The Game Thus Far

Floods and Frogs

Experience: Experience is for the Flash Flood and all it entailed, as well as the battle with the Killer Frogs. Roleplay Vote Experience from Session 20 were added to this game's XP as follows: Brent - 57, Elestar - 0, Jarel - 21, Alora - 0 (not present), Leon - 57, Joan - Now NPC, Pandora - 36, Sabrina 27, Snape - 24.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 22's XP. Here's how it broke down after the voting: Brent - 27, Elestar - 4, Jarel - 42, Alora - 30, Leon - 0 (DIED), Pandora - 0 (Not Present), Sabrina 15, Snape - 0 (Did Not Vote - this one hurts, Snape got the majority of votes for the week!).

Alora - 385 xp; was at 2557 xp; - puts her at 2942 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Elestar - 385 xp; was at 2790 xp; - puts him at 3175 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Welcome Elestar to 3rd level!
Jarel - 406 xp; was at 5104 xp; - puts him at 5510 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Leon - 442 xp; was at 5060 xp; - puts him at 5502 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level - DEAD!
Pandora - 36 xp; was at 2210 xp; - puts her at 2246 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Sabrina - 412 xp; was at 4735 xp; - puts her at 5147 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 409 xp; was at 3741 xp; - puts him at 4150 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

18th of Goodmonth (continued...)

The rain pours down as the party gathers up the Vargouilles.

They try to have the ugly things stuffed. The hide guy is not expecially interested.

There is a rumble from Mountains.

Flash Flood!

Tyssa carried away and party cannot reach her.

Jarel almost drowns, then risks life to save Tyssa.

Tyssa wet and grumpy.

Leon saves Doc Loknock.

The Queen and Knave Inn is destroyed!

Giant Frogs come out of a big puddle. Were they washed out of mountains?

Huge battle - the frogs are killers!

Leon is killed, and Jarel, Snape, and Sabrina are all taken down. Fortunately, Snape went to get Father Mulcahie and Father Sobir, who were able to save everyone but Leon.

The ragged remains of Leon are recovered from the large puddle where the frog had dragged it. It is some sort of sinkhole or collapsed bit over the town sewers.

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The Wide River

Experience: Experience is for helping out the townspeople, for finding evidence that Foltum and his group are not only alive, but are fine, and for the traps and creature fight in the ruins. Roleplay Vote Experience from Session 21 were added to this game's XP as follows: Brent - 27, Elestar - 4, Jarel - 42, Alora - 30, Leon - 0 (DIED), Pandora - 0 (Not Present), Sabrina 15, Snape - 0 (Did Not Vote).

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 23's XP. Here's how it broke down after the voting: Brent - 12, Elestar - 3, Jarel - 6, Alora - 24, Leon - 48, Pandora - 42, Sabrina 36, Snape - 18.
Alora - 316 xp; was at 2942 xp; - puts her at 3258 xp; Welcome to 3rd level! Submit changes to DM Steve.
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 290 xp; was at 3175 xp; - puts him at 3465 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 328 xp; was at 5510 xp; - puts him at 5838 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 1772 xp; - puts him at 1772 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Leon - 286 xp; was at 2000 xp; - puts him at 2286 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Pandora - 286 xp; was at 2246 xp; - puts her at 2532 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Preece - 0 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 500 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 301 xp; was at 5147 xp; - puts her at 5448 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 286 xp; was at 4150 xp; - puts him at 4436 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

19th of Goodmonth (continued...)

Body of Leon taken to the church. Father Sobir asks for the rest of Leon's body to be salvaged from the bowels of the Frog-thing.

Leon's body parts assembled.

Next morning, Leon brought back from the dead, but two of his fingers do not attach themselves.

Party finds out that Foltum and his boys are safe and are on the other side of the river, trapped for now.

Party helps build bridges for the rest of the day. A discovery is made by Sabrina and Pandora.

20th of Goodmonth

Preece is raised from the dead.

Party ehads to the ruins across a "barge boat". Difficult to walk across due to the fast-moving river.

