The Game Thus Far


The Trial

Experience: Experience is for The Trial (of course!). Falstag, Lance and Preece were in on this week's experience because they were charged as well.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 40)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 48xp (plus 20xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Elestar - 4xp, Jarel - 80xp, Leon - 108xp, Pandora 48xp (plus 20xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Sabrina 8xp (plus 25xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Snape 0xp (not present), Peastix 10xp (for the Roleplay Question of the Week).

Session 41's role-play vote points will be added to Session 42's XP. Because fo the unique nature of this Episode, there were 20 points to distribute from each player (40 from the DM). The results were as follows: Brent - 136xp (plus 40xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Elestar - 24xp, Jarel - 110xp, Leon - 80xp, Pandora 92xp, Sabrina 175xp, Snape 28xp, Preece 13xp.

Brent - 388 xp; was at 9613 xp; - puts him at 10001 xp; Congrats on making 5th level!
Elestar - 324 xp; was at 8621 xp; - puts him at 8945 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Jarel - 400 xp; was at 11881 xp; - puts him at 12281 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Lance - 1956 xp; was at 1044 xp; - puts him at 3000 xp; Congrats on making 3rd level!
Leon - 428 xp; was at 8027 xp; - puts him at 8455 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Pandora - 388 xp; was at 6884 xp; - puts her at 7272 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Preece - 320 xp; was at 814 xp; - puts him at 1134 xp; Congrats on making 2nd level!
Sabrina - 353 xp; was at 10137 xp; - puts her at 10490 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Snape - 320 xp; was at 9156 xp; - puts him at 9476 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Falstag - 1575 xp; was at 1425 xp; - puts him at 3000 xp; Congrats on making 3rd level!
Peastix - 10 xp; was at 2432 xp; - puts him at 2442 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

6th of Harvester
Party gets ready for the Trial. They leave all magic with their items in the foyer of the church. The guards present put them in a large box.

Trial commences. The charges are read again and pleas are taken.

On Preece's defense, he is a bit off topic:
"(in a slightly drunken and offiicial mocking tone... not totally unlike how Preece talks when trying to sound official... just a bit more bitter)
Ladies and Gentlemen... interested bystanders .... money lenders .... common thieves and whores.... and most reverend priests of the one.... true... light:
Blessed be Pholtus ... may he continue to bathe you all in the light of truth.... as he bathes and comforts me. He speaks to me .... tells me I have served him well.... yet he strips me of my dignity... the power that I used to serve him selflessly... and faitfully...
Pholtus' will.... to strip me of my mantle... is not meant to test me... no. Not a test.... he mocks me. He punishes me....but does not abandon. That is the love of a true father.... a father who favours one son over another (looking to Jarel) .... a father who forgives the blatant wrong done by one son only to punish the other with no regard or regret. Thank you father... I love you.... as I love my brother
Thank you for this opportunity to speak.... I accept Pholtus will.... for he is the one... true... (mumbles something imperceptible and stumbles off)

Two Zone of Truth spells are cast throughout the Trial.

Sentencing comes down:
Jarel, 1 week in a New Dawn Camp and 2 months in a New Dawn Camp ammended to two months serving the church of St. Jostema.
Pandora, 2 months in a New Dawn Camp ammended to two months serving the church of St. Jostema.
Falstag honorable discharged and inducted into the Arcanists Guild without right of refusal.
The First March of St. Jostema - all charges dropped and now instated as a Special Unit under the direct command of Father Quenton Sobir.
Lady Titania, sentenced to two months in a New Dawn Camp.
Lee Cohen found guilty of "Conspiracy Against the Theocracy" and sentenced to death! Sentence is to be carried out the follwing morning at Dawn.

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The Trial

Experience: Experience is for the fire and the disappearance of Cohen. Also the midnight "meeting" with "F".

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 41)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 136xp (plus 40xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Elestar - 24xp, Jarel - 110xp (plus 50xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Leon - 80xp, Pandora 92xp, Sabrina 175xp (plus 50xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week), Snape 28xp, Preece 13xp, Peastix (20xp for the Roleplay Question of the Week).

