What's Changed?
page generated: December 31, 1999
- Changes to the links page will not be included here. Check the page if you wish to see if there are any changes.
- Minor changes to pages for spelling corrections, unit corrections etc.. will not be listed also. For such small
changes it takes just about as long to modify this page as it does to make the changes to the other pages.
- December 27, 1999 Happy New Year everyone!
- New entries for Egypt for 6 Day War, War of Attrition and Yom Kippur War. Information from Phoenix Over the Nile: a History of Egyptian Air Power 1932-1994, Lon O. Nordeen & David Nicolle, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996.
- New names for U.S.S.R. for World War Two. Information from "Uravnenye s odnim neizvestnym ili Snova o vozdushnych pobedach asov II Mirovoi voiny", Yuriy Rybin, AviaMaster 5/99 , Moscow via Ondrej Repka.
- December 13, 1999
- New entries (Collvill-Jones, Beck) for Great Britain in World War One.
- New entries for (Erichsen, Dieter; Gross, Artur; Greiner, Willi; Müller, Wilhelm; Sculze, Horst), plus numerous corrections to pilot status for Germany in World War Two. Information from various sources via Jim Perry.
- December 6, 1999
- New entry for Syria for the Yom Kippur War. Information from various sources via Mikhail Zhirokhov.
- New entry for the 1982 War in Lebanon for Syria in the Major Conflicts Post World War Two. Information from various sources via Mikhail Zhirokhov.
- November 23, 1999
- New entry for Egypt for the Israeli Independence War 1948. Information from the book Phoenix Over the Nile: a History of Egyptian Air Power 1932-1994, Lon O. Nordeen & David Nicolle, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996 via Walter Noiseux.
- New entry for El Salvadore for the Honduras/El Salvadore War 1969. Information from the upcoming article "La Guerra de las 100 Horas", Cpt. De Av.P.A. Douglas A. Cornejo Escobar via Santiago Flores.
- November 17, 1999
My amends to my Hispanic visitors. I have changed the names to reflect the proper Spanish usage. Pages affected are:
- Spain for the Spanish Civil War
- Spain in World War Two
- Cuba for the Bay of Pigs, 1961
- November 16, 1999
- Changes have been completed from the book Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994.
Changes affect the World War Two section for:
- Note: The Austrian entry does not contain any names of Austrians who fought with the Germans in World War Two. I would appreciate any help that will identify those pilots flying with the Luftwaffe that were Austrain nationals.
November 9, 1999
November 2, 1999
- New name(Bartulovic) and corrections (Stipcic, Kauzlaric) for Croatia in World War Two. Information from "Sous le signe des Ustachis", Tomas Polak, Aero Journal No.9, Octobre-Novembre 1999, Fleurance, France via Ondrej Repka.
- Still working on updates to Great Britain in the World War Two section.
October 18, 1999
- New entry for Serbia in World War One section. Information from "The Nieuport Detachment - The First Serbian Fighter Unit", Aleksandr Kolo, Flight No.1 1998, Yugoslav Air Museum, Belgrade Yugoslavia via Santiago Flores.
- New names for Israel during Yom Kippur War. Information from "Suez Combat", Shlomo Aloni, AirForces Monthly, No. 139 October 1999, Key Publishing Ltd., Stamford UK.
October 14, 1999
- One new name (Showers) and some minor corrections to USA for the NATO Intervention in Kosovo 1999. Information via Gerhard Moroff.
October 5, 1999
- Three new names (Gavriliu, Muresan, Rădulescu) to Romania in the World War Two section. Information from Rumanian Air Force: The Prime Decade, 1938-1947, Dénes Bernád, Squadron/Signal Press, Carrollton, Texas 1999
September 28, 1999
- One new name (Dieterle) to Germany in the World War Two section.
- Have finally started to make updates to Great Britain in the World War Two section. This will be my primary focus for updates
over the next couple of months, so please check often to see what has changed. This update removes about a dozen names that are no longer considered aces.
Information will be from Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994.
September 21, 1999
- Updates to Great Britain, New Zealand, Poland and France in the World War Two section. Information from Aces High, volume 2, Christopher Shores, Grub Street, London 1999
- Updates for Belgium for World War One. Information from Above Flanders' Fields: A Complete History of the Belgian Air Force in World War I, Walter M. Pieters, Seven Hills Book Distributors, 1998 and researcher Martin Soilleux Cardwell via Gert Pretorius.
September 16, 1999
- Updates to claims for Bulgaria for the World War Two section.