Group finds old traps again.

Jarel breaks his sword and notches Leon's axe fighting a stone statue.

From the Journal of Leon Vespers:

Well I do declare that I ain’t never thought I ‘d know anyone brought back from the Dead. But here today I now know three people, if I does include myself, that have risen from the dead. Our souls and body intact; ready to continue doing Pholtus’ good works. Well bodies mostly intact, I seem to have lost 2 fingers on my left hand. That might be a problem if I every get married cause I lost my ring finger but I deal with that after I get a girl friend who might even care. But Pandora seems fine, whether either ungrateful or exception paranoid, I just don’t know. Only seems to like the power and wants some fer herself other then realize this is a miracle of Pholtus

Dang, I smell like carnivorous frog belly I got to find means of a cleaning this stuff up. My mend spells have fixed my vestments but I ain’t got nothing to clean blood and frog bowels, That studded leather on Pa’s seem to be short a few studs too! Welll Goblin on the dance floor, is I gonna be in trouble for roughing up Grandpa Axe. First I notch it up good, busting open a door, then I give to Jarel in a fight with a living statue and he truly destroyed the edge, I think I can still fix it, but it gonna take a day on the grind stone to bring it back to anywhere functional form. And it look like I gonna need a new shaft as well. I guess that better then Jarel’s Sword. That der hand and half sword is gonna take some serious time fitting it back to its hilt let alone getting it back to straight and true., Anyway I gonna go get me to stoat pieces of wood as a back up. I don’t think I should expect my axe to be in fighting trim anymore today.

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Sinkhole Critters

Experience: Experience is for the 2 "stinky lizard dudes" and some interaction with NPCs. Roleplay Experience from Session 22's votes are allotted as follows: Brent:- 12, Elestar - 3, Jarel - 6, Alora - 24, Leon - 48, Pandora - 42, Sabrina 36, Snape - 18. Some people answered role-play questions, so this XP is oncluded as well.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 24's XP. Here's how it broke down after the voting: Brent - 36, Elestar - 30, Jarel - 68, Alora - 0 (not present), Leon - 28, Pandora - 0 (not present), Sabrina 21, Snape - 0 (not present).
Alora - 54 xp; was at 3258 xp; - puts her at 3312 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 220 xp; was at 3465 xp; - puts him at 3685 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 268 xp; was at 5838 xp; - puts him at 6106 xp; Welcome to 5th level! Submit changes to DM Steve.
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 1772 xp; - puts him at 1772 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level DEAD!
Leon - 315 xp; was at 2286 xp; - puts him at 2601 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Pandora - 42 xp; was at 2532 xp; - puts her at 2574 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Preece - 17 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 517 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 261 xp; was at 5448 xp; - puts her at 5709 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 18 xp; was at 4436 xp; - puts him at 4454 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

20th of Goodmonth (continued...)

Party returns to town with the broken weapons. Jarel leaves his with Fandrula nd Andren to get them fixed.

Leon takes his axe to the blacksmith and gets it repaired.

21st of Goodmonth

Party sent to investigate a report of "creatures" at the sinkhole in the Combat Forest. Meet up with some sort of "stinky" lizardfolk.
From the Journal of some random character:

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Acting Like We're Animals

Experience: Experience is for the investigation and discovery of Andren and Gherta's late night meeting. Bonus xp was awarded for you guys figuring it out almost immediately. A bonus of 100xp went to Jarel, because Murray figured out what song inspired the adventure. There was also some experience for defeating two pin needle traps.

Roleplay Experience from Session 23's votes are allotted as follows: Brent - 36, Elestar - 30, Jarel - 68, Alora - 0 (not present), Leon - 28, Pandora - 0 (not present), Sabrina 21, Snape - 0 (not present).

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 25's XP. Here's how it broke down after the voting: Brent - 28, Elestar - 18, Jarel - 48, Alora - 0 (not present), Leon - 40 (plus an extra 40xp for providing a journal of the Session's Events), Pandora - 0 (not present), Sabrina 21, Snape - 24.