Session 42's role-play vote points will be added to Session 43's XP. The results were as follows: Brent - 80xp, Elestar - 12xp, Jarel - 0xp (Character out of play), Leon - 24xp, Pandora 0xp (Not Present), Sabrina 80, Snape 76xp.

Brent - 381 xp; was at 10001 xp; - puts him at 10382 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Elestar - 229 xp; was at 8945 xp; - puts him at 9174 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Jarel - 160 xp; was at 12281 xp; - puts him at 12441 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Lance - 0 xp; was at 3000 xp; - puts him at 3000 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Leon - 285 xp; was at 8455 xp; - puts him at 8740 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Pandora - 92 xp; was at 7272 xp; - puts her at 7364 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Preece - 13 xp; was at 1134 xp; - puts him at 1147 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Sabrina - 430 xp; was at 10490 xp; - puts her at 10920 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Snape - 233 xp; was at 9476 xp; - puts him at 9709 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Peastix - 45 xp; was at 2442 xp; - puts him at 2487 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

6th of Harvester (continued...)

The Trial breaks up and everyone files into the main part fo the temple. Several people are in shock.

Snape rushes off to deliver Father Sobir's note to the dwarves about building a scaffolding by morning for the execution of Cohen.

Leon stops for a momentin the crowd, deep in thought. He suddenly snaps his fingers and begins to look for (and finds) Mother Lewvanos. He excuses himself from the rest of the group and approaches her.
"Reverend Mother?" Leon asks Mother Lewvanos, seeking confirmation of his sudden understanding. "May I have a moment of your time?"
She turns and looks at Leon, clearly in shock and bewildered.
"Cohen did refuse to have you defend him and I am sorry for his sake your energies put forth. But I have a question. Would your defense had cleared him legally but left him still dishonored?"
She frowns at Leon for a moment, thinking. Then she answers, "My defence for Lee was fairly straight-forward. I had planned to speak about the sorts of things he has done for this town and for..." here she looks around those gathered outside of the courtroom for a moment, "...others in the surrounding area. Oh, Leon, I don't know why he refused to let me speak. I must go and ask him! Please excuse me!"
And she hurries off towards the East wing of the church, the opposite direction from the jails in the West wing.

Pandora wanders around the main temple area a bit, muttering, "Well, who do I find out what I'm doing from...?" Father Mulcahie comes over and guides her away from the main group to give her her first assignment.

Sabrina looks around for Father Sobir - she has some things to talk to him about.

Party has post-trial discussion.

Leon picks up his axe from Fandrula's place. There is no charge for the sharpening.

They go to the ruins to try and salvage the spellbook they found there. Leon's make whole spell does not save the book's pages from crumbling as they are turned.

Have some drinks and food with Hawkwing and Peastix.

Billon Branwitch comes in with a note for the twins. Sabrina is the only one present, so he gives it to her.

Hawkwing excuses himself at one point.

Lightning strikes Olaf's Bookbindery and sets it ablaze.

The group heads off to help put out the fire, except for Sabrina, who heads back to the church. She finds Pandora cleaning the mirrors in the main temple area.
"This is so boring, "whispers Pandora to her sister.
Not in the mood for too much talk, Sabrina hands Pandora the note and asks her what she knows about it.
Pandora reads the note over. "Great," she whispers. "We could get some cash."
"I thought we had discussed the matter and that we weren't trusting them," Sabrina says.
Pandora is about to respond to this, when Father Mulcahie says, "Hey, you, get back to your cleaning." He turns to Sabrina and says, "I'll have to ask you to leave."
Sabrina is about to respond when there is a loud CRRRAACK! heard coming from right outside. Pandora jumps, glances at Sabrina and then continues her work.

Leon and Snape look up from their bucket brigade. "That sounded 'bout right on top of the church!" exclaims Leon. "Someone shout of they see anything!"
Elestar looks over as he passes yet another bucket. "It is 'Pholtus of the Blinding Light', right? Why would he strike his own church?" He thinks for a moment. "For that matter, why would he strike this bindery? Maybe he wants it to burn.