- New conflict, War of Attrition, containing USSR in the Major Conflicts Post World War Two section.
- Updates for USA for the Spanish Civil War. Information from "American Pilots in the Spanish Civil War", Allen Herr, Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Fall 1977 via Frank Olynyk.
September 12, 1999
- Twelve new names for Italy for the World War Two section. Information from Aero Fan, No. 69, April-June 1999, Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milan, Italy via Vincent Biondi
September 2, 1999
- New nation for Swaziland for the World War One section.
August 31, 1999
- Corrections to names plus a new name (Masters) for USA for the Persian Gulf War 1990. Information from United States Credits for Destruction of Enemy Aircraft in Air-to-Air Combat Post World War Two, Frank J. Olynyk, Frank J. Olynyk January 1999.
August 29, 1999
- New name for USA for the Yugoslav Civil War . Information from United States Credits for Destruction of Enemy Aircraft in Air-to-Air Combat Post World War Two, Frank J. Olynyk, Frank J. Olynyk January 1999.
- Minor corrections to Gulf of Sidra Incident 1981 and Gulf of Sidra Incident 1989 from United States Credits for Destruction of Enemy Aircraft in Air-to-Air Combat Post World War Two, Frank J. Olynyk, Frank J. Olynyk January 1999.
August 19, 1999
- New name (Rodriguez) for USA in the NATO Intervention in Kosovo . Information from "Operacion Fuerza Aerea Alida, 40 Dias De Guerra", Salvador Mafe Huerta, Fuerza Aerea Ano.II Vol.1 No.4 Mayo-Junio 1999, Neagari Press, Valencia, Spain via Santiago Flores.
- Some changes to Claims with No Names
August 18, 1999
- New name (Soldatenko)for USSR in the Spanish Civil War. Information from Stalin's Falcons:The Aces of the Red Star, Tomas Polak & Christopher Shores, Grub Street, London 1998.
August 6, 1999
- New nation for Switzerland in the World War Two section. Information from Christoper Kugler via Santiago Flores.
- New conflict for NATO Intervention in Kosovo for USA in the Major Conflicts Post World War Two section.
- Moved People's Republic of China claims post World War Two to the Cold War info in the Miscellaneous section.
August 4, 1999
- New nation for Philippines in the World War Two section. Information from "The 6th Pursuit Squadron (PAAC) War Diary", Santiago Flores, Small Air Forces Observer, Vol. 21 No.1 (81), Apil 1997 via Santiago Flores.
- New names for USSR in the World War Two Section. Information from the book Porshneviye istrebiteli Yak perioda 1941-1945gg v polkach VVS. Katalog vypusk 2-j, A.V. Stankov, Ukraina i Mir, Kiev, Ukraine 1999 via Ondrej Repka.
- Removed the conflict NATO Intervention in Kosovo for Holland in the Major Conflicts Post World War Two section, initially created on June 23, 1999. New information has indicated that the entry was the name of the Dutch Squadron Commander and not
that of the actual pilot making the air-to-ar victory claim. Entry is now moved back to Claims with No Names page.
August 1, 1999
- New names and updates for Bulgaria in the World War Two Section. Information from Pobyeditye na Bulgarskitye Iztryabityali v Zashchita na Bulgariya - 1943-1944 g., Godini Bulgarska voyenna aviatsiya, 18 October 1997 via Santiago Flores.
July 28, 1999
- New nation for Holland in the World War Two section. Information from various sources via Santiago Flores.
- New names for Croatia in the World War Two. Information via Ivan Bajlo.
July 27, 1999
- New names for Hungary for the Hungarian-Slovak Conflict. Information via Santiago Flores.
July 26, 1999
- New nation Denmark for the Winter War. Information from Suomen Ilmailuhistoriallinen Lehti, Eino Ritaranta, number 1, January/February 1996, Helsinki, Finland via Jari Lappalainen.
- New names (Bleyer, Eichoff, Gehrke, Köpf, Müller-Haagen, Munsche, Nitz, Schenkelberg, Schleef, Schröder, Walterscheid, Zilling) for Germany for the World War Two. Information from La Luftwaffe face au débarquement allié 6 juin au 31 aoűt 1944, Jean-Bernard Frappé, Editions Heindahl, Bayeux, France 1999 via Jim Perry.
July 21, 1999
- New nation Greece in the World War Two section. Information mostly from Air War for Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete 1940-1941, Christopher Shores, Brian Cull & Nicola Malizia, Grub Street, London 1993 via Santiago Flores.