Alora - 30 xp; was at 3312 xp; - puts her at 3342 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 272 xp; was at 3685 xp; - puts him at 3957 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 410 xp; was at 6106 xp; - puts him at 6516 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 242 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 742 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 270 xp; was at 2601 xp; - puts him at 2871 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Pandora - 30 xp; was at 2574 xp; - puts her at 2604 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Preece - 30 xp; was at 517 xp; - puts him at 547 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 263 xp; was at 5709 xp; - puts her at 5972 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Snape - 242 xp; was at 4454 xp; - puts him at 4696 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

20th of Goodmonth (continued...)

Lance is raised as the party was out fighting stinky lizard dudes.

Jarel gets his sword back and it is better than ever.

Pandora is given the shortsword found in the ruins - it is shiny and new(ish) after a good sharpening and polishing by Andren, Fandrula's apprentice.

Leon gets his axe back - much the same as it ever was.

Party is met by Maronlyn Branwitch and she is disressed. Her daughter Gherta never showed up at work at the Phoenix and Flame! Can the party please find her? The party is not particularly worried.
21st of Goodmonth

22nd of Goodmonth

From the Journal of Leon Vespers:

20th of Goodmonth

Yeaa Haw, Back from the dead and trying to get myself killed again. Well, you know that ain’t quite true. I’s still has a lot of things I got to do yet. The back field got to be thrashed and all before high summer. I has gotta find me a Girlfriend etc. Need a bath and my cloth washed. That could be why I can’t find a girl friend too!

Well ya all, we when back to the ruins in the Bear cave, today. We saw the damnest’s thing too! A living statue. Cussed hard skinned critter too! Damn near shatterred Jarel’s Sword. Busted the blade from the hilt. I did loaned him my axe while I was working the blessing of Pholtus into mighty magic to destroy the critter. It had seems to me that the mundane weaponry of man was not working that well. The Light of Pholtus did blast its rocky butt back to what ever ether it came from. In pieces.

Everyone decides that since we are without anymore gifts of Pholtus and our mortal weaponry being in dire need of repair that we should return to town. Jarel had not done my axe any great kindness to it on the hide of the critter’s rocky hide. Still it is a tool and did its job but I got to get that fixed before Grandpa see it.

21st of Goodmonth

Back at Town, we got Andren, who now working as Fandrula's apprentice, to try and repair Jarel’s sword. He will also try and sharpen an old short sword we found in the ruins for Pandora too!

I took my axe to Almyr Alradras. We should be able to get all of our weapons back tomorrow. We also picked up a pick axe and a crowbar, Brent wants to be able to dig through the rock fall in to west side of the ruins. And I want some to assist opening those damn doors

So ya all know by now, we ain’t got no real weapons, but we got a PHoltus still has a job for us to do. The farmer, Joseph Strandu, had ran into town screaming that some creatures were coming out of the sinkhole on the combat forest that we had practiced on as soldiers. His farm is nearby that strench of woods and he wants Master Marchmen Tarwin to get the troops out after them. The Master Marchmen, since we were near, I guess we reporting in, sent us out as advanced scout. Hey! he even loaned us weapons to fight with. While he gathers up the properly dressed soldiers to response to the threat.

So we gets out there and we see a lizard like dude with a spear. Jarel, the noble holy warrior that he is, decides to fairly challenge him and ask him what he is doing there. The lizard man screams and hissed and advanced with his spear lowered for a fight. He also had a few buddies with him as well. At this point , Jarel decide to try his detection of evil, Sure enough, 4 mean looking lizards holding spears pointed at you does detect as evil.

Who have thunk it.

So Jarel pierces one of these lizard guys and Pholtus be praise we were not in a closed room. Worst then a set of oxen eating fermented beans for a month. Kriekie that was foul. I is already a stinking cause I not yet from a place to wash my clothes, so I charges in an split this first one from the mortal plane. Jarel finds another trying to flank him. He lends to assistance in its leaving this plane as Brent and Pandora exchange missile fire with another. That might have been more fair if these poor critters could throw their javelin without destroying them in their own hands. I see a last one and charge it as well. It appeared to have already received some tokens from Brent’s crossbow so he left this plane rather quickly, it truly leaving a foul stench of rotted fish, stewed and sweeten to rank perfection. Damn, I need a bath.

