24.

This Session's role-play vote points will be added to Session 27's XP. The results were in by Wednesday morning at 10:00am (you guys were fast this time). They are as follows: Elestar - 6, Jarel - 76, Leon - 45, Pandora -36, Sabrina - 36 (wow, twins all the way), Snape - 21.

Brent - 30 xp; was at 6546 xp; - puts him at 6576 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Alora - 52 xp; was at 3597 xp; - puts her at 3649 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Elestar - 487 xp; was at 4230 xp; - puts him at 4717 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 545 xp; was at 6819 xp; - puts him at 7364 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Lance - 2 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 502 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 555 xp; was at 3206 xp; - puts him at 3761 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 475 xp; was at 2604 xp; - puts her at 3079 xp; Congrats on making 3rd level!

Preece - 12 xp; was at 802 xp; - puts him at 814 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 499 xp; was at 6248 xp; - puts her at 6747 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Snape - 475 xp; was at 4975 xp; - puts him at 5450 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Peastix - 7 xp; was at 1755 xp; - puts him at 1762 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

24th of Goodmonth (continued...)

The group is trying to decide what to do with the loot that survived the trip over the bridge. They closely examine the treasure that did NOT end up in the river. They do so near the North gates of the town.

Lance announces he has the "urge" to study and leaves the group to head toward the church. Alora elects to go with him. The rest of the party discusses Lance and his recent smartness. This leads to general speculation about the loss of Pandora's shadow, Leon's hunger for raw meat, and the lack of paladinhood affecting Preece and Lance.

The group decides that they should stash the chest at Leon's parent's place. They invite Snape along for supper and get some meat pies from Branwitch Muffins to take home. The party asks about Leon's family. He reveals he is the second son of seven children. "Yeah, Manfred done moved out, then there's Natalie, no wait, Natalie's dead, Tuennin (Tune in), Debrea (deb Bray ya), Louis, Marilyn. Ma and Pa's names, as you know, are Barbea (Bar Bray ya) and Lynyrd. Oh, and don't forget Grampa.

On the way to leon's farm, Sabrina spys a figure hiding out behind a tree, watching the party walk along to Leon's farm. She casually points the person out to the party. Jarel lets out a hardy "Hello!" and spooks the figure, which skitters into the bushes. Sabrina has to talk Pandora out of following the figure, even though Pandora never actually caught a glimpse of them. As they walk a bit more, Jarel stops and says, "I didn't even THINK to detect evil on that guy".

The party has a good supper, despite listening to Leon's mother berate him (again), "Leon, why did I have to hear from Kalidra Barber that you died? And what are you doing going off and dying like that?!"

Jarel says, "Ma'am, he didn't try and die, and we tried to save him."
"I don't think I approve of you rushing around killing frogs. Frogs!"
Jarel replies, "Well these frogs would have been rushing around killing other people in town if we hadn't done anything."
Sabrina interjects, "They came out of the flood. Did you not see anything?"
"There were no frogs out here at the farm."
Leon says, "That's good to know."
"It goes to prove what I've always said, Lynyrd, its safer living out here in the country than in that darn town."
Pandora agrees, "Yeah, there's a lot of bad people in town. A lot of riff raff there."
Leon casually keeps his hands under the table where his mother cannot see his lack of fingers.
Pandora says, "That's a terrible thing to do to your Mom, Leon."
Mom has the final word in the matter, saying, "If you go and die again Leon, I will kill you!"
"Yes, Mom."
She turns a kind face towards Snape and says, "More pie, Mr. Snape?"
Snape answers in a somewhat neutral tone, "Sure. Thanks. Appreciate it."
Jarel asks conversationally, "You haven't noticed anyone sneaking around your place lately, have you?"
Sabrina remebers the skulking figure and takes a renewed interest in the supper conversation, Ohh, yeahh."
Pandora turns to Sabrina at the sound of her voice and says, "Did you say it was a little person?"
Sabrina replies, "No it was a human-sized person."
Leon's mother starts to reply, "No, there haven't been any weird...oh wait, there was that one stinky fella. Last week." She pauses to reflect for a moment.
Jarel and Sabrina prompt at the same time, "Stinky fella?"
Leon's mother turns to Leon's father and aks, "Lynyrd, didn't you tell me about a stinky fella
Lyryd clears his throat, apparently pleased with the opportunity to talk. "Well, yeah, there wa sthis fella down by the road there, and he warn't sneakin', he were just really smelly. And he had his hood up."
Pandora asks, "First time you've ever seen him?"
Lynyrd answers, "Never saw him before, never saw him since."
Jarel asks, "Did you talk to him or anything?"
Lynyrd responds in a disgusted tone, "Naw, he was really smelly. Gave me the creeps."
Jarel tells the Vespers, "There was somebody who was...who we think was following us or curious about us anyway on the way out here."
Pandora adds, "On the road out here."
Jarel continues, "And he ran away as soon as we said anything."
Lynyrd asks, "Was he wearin' a brown hood?"
and Pandora reponds, "No, it was a green hood."
"Oh," said Lynyrd. "Weeell, mebbe he's got two hoods. Did he stink?"
Sabrina says, "He didn't smell though."
Jarel asks, "Any problems around here? Aside from the flood, of course?"
Lynyrd answers, "Yeah, that there flood has been keeping me pretty busy. Could use an extra hand around here what with Leon off 'venturin' and stuff. That's OK, though, Grampa got out hsi shovel and was out there helpin', althritis and all. Don't you worry 'bout things Leon, we got it handled.
Leon says, "I hear you been gettin' really good sales for wood since the flood, too. What with them needin' so much for the bridge."
Lynyrd nods.
"Manfred mus be doin' well too on his cuttin'"
"We can hardly keep up. May have to start cuttin' down that old forest."