July 19, 1999
- New nation Thailand in the Word War Two section. Information from "France's Forgotten Air War", Edward Young, AIR Enthusiast #25, August-Nov 1984 via Santiago Flores.
- Removed some duplicate entries from Spain in the Word War Two section.
July 14, 1999
- One new name each for Poland (Gnys) in the Word War Two section and for USA (Bell) in the Spanish Civil War.
June 30, 1999
- New conflict for Cold War claims forPeople's Republic of China in the Major Conflicts Post Word War Two section. Information from the book
History of China's Aviation, Jun Yao et. al., Beijing, China 1998
June 29, 1999
- New entry for Hungary in the Between the Wars section. Information from Suomen Siivet, No. 2, Mauno A. Salo (ed), Helsinki: Ilmailuhistorian harrastajat r.y., 1973
via Jari Lappalainen.
- New conflict for Indonesian Rebellion 1958 for Indonesia in the Minor Conflicts Post Word War Two section. Information from 'Air War in Paradise: The CIA and Indonesia 1958', Leif Hellström, AIR Enthusiast, July/August 1999 No.82
June 28, 1999
- New entries (Fahlbusch, Fleischmann, Fresia, Sommer and Jaekel) for Germany in the World War Two section.
June 23, 1999
- New conflict for NATO Intervention in Kosovo for Holland in the Major Conflicts Post World War Two section.
- Additional entries for Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Minor Conflicts Post Word War Two section.
- New entries for Spain in Spanish Civil War and World War Two. Information from variuos sources via Santiago Flores.
June 21, 1999
- New entry (Friedrich May) for Germany in the World War Two section.
June 17, 1999
June 14, 1999
June 10, 1999
June 9, 1999
- Two new names (Furst, Hanus) for Czechoslovakia . From the book Esa na obloze, Jiri Rajlich, Nase Vojsko, Prague 1995.
- New conflict in the Minor Conflicts Post World War Two section for Republic of China (Taiwan).
June 8, 1999
- Changes for the Gran Chaco War for Bolivia and a new entry for Paraguay. From various sources via Santiago Flores.
June 7, 1999
- New entry Azerbaijan for a new conflict, Azerbaijan-Armenian War 1992, in the Minor Conflicts Post World War Two section. Info from magazines Small Air Forces Observer #69 March/1994 and Hrvatski Vojnik #35 May/1995 via Damir Zorcec.
- One new name, Galea, to Romania in World War Two. Info via researcher Dénes Bernád.
- New names and changes to Spain for World War Two and the Spanish Civil War.
Information from the book Stalin's Falcons:The Aces of the Red Star, Tomas Polak & Christopher Shores, Grub Street, London 1998.
June 3, 1999
- One new name (Haberland) for Germany in World War Two. From the book Obrana powierzna III Rzesy cz.3, Marek J. Murawski, AJ-Press, Gdansk, Poland 1999 via Ondrej Repka.
- Changes to France in World War Two. Information from the book Stalin's Falcons:The Aces of the Red Star, Tomas Polak & Christopher Shores, Grub Street, London 1998.
June 1, 1999
- New information from Stalin's Falcons:The Aces of the Red Star, Tomas Polak & Christopher Shores, Grub Street, London 1998
for the following pages:
May 28, 1999
- Two new conflicts entered, one for Brazil for the Brazilian Constitutionalist Revolt 1932, and one for Nicaragua for the Costa Rica-Nicaragua Conflict 1955. Sources and information via Santiago Flores.
- A few additions to the Claims with Nonames section.
May 14, 1999
- Two new conflicts entered, one for Mexico for the Escobar Rebellion, and one for Ecuador for the Alto Cenepa Conflict between Ecuador and Peru . Sources via Santiago Flores.
May 5, 1999
May 4, 1999
- New name entered into the Australia for the Korean War. Info from the book Lions over Korea: 77 Squadron RAAF 1950-1953, David Wilson, Banner Books
via Santiago Flores.
May 3, 1999
April 26, 1999
April 22, 1999
- From the book Sovetskiye Asy by Nikolai Bodrykhin, new names and spelling changes for USSR aces in
April 16, 1999
- From the book Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994, some new, deleted and updated names for U.S.A. in World War Two section.
April 14, 1999
- Changes to pages in World War two section from the book Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994, as follows.
April 12, 1999
- New and updated names for Cuba during the Bay of Pigs. Info from magazine article in
Mir Aviacii 1/1994 via Ondrej Repka.