So we report back, to Tarwin and turn in our loaned weapons. Tarwin sends the now dressed 2nd March to deal with anything else we did not see. I cast the blessing of Pholtus and heal us back to a hale state.

Hey we got a couple of Javelins and some stone axes and a bit of silver. Don’t know what to do dem stone weapons but hey, Its not like a few spare weapons seems like a bad idea. We should get our steel back tomorrow.

22nd of Goodmonth

A busy morning, So during breakfast we are realizing that some thing do not seem quite right. One, Lance has returned from the dead as well, and is much smarter then we remember him being last week. I seem to really like my meat to be very raw! And Pandora no longer has a shadow.

We go immediately speak to Mother Lewvanos, and Father Sobir. Lance being smart is really creepy! And mention these things. While they think it is usual, the do not seem unduly worried. It appears Father Sobir is wearing the sacred pendant of St Josthema…

I don’t think Father Mulcahie would approve…

. Ok, I don’t even have the guts to find out but I know it ain’t gonna shine his shoes.

So we go get the weapons Andren been working on. Jarel sword is in fine form, Andren has the touch of a possible master with steel. The Sword is keen, its balance actually seems better then before it was damaged. Pandora “old sword” looks new and battle ready. Andren shows great passion for his trade. It will be well to see him mature.

I got my axe back. Clean and showing little wear. A good job.

We report in to Tarwin, the 2nd March found some more lizard creatures; missile fire and proper soldier’s uniforms sorted them out cleanly. Since we are not needed today by Tarwin we returned to the ruins.

But before we can leave town, Maronlyn Branwitch, runs by looking for Gherta. Gherta is no where to be found. Maronlyn does not seem amused by our assumption that a 16 year old girl would be “just” off with a boy somewheres. So we do a start a search for Gherta, as Maronlyn goes to the guard.

We do find Gherta, with Andren, … Well that was a bit awkward. She appears to be unharmed and not distressed. She too seems to appreciate Andren’s passion...

ahem.. like I said a bit awkward. Well We sort that out, Jarel must not be much fun at a barn dance. Or Gods Day picnic. Anyway Gherta is unharmed. We make sure the guard is stood down, and we let Gherta explain what was going on to her mum.

And then we finally head out to the ruins.

We are trying out the east passages this day. Sabrina for some reason washed the map. We will have to redraw it on cleaned paper. I setup a stash of firewood and some of the stone weapons at the small room we had originally gain access to the ruins.

So anyways. The first room we get to has evil magic. A red gem-like crystal pendent on a necklace, a throne-like chair for a huge creature and a portrait of a huge skull faced guy sitting on this throne, wearing the gem, surrounded by a huge pile of skulls. Charming. There is also a bronze wood desk, it maybe repairable and for a study later. The Crowbar seems to help a bit opening the doors. We are opening the second room now….

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Throw Me in The Water

Experience: Experience is for the various and sundry traps you encountered, and the things that happened with those traps. There was also some XP for the successful recovery fo the chests of loot.

Roleplay Experience from Session 24's votes are allotted as follows: Brent - 28, Elestar - 18, Jarel - 48, Alora - 0 (not present), Leon - 40 (plus an extra 40xp for providing a journal of the Session's Events), Pandora - 0 (not present), Sabrina 21, Snape - 24.

This week's role-play vote points will be added to Session 26's XP. Here are this week's results: Brent - 30, Peastix - 7, Elestar - 12, Jarel - 70, Alora - 12 (plus an extra 40xp for providing a journal of the Session's Events), Leon - 40 (plus an extra 40xp for providing a journal of the Session's Events), Pandora - 0 (not present), Preece - 7, Sabrina 24, Snape - 09 (Did not vote).