Whole town puts out the fire.

Another lightning strike at the barracks. No fire, but 3 unconscious guards.

Cohen is gone. Escaped? Kidnapped? Killed? Taken up? All there is left is a smoking hole in the side of the wall and some heavy footprints in the mud heading out north of town, which disappear after about 300 yards of northern road.

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Leon Vespers: P.I. (Private Inquisitor)

Experience: Experience is for interactions with the townspeople and the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of Cohen from his cell.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 42)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 80xp (plus 50 for the RPQ of the Week), Elestar - 12xp, Jarel - 0xp (Character out of play), Leon - 24xp, Pandora 0xp (Not Present), Sabrina 80 (plus 25 for the RPQ of the Week), Snape 76xp, Peastix 30xp (for the RPQ of the Week).

Session 43's role-play vote points will be added to Session 44's XP. The results were as follows: Brent - 56xp (plus 25 for the RPQ of the Week), Elestar - 8xp, Jarel - 0xp (Character out of play), Leon - 68xp, Pandora 0xp (Not Present), Sabrina 0xp (Not Present), Lance 2xp, Snape 60xp, Alora 15xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Preece 10xp (for the RPQ of the Week).

Brent - 340 xp; was at 10382 xp; - puts him at 10722 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Alora - 0 xp; was at 3780 xp; - puts her at 3780 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Elestar - 222 xp; was at 9174 xp; - puts him at 9396 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Jarel - 0 xp; was at 12441 xp; - puts him at 12441 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Lance - 210 xp; was at 3000 xp; - puts him at 3210 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Leon - 234 xp; was at 8740 xp; - puts him at 8974 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Pandora - 0 xp; was at 7364 xp; - puts her at 7364 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Preece - 0 xp; was at 1147 xp; - puts him at 1147 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Sabrina - 105 xp; was at 10920 xp; - puts her at 11025 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Snape - 286 xp; was at 9709 xp; - puts him at 9995 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Peastix - 30 xp; was at 2487 xp; - puts him at 2517 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

6th of Harvester (continued...) Party heads to bed after the debate in the rain.

7th of Harvester
Leon, Brent, Elestar and Lance look for adventuring gear and clear up some other details.
Pandora is assigned to go with Brother Drake, who is accompanying Jarel, Lady Titiania, Sgt. Steele, Mother Lewvanos, her nephew, her retainer, and Constable McGrapht. Sabrina asks if she can tag along - she still has questions for her sister. Another horse is acquired and off they go.
Leon is finding many people int he village do not particularly want Cohen to be found. There is a rumor that Pholtus himself freed Cohen and took him to the Heavens to dwell.

Snape inscribes his glitterdust spell into his spellbook.

7th of Harvester After some investigation in the morning, and a visit to Doc Loknok's place, Brent, Lance, Elestar and Snape get ready to head to Ogburg to do more investigation into Cohen's current whereabouts. They also plan to sell some armor.

Jarel arrives at the New Dawn Camp and a spell is cast to renew his damaged physique.

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On the Road to Ogburg

Experience: Experience is for the encounter with the Displacer Beast and the enquiries made in Clearbrook.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 43)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 56xp (plus 25 for the RPQ of the Week), Elestar - 8xp, Jarel - 0xp (Character out of play), Leon - 68xp, Pandora 0xp (Not Present), Sabrina 0xp (Not Present), Lance 2xp, Snape 60xp, Alora 15xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Preece 10xp (for the RPQ of the Week).

Session 44's role-play vote points will be added to Session 45's XP. The results were as follows: Brent - 25xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Elestar - 24xp, Jarel - 25xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Leon - 56xp, Pandora 0xp (Not Present), Sabrina 0xp (Not Present), Lance 5xp, Snape 40xp (plus 8xp for the RPQ of the Week), Danis - 7xp, Alora 0xp, Preece 10xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Peastix 16xp.