From the Journal of Leon Vespers:

Well we stay at the homestead last night, woke up to Ma cooking up a storm. Griddlecakes and chokecherry syrup. I plum just love the way she makes the spring bottled raspberries’ balance the tartness of the Choke cherries. GrandPa even had fresh cream churned up. Pa had us turn the hay in the hayloft to keep it fresh and dry if we are back tonight. Promised Ma we bring some vittles back if we came back tonight. We are making progress in that Ruin.
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Dunwich at Last

Experience: Experience is for the role-playing in town with Cohen in the Cage. Leon gets an experience award for dealing with Mother Lewvanos. There is more role-play XP for dealing with Jeremy Ghent, and an objective is met - visiting Dunwich Manor at last.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 26)'s votes are allotted as follows: Brent 0 (not at the game), Elestar - 6, Jarel - 76, Leon - 45, Pandora -36 (with a bonus of 10xp for a witty river remark), Sabrina - 36, Snape - 21.

This Session's role-play vote points will be added to Session 28's XP. The results were as follows: Brent - 20xp, Elestar - 6xp, Jarel - 76xp, Leon - 22xp, Pandora - 48xp, Sabrina - 32xp, Snape - 57xp.

Brent - 262 xp; was at 6576 xp; - puts him at 6838 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Alora - 0 xp; was at 3649 xp; - puts her at 3649 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 268 xp; was at 4717 xp; - puts him at 4985 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 338 xp; was at 7364 xp; - puts him at 7702 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 500 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 382 xp; was at 3761 xp; - puts him at 4143 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 308 xp; was at 3079 xp; - puts her at 3387 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Preece - 0 xp; was at 814 xp; - puts him at 814 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 298 xp; was at 6747 xp; - puts her at 7045 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Snape - 283 xp; was at 5450 xp; - puts him at 5733 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Falstag - 0 xp; was at 1425 xp; - puts him at 1425 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Peastix - 0 xp; was at 1762 xp; - puts him at 1762 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

24th of Goodmonth (continued...)

Party finds out that a makeshift set of rafts were taken over to the Yarayth River and Cohen and his group came across. They decide to go and talk to Cohen.

After some poking about (and some rather curt responses from Gherta Branwich) they find out that Cohen has been imprisioned for violation of parole.

Party visits Dunwich Manor and chat with the somewhat curt Jeremy Ghent.

From the Journal of some random character:

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Something in the Water

Experience: Experience is for solving the water problem and defeating the Trogs in the ruins.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 27)'s votes are allotted as follows: Brent - 20xp, Elestar - 6xp, Jarel - 76xp, Leon - 22xp, Pandora - 48xp, Sabrina - 32xp, Snape - 57xp.

This Session's role-play vote points will be added to Session 29's XP. The results were as follows: Brent - 0xp (was not in attendance), Peastix - 26xp, Elestar - 30xp, Jarel - 32xp, Leon - 48xp, Pandora - 48xp, Sabrina - 0xp (Did not vote before deadline), Snape - 21xp.