Brent - 283 xp; was at 6263 xp; - puts him at 6546 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Alora - 255 xp; was at 3342 xp; - puts her at 3597 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Danis - 0 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 770 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 273 xp; was at 3957 xp; - puts him at 4230 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Jarel - 303 xp; was at 6516 xp; - puts him at 6819 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Joan - 0 xp; was at 2161 xp; - puts her at 2161 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Lance - 265 xp; was at 500 xp; - puts him at 765 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Leon - 335 xp; was at 2871 xp; - puts him at 3206 xp; Congrats on making it to 3rd level!
Pandora - 0 xp; was at 2604 xp; - puts her at 2604 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Preece - 255 xp; was at 547 xp; - puts him at 802 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Sabrina - 276 xp; was at 5972 xp; - puts her at 6248 xp; Congrats on making 4th level!
Snape - 279 xp; was at 4696 xp; - puts him at 4975 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Falstag - 0 xp; was at 1425 xp; - puts him at 1425 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Peastix - 255 xp; was at 1500 xp; - puts him at 1755 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

22nd of Goodmonth (continued...)

Huge floating eye greets the party. Sabrina is vaporized and the entire party runs away in fear.

23rd of Goodmonth

Back to the ruins. Party mucks with the room with the "beholder" and ends up with most of them almost drowned.

*By Priory Seal and Caravan*

Brothers and Sisters:

Our investigation and exploration of the ancient Baklunish ruins continues. It is clear to us that this is the site of a long abandoned evil temple. We've unearthed an number of items of dubious nature, including a pendant, and staff which radiate evil and magic together. We've also unearthed a number of interesting pieces of jewelry, none of which appear to be extraordinary in nature or items the Priory might consider high importance. Following is an inventory.

  1. Magic Ruby Ring
  2. Magic Burnt-looking Crooked Stick (radiates evil)
  3. Magic Ruby Pendant (radiates evil)
  4. Magic Medallion with Monstrous Face Engraved upon it (radiates evil)
  5. A brass pendant, engraved with strange symbols (radiates evil)
  6. A bronze pendant, engraved with the likeness of an ancient king
  7. A bronze buckle, with no obvious design
  8. An iron buckle, inlaid with a pattern of silver
  9. A silver armband, engraved with the likeness of an ancient king
  10. A brass circlet, engraved with concentric circles
  11. A bronze ring, engraved with strange symbols
  12. A bronze necklace, inlaid with a pattern of bronze.
  13. A brass armband, engraved with strange symbols.
  14. A gold circlet, engraved with the likeness of an ancient king.
  15. A lead armband, inlaid with a pattern of mithral
  16. A bronze pendant, engraved with an ancient proverb in another language
  17. A brass locket, engraved with an ancient proverb in another language
  18. An iron earring, with no obvious design
  19. A brass pendant, engraved with an ancient proverb in another language
  20. A steel bracelet, engraved with strange runes.
  21. A bronze pendant, engraved with strange runes.
  22. A brass necklace, inlaid with a pattern of silver
  23. A bronze locket, engraved with strange runes.
  24. An iron bracelet, with no obvious design
  25. A brass tiara, engraved with the likeness of an ancient king

    It is the opinion of my companions to hand over the items of evil magic to the newly arrived Brother Sorbir for disposal or quarantine. He seems the best equipped for such a task and I have no immediate objections to this. I will more closely examine and appraise the remaining items prior to their distribution, using the rather limited resources at the St. Jostema Church as best I can.

    Part of the Underground complex includes two larger bronze doors chained together. I am interested to enter this area as it obviously was used for detention or as a safe area for some sort of treasure, or danger.

    The group I am with continues to show great potential for Priory related business. A wide variety of talents combined with a devotion to Pholtus is prevalent (though perhaps not quite unanimous) in the group. Overall they are trustworthy people.

    I will report again upon successful completion of this mission

    May the Light of Pholtus bless us all,

    Sister Alora

    From the Journal of Leon Vespers

    22nd of Goodmonth (continued...)

    Well there is a sight I thought I never see.