Brent - 199 xp; was at 10722 xp; - puts him at 10921 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Alora - 15 xp; was at 3780 xp; - puts her at 3795 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level

Danis - 276 xp; was at 770 xp; - puts her at 1046 xp Congrats on making 2nd level!

Elestar - 284 xp; was at 9396 xp; - puts him at 9680 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Jarel - 0 xp; was at 12441 xp; - puts him at 12441 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Lance - 278 xp; was at 3210 xp; - puts him at 3488 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Leon - 344 xp; was at 8974 xp; - puts him at 9318 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Pandora - 0 xp; was at 7364 xp; - puts her at 7364 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Preece - 128 xp; was at 1147 xp; - puts him at 1275 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Sabrina - 0 xp; was at 11025 xp; - puts her at 11025 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level

Snape - 336 xp; was at 9995 xp; - puts him at 10331 xp; Congrats on making 5th level!

Peastix - 276 xp; was at 2517 xp; - puts him at 2793 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

8th of Harvester Party is delayed leaving St. Jostema. The promised wagon gets unpromised.

Danis and Grizz from the 2nd March of St. Jostema have been assigned to accompany the group to Ogburg.

Preece and Lance come along with Leon, Brent, Snape and Elestar.

Party hits the road, and is ambused by a large predatory cat with huge squid-like arms coming out of its back.

Snape skins the cat. Fur could be valuable.

Group forced to spend the night in Clearbrook. Ask around about Cohen.

9th of Harvester A quick chat with the seamstress who met Cohen awhile back, and then the party is off to Ogburg. As we end this episode, they are riding up to the huge, 30 foot gates of the city.

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The Merchants of Ogburg

Experience: Experience is for the merchant encounters and role-playing of trying to unload your stuff.

Roleplay Experience from the previous Session (Session 44)'s votes were allotted as follows: Brent - 25xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Elestar - 24xp, Jarel - 25xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Leon - 56xp, Pandora 0xp (Not Present), Sabrina 0xp (Not Present), Lance 5xp, Snape 40xp (plus 8xp for the RPQ of the Week), Danis - 7xp, Alora 0xp, Preece 10xp (for the RPQ of the Week), Peastix 16xp.

Session 45's role-play vote points will be added to Session 46's XP. The results were as follows: Brent - 95xp, Elestar - 0xp, Jarel - 0xp (out of play), Leon - 28xp (plus some Roleplay Question catchup - RPQ#8: 100xp, RPQ#9: 40xp, RPQ#10: 40xp, RPQ#11: 20xp, RPQ#12: 20xp, RPQ#13: 25xp), Pandora 80xp (plus some Roleplay Questions - RPQ#13: 8xp, RPQ#14: 8xp), Sabrina 60xp, Lance 0xp, Snape 60xp.

Brent - 247 xp; was at 10921 xp; - puts him at 11168 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Danis - 40 xp; was at 1046 xp; - puts her at 1086 xp; needs 1,000 xp for 2nd level
Elestar - 107 xp; was at 9680 xp; - puts him at 9787 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Jarel - 25 xp; was at 12441 xp; - puts him at 12466 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Lance - 88 xp; was at 3488 xp; - puts him at 3576 xp; needs 6,000 xp for 4th level
Leon - 278 xp; was at 9318 xp; - puts him at 9596 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Pandora - 222 xp; was at 7364 xp; - puts her at 7586 xp; needs 10,000 xp for 5th level
Preece - 99 xp; was at 1275 xp; - puts him at 1374 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level
Sabrina - 222 xp; was at 11025 xp; - puts her at 11247 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 6th level
Snape - 270 xp; was at 10331 xp; - puts him at 10601 xp; needs 15,000 xp for 7th level
Peastix - 16 xp; was at 2793 xp; - puts him at 2809 xp; needs 3,000 xp for 3rd level

9th of Harvester (cont...)
Party arrives at the gates of St. Jostema. They meet up with Pandora and Sabrina, who are heading into town themselves.


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