For thouands of years society has been shaped by religious beliefs. Most people in our society of Canada can see the obvious way in which the community or nation that we live our daily lives has been formed by a belief in a man that lived 2000 years ago.

Like every generation before us we believe that we live in uniquely tumultous and trying times. Ours presently feels the need to rebel and free themselves of life's "shackles". We fret and we rebel, but all that happens is that we trade one set of chains for another. Marriages are wrenched asunder, children go hungry, people become addicted to alcohol, drugs, and gambling. Living in those conditions can hardly be called freedom.

Perhaps you will contemplate what has been a working model to break the chains of slavery, before trying to reinvent a new one. You will find that the Lord's teachings do not shackle or bind in the slightest, but rather bring a clarity and purpose to the individual rebellious spirit that dwells in all of us.

I pray that you will be granted the peace of mind and contentment we all need and seek. AMEN

  • Pastor Larry Spencer on the difference between being religious and a Christian

  • A lesson I learned from a sermon by Doug Gibson.

  • The Direct Lineage of Jesus with Old Testament References and Stongs numbers (in the future), this was a task that seemed simple enough, but is much more difficult than I had imagined.

    Biblical Creation Society Got some questions?/ Look here.

    Links to search the word of God as written in his book.

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