Brent - 20 xp; was at 6838 xp; - puts him at 6858 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Alora - 131 xp; was at 3649 xp; - puts her at 3780 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 371 xp; was at 4985 xp; - puts him at 5356 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 441 xp; was at 7702 xp; - puts him at 8143 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 500 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 387 xp; was at 4143 xp; - puts him at 4530 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 413 xp; was at 3387 xp; - puts her at 3800 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Preece - 0 xp; was at 814 xp; - puts him at 814 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 397 xp; was at 7045 xp; - puts her at 7442 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Snape - 422 xp; was at 5733 xp; - puts him at 6155 xp;Congrats on making 4rd level!

Falstag - 0 xp; was at 1425 xp; - puts him at 1425 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Peastix - 365 xp; was at 1762 xp; - puts him at 2127 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

25th of Goodmonth

From the Journal of Pandora Q:
I am getting bored in this little town and Jarel. Jarel just makes me believe more and more that the church makes you shut down any common sense at all. I think I might start working more closely with Snape.

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A Party of Dwarves

Experience: Experience is for Partying with the Dwarves, some poker and some craps. There was also the curing of Leon. Not a whole whack of action, so there is not a whole whack of XP. But damn, I had fun!

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 28)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 0xp (was not in attendance), Peastix - 26xp, Elestar - 30xp, Jarel - 32xp, Leon - 48xp, Pandora - 48xp, Sabrina - 0xp (Did not vote before deadline), Snape - 21xp.

This Session's role-play vote points will be added to Session 30's XP. The results of this week's role-play votes are: Brent - 20xp, Elestar - 48xp, Jarel - 16xp, Lance - 0xp, Leon - 30xp, Pandora - 108xp(!), Sabrina - 24xp, Snape - 12xp.

Brent - 172 xp; was at 6858 xp; - puts him at 7030 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Alora - 0 xp; was at 3780 xp; - puts her at 3780 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Elestar - 217 xp; was at 5356 xp; - puts him at 5573 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 204 xp; was at 8143 xp; - puts him at 8347 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Lance - 80 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 580 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 235 xp; was at 4530 xp; - puts him at 4765 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 280 xp; was at 3800 xp; - puts her at 4080 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Preece - 0 xp; was at 814 xp; - puts him at 814 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 172 xp; was at 7442 xp; - puts her at 7614 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Snape - 193 xp; was at 6155 xp; - puts him at 6348 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Peastix - 26 xp; was at 2127 xp; - puts him at 2153 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

26th of Goodmonth Party puts the dead Trogs out to final rest and fashions a door of brush for the entrance to hide it. They head back to town, stinking of Troglodyte essence.

There are many dwarves in town because it is the "Miner's Fair". For some reason, most of the mienrs seem to be dwarves. Pandora gets information from one of the miners that the mines that at least his group are working are silver mines, run by the Calhoun Twins.
27th of Goodmonth Wake up late and head back to town. They report in to Tarwin. They are about to head off again when Salish and Hiram show up, looking for "their girlfriends".

From the Journal of Soem random character:

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The Giant Skeleton in the Ruins

Experience: Experience is for some dealing with traps and secret doors, the battle with the Giant Skeleton, and the battle with the poisonous "rock-rattler" snake and Pandora's poisoning.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 29)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 20xp, Elestar - 48xp, Jarel - 16xp, Lance - 0xp, Leon - 30xp, Pandora - 108xp(!), Sabrina - 24xp, Snape - 12xp.

This Session's role-play vote points will be added to Session 31's XP. The results of this week's role-play votes are as follows: Brent - 24xp, Elestar - 0xp, Jarel - 24xp, lance - 1xp, Leon - 15xp, Pandora - 39xp, Sabrina - 48xp, Snape 0xp (did not vote, but it would have been 108xp if he had!).

Brent - 281 xp; was at 7030 xp; - puts him at 7311 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Elestar - 309 xp; was at 5573 xp; - puts him at 5882 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 277 xp; was at 8347 xp; - puts him at 8624 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Lance - 261 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 761 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 291 xp; was at 4765 xp; - puts him at 5056 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Pandora - 369 xp; was at 4080 xp; - puts her at 4449 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Sabrina - 285 xp; was at 7614 xp; - puts her at 7899 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Snape - 273 xp; was at 6348 xp; - puts him at 6621 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level

27th of Goodmonth (con't...)
Exploration of the Ruins.

From the Journal of Leon Vespers:

Played Croquet with a 12’ Skeleton, too bad I was the ball...


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