    Jarel BrightBlood running and screaming like a girl. Ok, it was rather convincing and I gotta admit. If our fearless leader was running in fear, keeping up seemed like a great idea. And he was jabbing about trying to find Father Sobir to raise the dust of Sabrina who a “Beholder” disintegrated. You know when you think about running, beholder and disintegrate in one sentence, Jarel had a choice idea in leaving the premises. I just kinda thought he wait other then running by screaming “We all gonna DIEEE!!!”

    Really it only got embarrassing once Sabrina showed up soaking wet from being teleported into the river. Apparently we passed by her as she was trying to get to shore.

    So we meant a Rastafarian called Peastix, I do not know what religion that is but I shall try to keep and open mind. His tobacco pipes has a most pleasant and soothing smell but he kept asking if I want “a hit”. For such a mellow personality I though that rather competive of him to ask me to hit him. Politely I refused, I did not need him to prove his manhood to me by hitting him. I hope I did not offend him.

    Well I when home to visit mum and Dad. I got cleaned up and got a good meal. I don’t think mom spoke to me once. Farm seems drier then most around here. My brother Manfreds place is wetter but they are ok. Apparently of those sticky lizard people when toward his cutting but “the real Soldiers” (as Mum put it while telling Dad this). I would have though Dad would have found that out the same time she did being really the only 2 of 3 adults on the farmstead. Well, whatever.

    23rd of Goodmonth

    So a quiet morning. Amazing! I had forgotten what those where like. After checking in with Tarwin we go back to the ruins. The Rastafarian, Alora, and Preece come with us. After we give the Rastafarian a tour of the bear cave. He seemed most intrigued by the bones the bear scarred. Something about the being chewed then healed then chew again. !?!? Wonder what he smoking.

    So we honourably go back through the same door after the “beholder”. A straight up assault. Jarel charges forth and disappears. I think about the river and strip off my leather armour and weapons and dive in behind Jarel and Brent. I had hoped it did not alternate between the river and some level of hell. Lucky it was the river and without armour I can swim. Importunely for Jarel with armour really can’t. Brent got free with out aid but as much as I tried to help Jarel a rope was a better ideia from the guys who have left the ruins and ran here quickly by more mundane means.

    We left a silk rope set up if we get flushed out this way again. You know I always thought that a magic water closet would have a “whoosh” sound.

    So we decided we would good through the doorway but we will mine in. Not at all subtle at all but does have a practical side on general renovations. We should have a door to this hallway. So we get throw the wall with only slightly less hassle the trying to open a door. The trap does not seem to active from this direction. And there is 2 chest full on magic and 1 with evil. Well let say we are in a non subtle frame of mind and while Sabrian and Alura cannot find any traps we decide to bust open the chest. Well a lot of gold, jewelry and a evil black stick (a wand??) and a magic non-evil ring. Hey the first non evil magic item we have found. Very Kool! I gotta look at that! So anyways there 2 very prolific mounds of mold in the far side of this room and Snape’s Cloak seem to have been taken over by it.

    So we burn one set of mold with the Blazing nimbus of Pholtus, the Rastafarian shoots a mystic flare at the other for no effect. Snape deadeyes one of his magic missle into the other source. So that done.

    Well I put the ring on while inspecting the treasure. All of a sudden Jarel screams “NO!” the others mimic him. I think we are getting ready to run senselessly again. But we hear something behind us. Snape’s cloak is crawling toward us. I hold up my three finger salute. The cloak speaks to me. “What do you need master?”

    Amazing!! I can command Mold. I am Captain of Mold, the Mold commander, the supreme cheese, The rash of order. Nope, none of those sound quite right Maybe something a little more intimidating

    “The Death MOLD” , Nope to WWF.

    “Mold de Morte” hmmn, not quite. How about

    “Lord Moldemonte” hmnn that almost rolls off the tongue

    So anyways I tell the mold to go to sleep. It does and we leave.

    We pack everything back into the last remaining chest. Not our best idea. But we do have a lot of bad ideas to choose from. The chest break opens half across the floating bridge. There are some very rich fish down there. But we are still quite rich too.
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