April 7, 1999
March 30, 1999
- Updated entires for Australia in the World War Two section.
Info from Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994
March 25, 1999
- Additional two entries for South Africa in the World War Two section.
New pilot: Dexter. Info from Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994
March 24, 1999
- Additional two entries for Rhodesia in the World War Two section.
New pilots: Maguire and St. Quintin. Info from Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994
March 10, 1999
- Additional two entries for Germany in the World War Two section.
New pilots: Grossfuss and Hanneck.
March 2, 1999
- New entries for Italy in the World War Two section, with information found in Stormi d'Italia: Storia dell'Aviazione Militare Italiana, Giulio Lazzati, Mursia, Milan 1975.
Thanks to Vicent Biondi for passing this information to me.
March 1, 1999
- Update existing entries for South Africa, added new entries for Rhodesia, Ceylon and British West Indies in the World War Two section, with information found in Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994.
A second update will be done later for any new entries, if any are found. Changes of note: E.D. Crew and A.C. Rabagliati moved to Great Britain, C.R. Davis moved to USA and C.B. Hull was moved to Rhodesia in the World War Two section as a result of the updates.
February 23, 1999
- Additional entries for India and Pakistan for the 1971 India Pakistan War.
Information provided by P V S Jagan Mohan and from the book Mikoyan MiG-21, Bill Gunston, Osprey Publishing Limited, London 1986 - via Gert Pretorius.
- Update existing entries for New Zealand in the World War Two section, with information found in Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994.
A second update will be done later for any new entries, if any are found. One entry, Alan Smith, was moved to the Great Britain in the World War Two section as a result of the updates.
February 8, 1999
- Removed some entries, mostly duplicates, from Germany in World War Two section.
Removed were: Bloemertz, Bruekel, Claude, Maak and Bahnsen.
February 4, 1999
- Added new conflict, Hungarian-Slovak Conflict in the Between the World Wars section, with one entry for Slovakia.
Information from 'Tatra Eagles: The Slovak Air Force in Combat 1942-1945', Jiri Rajlich & Jiri Sehnal, AIR Enthusiast, Winter 1994 No.56
- Corrections to names, airforces and comments for Slovakia in World War Two section.
January 28, 1999
- Added 36 names to Germany in World War Two section. Information mostly from
Jagdgeschwader 301/302 'Wilde Sau' by Willi Reschke, with some info from Messerschmitt Bf 109 im Einsatz bei der II./JG 27 by Jochen Prien, Peter Rodeike & Gerhard Stemmer
, I. Gruppe Nachtjagdgeschwader 2 - Juli 1940 bis Kriegsende 1945/Fernenachtjagd 1940-1942 by Rökker and
The Last Flight of the Luftwaffe: The Fate of Schulungslehrgang Elbe, 7 April 1945 by Adrian Weir.
Information via Jim Perry.
January 21, 1999
- Modifications from Aces High, Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, 1994 edition are slowly being incorporated into the
web pages over the next few months.
- Removed India from World War Two section. The entry for Kingcome is now located in Great Britain.
Modifications to Ireland and Denmark in World War Two section.
January 20, 1999
- Added Belgium to the Spanish Civil War in the Between the World Wars section. It was missed in the original
creation of the Air Aces pages.
January 19, 1999
- Removed Holland from World War Two section. The 1994 edition of Aces High by hristopher Shores
has dropped J. van Arkel,as he was apparently an erroneous entry in the 1966 edition of Aces High.
- Major additons to Pakistan in 1965 India Pakistan War section. Information from Battle for
Pakistan by John Fricker.
January 11, 1999
- Major additons to India in 1965 India Pakistan War section. Many thanks to P V S Jagan Mohan in India
for the information.
January 10, 1999
- Major corrections to France and Czechoslovakia in World War Two section.
Information from Na nebi sladke Francie, Part 2, Jiri Rajlich, ARES, Prague, Czech Republic 1998 via Ondrej Repka and
Aces High,Christopher F. Shores & Clive Williams, Grub Street, London 1994.
January 4, 1999
- Added 2 new names to Italy in World War Two section. Names are Larismont Pergameni & Novelli. Deleted duplicate for Solaroli di Briona
January 3, 1999
- Added 2 new aces to Germany in World War Two section. Names are Günther Rey & Robert Müller.
- Added 4 new aces to Austria-Hungary in World War One section from the book Albatros DII & DIII Oeffag, P.A.Tesar, JaPo Publications, Czech Republic 1998. Names are Siegel, von Froreich, Magerl & Oberst.
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